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OoC thread
R.I.C.E., dude. And get well soon.
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Sure thing. I'll be around as long as I can read these 24" displays of mine. Afterwards, I'll just get a bigger one.
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Well it turns out that I did fracture my foot.  I somehow cracked the outside bone of my left foot, about half way down just above where the little bone stick out a bit.  I finally got some help with moving my laptop into the bedroom so I hope to start posting tomorrow.  

I'm going to be posting more xp's soon.  I just want to see where this event goes that's happening at the Smithy.
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Ow, as we said before. Rest, keep it immobile and elevated.

Gonna be a busy week here, but I will try and watch for posts. My girlfriend's daughter is about to pop any day with grandchild #3, so the older two grandchildren will be here most of the week, getting time to post while watching a 3 year old and a 2 year old is kinda hard. My only chance tonpost will be while working, when my students are busy on assignments.
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The Talus? You fractured your talus bone? That really does suck man. Sorry to hear. Hope you feel better.
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The party healer speaks up! Hear hear!
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(10-10-2017, 02:53 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: The Talus?  You fractured your talus bone?  That really does suck man.  Sorry to hear.  Hope you feel better.

Actually that would be the right side of the left foot.  My break happened on the left side of the left foot.   So that would be the Metatarsal bone close to the Cuboid bone, wouldnt it?  And it doesn't seem to be healing very well.

Again I'm sorry for not posting.  I've been going through some personal stuff.  I do enjoy this game and the players and I will get my shit together soon.  I should be able to post again hopefully Tuesday morning or early afternoon.  I thank everyone for your patience.
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No worries, I have been very busy with the dance, the engagement, and the new grandson all in a two week period.  The dance is done now until next Halloween, so off my plate until April when I start the hall and dj booking again.
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Sorry. I was here but just in RO way cos I had got a some very busy weeks in the office. (I got back three weeks ago from my holiday and there was a lot of thing which I must handle in my RL.)
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(10-31-2017, 04:48 AM)Betimi Wrote: No worries, I have been very busy with the dance, the engagement, and the new grandson all in a two week period.  The dance is done now until next Halloween, so off my plate until April when I start the hall and dj booking again.

Engagement?  Huh
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