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Into the Fire
Tiktuk hears and sees one nut shot and just for good measure literally spins in a full circle before trying to catch the last on with a tray edge nut shot herself.
[2d6] = 7 swing batter batter!
[2d6] = 9 Nut shots hurt!

Mind you she is still beneath the table!
Seeing that the group has the attackers out numbered and thinking there is as much chance this is a test as a legitmate shake down the Balosar remains seated and continues eating, if it is a fight the group is capable of winning and if it is a test he will give the observers no additional information about himself. Tho he does look about to see if anyone seems to be paying particular attention to the action.

((ooc: Per 3D+2 still trying to workout how to roll dice even tho someone did explain it to me already))
(07-26-2017, 06:16 PM)Corrand Wrote: Seeing that the group has the attackers out numbered and thinking there is as much chance this is a test as a legitmate shake down the Balosar remains seated and continues eating, if it is a fight the group is capable of winning and if it is a test he will give the observers no additional information about himself. Tho he does look about to see if anyone seems to be paying particular attention to the action.

((ooc: Per 3D+2 still trying to workout how to roll dice even tho someone did explain it to me already))

[OoC is it possible that you could add your character to the character thread. Sort of odd that we would know nothing about our teammate]
Jendu, you got a cheap plastic spoon. The tables are built to resist such weaponization.

Corrand, log into your unseen servant account to make the roll then copy the link and paste it here.

Rahallu gets in a solid punch to big purple's jaw, sending him back a step.

Nova shatters the tray on the big guy with no appreciable effect.

Garlen gives the toady a facial, temporarily blinding him.

Tiktuk swings her tray but misses the moving target.

Round 2
Big Purple puts his arms up to defend himself.
Goon 1 tries to clear his face.
Goons 2 and 3 go after Garlen rather than face the wookie.
[OoC given that it is about to be three on one with Thugs 2 and 3 attacking moi, and Thug 1 likely to do the same once his eyes are clear Garlen will take a defensive stance. I have no idea how that works? STR or DEX?]
"Huh. Unexpected." Nova quickly dismisses her mild surprise that a hit below the belt did nothing to Big Purple — just as Rahullu's more effective blow lands, staggering the creature.

With that heavyweight bout best suited for the Wookiee, she turns her attention to the two-against-one odds facing Garlen.

As Goon#1 is still occupied clearing the goop out of his eyes, Nova takes advantage of the situation by shoving him into the other two goons going after Veir!

STRENGTH [3d6] = 10 (Brawling attack!)
STRENGTH [3d6] = 13 (Damage/effect!)

Nova charges shoulder-first into the Gooped-Goon, trying to knock him into the inmates attacking Veir!
(07-27-2017, 05:31 PM)Nova Wrote:
"Huh. Unexpected." Nova quickly dismisses her mild surprise that a hit below the belt did nothing to Big Purple — just as Rahullu's more effective blow lands, staggering the creature.

With that heavyweight bout best suited for the Wookiee, she turns her attention to the two-against-one odds facing Garlen.

As Goon#1 is still occupied clearing the goop out of his eyes, Nova takes advantage of the situation by shoving him into the other two goons going after Veir!

STRENGTH [3d6] = 10 (Brawling attack!)
STRENGTH [3d6] = 13 (Damage/effect!)

Nova charges shoulder-first into the Gooped-Goon, trying to knock him into the inmates attacking Veir!

Rahullu growls meancingly at the ape thing as he presses his advantage and throws himself forard at him trying to take the thing to the ground with himself on top of it.
"Eat dust"

brawl: [6d6] = 22
damage: [5d6] = 15

occ: reactionary dodge if needed
Jendu can't find anything useful under the table so he thinks for a second then looks down at himself.  ~Maybe, this will work...~  Suddenly, he strips off his shirt while jokingly saying, "No peeking," to Tiktuk.  He then then uses his shirt to try to snag one or two of the legs of their opponent's to trip him up.

[OoC:  I'm not sure what I'm supposed to roll for this.  Jendu will aim for the closest guy. ]
You know, I think it would be easiest just to grab a leg. Dex for the grab and Str to str for the trip. That will impress Tiktuk more than your glistening pecs, I think. He can't see you grabbing so as long as you can roll a 5, you're golden.
(07-29-2017, 12:34 PM)Man in Black Wrote: You know, I think it would be easiest just to grab a leg.  Dex for the grab and Str to str for the trip.  That will impress Tiktuk more than your glistening pecs, I think.  He can't see you grabbing so as long as you can roll a 5, you're golden.

[OoC: Well I only suggested the shirt cuz I thought it would be easier than using my hands.  But if it's easier to just use my hands then I will.  He could still show off his glistening pecs for the ladies though.  Tongue   And since Jendu has a Dex of 3D6+2, the minimum he can roll is a 5 but I will roll anyways... Rolled a 12. ]

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