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Hey Rahullu is not a barginchip you knowBig Grin

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
And im back,w aiting for the cheersBig Grin Seriously back now had a lot more wi-fi than i thought so i guess i keept up. Just waiting for nova to set up a fightring in this prison as well adding to her sentence:.p
I've had a few problems with unseen servant myself. So far as long as I use Chome on my laptop it works fine.
This is not the old man your looking forBig Grin Even so he might know a lot if hes been here while
Haha, I tried! I'll be running a pit-fighting tournament soon, what with all the extra years I plan on adding to my sentence.

"Welcome Back, Wookiee!" <— title of the new Disney-canon sitcom starring Rahullu!

EDIT: And O0o0Oh! Inmate sleeping beauty / decoy is pulling a Palpatine and hiding in plain sight!
(08-09-2017, 02:49 PM)Nova Wrote: Haha, I tried! I'll be running a pit-fighting tournament soon, what with all the extra years I plan on adding to my sentence.

"Welcome Back, Wookiee!" <— title of the new Disney-canon sitcom starring Rahullu!

EDIT: And O0o0Oh! Inmate sleeping beauty / decoy is pulling a Palpatine and hiding in plain sight!

mabye all the occ chAtter could be done in this thread instead? to keep the ic thread cleaner, just my two cents
Question are the bandits near each other as we work or are we spead out?
You are close unless you choose otherwise.
(08-11-2017, 12:01 PM)Rahullu Wrote:
mabye all the occ chAtter could be done in this thread instead? to keep the ic thread cleaner, just my two cents

Heh, I do try. I will usually quote / cut-and-paste IC thread OOC comments here to answer them, but I think just forgot to do so this last time —
especially since MiB was holding me above the Sarlaac Pit :-P

Still, I figure just a line or two of OOC questions in the IC thread that's directly relevant to the action you're performing works in context.

Glad you've worked out your internet issues though and that the Bandits are (maybe) on the verge of a breakthrough!

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