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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Quote:[OoC1 K that makes sense, except binders get d8 hit ponts per level so i would heal 3 x 2 hp = 6 hp from rest]
[OoC1: Oops.  My bad.  So yeah, you're correct.  Betimi gains 6 hit points from rest.]

Quote:"Thank you Sir Simon.  I do not need to send a messenger into the city, except perhaps to by rations. In regards top that other matter, we shall talk more privately. It is of a delicate nature."

Simon gives Betimi a curious look and then replies, "You have peeked my interest.  When you are ready just let me know and I will make time to speak to you in private."

Quote:"I am relieved to hear this Piper. I had worried we had failed you in our promise"

"Our tribe received grave casualties but many of those who did survive are the females, younglings and hatchlings.  With the human's help that were left behind, I had time to cut them free and they escaped to safety.  Though I do wish I was home.  There will be many rutting ceremonies that the three of us will miss.  An entire generation of Kobold hatchlings will be hatched without our seed adding to the tribe's strength."
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(07-20-2017, 08:50 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
Quote:"Thank you Sir Simon.  I do not need to send a messenger into the city, except perhaps to by rations. In regards top that other matter, we shall talk more privately. It is of a delicate nature."

Simon gives Betimi a curious look and then replies, "You have peeked my interest.  When you are ready just let me know and I will make time to speak to you in private."

"Thank you, i shall."

[quote='GM Marvel' pid='25007' dateline='1500540647']
Quote:"I am relieved to hear this Piper. I had worried we had failed you in our promise"

"Our tribe received grave casualties but many of those who did survive are the females, younglings and hatchlings.  With the human's help that were left behind, I had time to cut them free and they escaped to safety.  Though I do wish I was home.  There will be many rutting ceremonies that the three of us will miss.  An entire generation of Kobold hatchlings will be hatched without our seed adding to the tribe's strength."

"That is unfortunate, I undertsand the need to generate offspring. Procreation is a compelling drive that all living species seem to share. Unless they are immortal."

She seems to drift off in thought a moment.
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(07-12-2017, 04:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: With this money, you can now do some shopping for magic items and other equipment.  Just give me a list of what you would like and I will let you know if it's available.  Most will be available but I reserve the right to veto anything to crazy.  Custom items will take time to not only create but to find someone willing to create the item.  This may seem like a high magic world but it's no Forgotten Realms.  And many spell casters in this world follow different magical traditions that may not be able to even cast the spell needed to create the item.  But in some cases items may be even cheaper to create if you find someone with a tradition that compliments what type of item you wish to create.  A wand of tongues would be a great item for a Communicatrix to create but not so much for an Elementarii who specialize in creating Elementals from any type of material.]

[OoC2: I do have some prestige classes too for some of these wizards.]

((Wonderful.  Selina's list consists of: 1) purchasing the Ring of Protection from the group stores, as she will be needing it quite badly; 2) purchasing a greatsword and full plate, and she will also likely keep her morningstar/shield combo as backup...no point in worrying about load-bearing problems now that she's going for heavy armor.  Selina must also rest, but it will bring her to full health regardless of which class she takes.  Just so happens that she will be becoming a Crusader of Selune now.  d10 HD, +1 point of BAB, and some fun class abilities.))

(07-17-2017, 07:31 AM)Betimi Wrote: Betimi nods at Gilley's suggestion.

"Sir Simon, do you mind if we setup 'camp' in that spare space you have downstairs. We need to rest, regain our strength, and then perhaps engange in some training and bartering."

""Once we have rested I also had something I wanted to discuss with you, it maylay right within your area of expertise.

Selina nods in agreement at this, her shield arm already growing heavy from the intense stress of the day.  Emotionally, physically, they had all been pulled through the proverbial wringer.  But, by the goddess, they had survived with minimal casualties.  Selina sighs in memory of Betimi's sacrifice.  If she had been fast enough, she would have volunteered her own mule, to which she was not particularly attached in any case.  Damnable man for attacking a creature of that size!

"Agreed.  It is time for us to rest off our injuries.  I do believe several of us will need extra healing that I am, currently, unable to provide.  After a night's rest, I will be fully capable of doing so."

(07-17-2017, 07:49 AM)Ningalu Baal Wrote: Eek whispers into Piper's ears, and then the two of them move in among the shelving, where they can be heard whispering back and forth in their Draconic tongue.

Finally Eek comes out, looks back at Piper, sees Piper nod encouragingly.   Eek gulps audibly, then turns to face the party.. 

He stands with his feet squarely shoulder width apart, puffs up his chest boldly, puts his hands on his hips.. then speaks in his loudest voice.  It sounds like a small dog yapping, trying to form words that are foreign to his mouth.

"Name me Ningalu... not Eek!"

"Ningalu Baal.. EEEK!!" His bravery completely fades and he ducks behind the shelves to hide as soon as everyone looks at him.

A small voice comes out from the shelving "Baal'urki. Me call Ningalu Baal'urki. Help you Powaw say."

Selina quirks a weary eyebrow, sweeping some hair from her face and giving...Eek, or Ningalu, however he desired to be referred to...a weak grin, noting his reaction to attention and feeling her heart lighten a bit.  This would certainly be interesting.

Jonath cocks an eye brow at Selina and replies, "I have no intention of staying here.  I know a little about clockwork constructs so I thought I might be able to learn and maybe even help Simon out a little with whatever he plans to do to get us back home.  I would imagine creating a portal back to our world would be difficult to say the least and Simon will need all the help he can get."  

