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Entry Cavern
(Sorry. Thought I had already posted this.)

Reawyn moves through the cave without incident.

Cin sees nothing and also moves through the cave without incident.

(Who else is walking though?)
Chrome will consistently follow the others, always staying as near the back as possible given his lack of combat prowess. His odd cold injury adding to his fatigue only serving to bolster his deciding to stay near the back.
Weyna follows the others, a bit on edge, especially with things like the skulks around. But she wouldn't know a trap if she saw one, so...
(Can each of you roll 1d100 and post it? I can't get on the die roller at work.)
[Ooc Either that's really really good, or really really BAD]

The great Mystery roll [1d100] = 98
Something: 1d100 58
I already rolled for Reawyn and Cin. Chrome also moves through the cave without incident.
Cin will continue to stay around 15' behind the lead character with her gun loaded and ready to shoot.
Weyna steps on a tripwire as she walks through the cavern. Metal spikes pop out of hiding to impale her. Blood pools at her feet as she quickly loses conciousness. (-8 hp)
[OoC: Pop out from under her?  Did they pop back in or is she stuck on them? ]

Cin hears Weyna scream.  She whirls around to see the woman impaled, bloody and near death.  If it's safe, Cin will drag Weyna from the trap and immediately try to stop the bleeding.  

[OoC2: Provide First Aid;  Heal check DC15 (to stop the bleeding)=12 Sad ]

"I'm not a medic," Cin says while trying to stop the bleeding.  "Does someone have some magical healing?  An Orison, even?"

Quote:Condition: Dying

A dying creature is unconscious and near death. Creatures that have negative hit points and have not stabilized are dying. A dying creature can take no actions. On the character’s next turn, after being reduced to negative hit points (but not dead), and on all subsequent turns, the character must make a DC 10 Constitution check to become stable. The character takes a penalty on this roll equal to his negative hit point total. A character that is stable does not need to make this check. A natural 20 on this check is an automatic success. If the character fails this check, he loses 1 hit point. If a dying creature has an amount of negative hit points equal to its Constitution score, it dies.

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