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Entry Cavern
The skulks weren't very forthcoming. They weren't offering anything up until the gremlins were chased off.
[OoC:  Sorry I still have a broken foot and I've been going through some personal stuff.  Trying to get refocused.  ]

[OoC2: I assume the hinges to the door are on the other side of the door.  ]

"If there aren't any traps we could always try to force our way in.  We could all try to aid Ursk.  This door seems pretty sturdy so it likely won't work but it wouldn't hurt to try." 

[OoC3:  Ursk could take his time and Take 20.]

[Ability Checks and Caster Level Checks:]
The normal take 10 and take 20 rules apply for ability checks. Neither rule applies to concentration checks or caster level checks.

Aid Another
You can help someone achieve success on a skill check by making the same kind of skill check in a cooperative effort. If you roll a 10 or higher on your check, the character you’re helping gets a +2 bonus on his or her check. (You can’t take 10 on a skill check to aid another.) In many cases, a character’s help won’t be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once.
"Allow me, before we try brute force."

Reawyn will attempt to disable the doors lock/latching mechanism [Disable Device +10 if there is no trap he will Take 20 on the task] 
There is no obvious means of opening the door. It's like nothing any of the group has ever seen. Without further knowledge, this door is beyond you.
It seems this door is beyond us let's go check the other one. We have chased off gremlins for a while so it's time to have a deal with skulks again. - Eva suggests
Reawyn finally nods, hating to give up such a tempting puzzle as this door. The sense of disappointment is clear on his face as he climbs back up the ledge to the path. 

"OK, let's go see if the skulks will let us near the other door in their cavern. Expect trouble though, we chased the gremlins off, but we have no proof to show them except those two little bodies, I suggest we take them with us."
(11-01-2017, 02:55 PM)Reawyn Wrote: Reawyn finally nods, hating to give up such a tempting puzzle as this door. The sense of disappointment is clear on his face as he climbs back up the ledge to the path. 

"OK, let's go see if the skulks will let us near the other door in their cavern. Expect trouble though, we chased the gremlins off, but we have no proof to show them except those two little bodies, I suggest we take them with us."

You are right - she nods - Better than nothing. Ursk, may we ask you?
- Of course. - and starts back to the other door.
Chrome bites his lip lightly and pouts to himself as he tears himself away from the door that has no means of opening it. The others clearly know better than him in this environment, so much as he'd like to stay and study, there's not much progress he'd likely make in a reasonable time.
I wonder if there's a lever somewhere? Or maybe it locks and opens only on the other side... Is it even a door? 
Reawyn follows Ursk quickly, trying to again get ahead of him so at least someone is looking for signed of danger .

[OoC is my Crypt Breakers Draught still in effect? it lasts 10 minutes and I drank it just after we killed gremlins, if so I have an additional +4 on Perception]

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