Jolted by the crash close by, Nova's first reaction is to see that Jendu is OK.
Seeing that he is, and now riding a wave of keyed up adrenaline and mild
paranoia, she suspiciously eyes the area from whence the light fixture fell,
as well as the other inmates and guards around them. PERCEPTION [4d6] = 12
paranoia, she suspiciously eyes the area from whence the light fixture fell,
as well as the other inmates and guards around them. PERCEPTION [4d6] = 12
Nova then pays particular attention to the standoffish newcomer... and to her own new cellmate.
What is Caisy's reaction to her would-be-beau being in harm's way? PERCEPTION [4d6] = 18
What is Caisy's reaction to her would-be-beau being in harm's way? PERCEPTION [4d6] = 18