Tomeal smiles and nods at Gilley kind words but when the ranger mentions needing rest he's reminded of his own wounds.  "Yes, but I think that some of use won't be at our best with only rest.  Does anyone have any magical healing that could help out?"

Piper holds up his hand and says, "I do have a few healing magics at my disposal.  I just need to know who requires the most aid.  I have only learnt how to cure light and moderate wounds."  He then turns to Simon to add, "I do not mean to show any disrespect to Jonath but I believe I am far more skilled at activating magical objects.  So I too will stay behind to help out with your experiments."

[OoC3:  My notes show that Jonath is off 14 hit points and Tomeal is off 7 hit points.  It doesn't look like Eek or Meek sustained any damage.]

[OoC2 Betimi is currently at 6 of 19 HP, so if resting will heal 6 hp she will be at 12/19 after rest.  7 HP off.]

When Eek finally speaks up for himself, Piper smiles.  But when Betimi expresses some concern he replies, "Ningalu and his brother has recently reached the age of personal choice.  I have no power over his decisions.  Some choose to remain with the clan while others wish to learn more about the world.  Ningalu has been inspired by the bravery shown by all of you in the battle against Unreth.  He wishes to offer his help for saving our clan from being eaten.  As for being the last of our kind, it's doubtful.  While you were exploring the lower caverns, I rescued my fellow Kobolds from the webbing in the chamber where your idiot friend died.  It won't take long for us to rebuild.  The one thing Kobold's are known for is our fecundity."

"I am relieved to hear this Piper. I had worried we had failed you in our promise"

Selina blinks at Jonath, clearly having misunderstood him.  She shakes her head and shrugs, fatigue seemed to be affecting her significantly.  She smiles broadly at the offer Powwaw (she still wanted to refer to him by his real name.  She felt he'd earned it several times over by now.  He'd proven himself to her more than once in succession, despite her initial skepticism) makes.  "I am glad some good came out of this whole awful situation your clan found itself in."

(07-20-2017, 08:50 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
Quote:"Our tribe received grave casualties but many of those who did survive are the females, younglings and hatchlings.  With the human's help that were left behind, I had time to cut them free and they escaped to safety.  Though I do wish I was home.  There will be many rutting ceremonies that the three of us will miss.  An entire generation of Kobold hatchlings will be hatched without our seed adding to the tribe's strength."

Selina blinks several times, then has to fake a sneeze to cover a ridiculous face.  That was so...graphic!  She is unable to speak as she struggles mightily to contain spasms of humorous glee.
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When bringing up the subject of keeping the mummified elven hand Nacesh reminds the group,
"Remember we are contractually obliged not to sell any of our magical items here. So let's make good use of all items we've found, as long as we can get back to our contractual dealer."

As Ningalu proclaims himself an adult ((OOC - I guess)) Nacesh crosses his hands in front of his chest, followed by a swing of the speartip towards the ground, as a kind of archaic acknowledgement of appreciation.
"Me'kratek *Nacesh* warelu ni *Ningalu-Baal'ukri*-sta regiis jullix draco."
he proclaims in Draconic, the short sentence can be interpreted by those speaking that tongue as "Arcane Spearman Nacesh lowers his head in front of Ningalu Baal'ukri who has come of age". The last part of the term "has come of age" literally means "has become a young adult dragon".
He finishes with a ceremonial nod.

OOC - Nacesh will have 14 of 16 hp after rest (will update sig afterwards as you requested)
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(07-21-2017, 07:35 PM)Nacesh Wrote: When bringing up the subject of keeping the mummified elven hand Nacesh reminds the group,
"Remember we are contractually obliged not to sell any of our magical items here. So let's make good use of all items we've found, as long as we can get back to our contractual dealer."


[OoC1 oops, were you claiming the Hand of the Mage? If so Betimi would let you have it (and I will not deduct that amount from my share]

[OoC2 if we are NOT selling the magic items i will have to revamp the post in the Treasure thread. @GM Marvel did you want to weigh in on that.. not remembering if we were contractually obligated to ONLY sell our magic to the guild or if we were only obligated to bring back 1000gp to pay for our charter]
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[OoC: well you haven't bought the charter yet so technically you're not part of the guild so therefore you can do whatever you want. But I don't believe you had to sell sell items to guild. I think you were told that one of the benefits of the guild is that you CAN sell items for more than the usual 50%. How much depends on your standing in the guild.]

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(07-22-2017, 01:44 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: well you haven't bought the charter yet so technically you're not part of the guild so therefore you can do whatever you want. But I don't believe you had to sell sell items to guild. I think you were told that one of the benefits of the guild is that you CAN sell items for more than the usual 50%. How much depends on your standing in the guild.]

[OoC phew had me worried I'd have to go back and do math again
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Gilley winces at Nacesh. "What kind of contract did you get yourself into?" Then he shrugs. "So, leave them out in the night, they will disappear by morning, and we'll have some new coppers. No breaking of contracts!"

((OOC: Just realized that I hadn't updated my signature, last time I leveled. Wasn't nearly as close to dying as I thought! Fixed now.))
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(07-22-2017, 03:00 AM)Gilley Wrote: Gilley winces at Nacesh. "What kind of contract did you get yourself into?" Then he shrugs. "So, leave them out in the night, they will disappear by morning, and we'll have some new coppers. No breaking of contracts!"

((OOC: Just realized that I hadn't updated my signature, last time I leveled. Wasn't nearly as close to dying as I thought! Fixed now.))

((Was wondering why you were still level 1 according to your sig.))
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[OoC: After you rest I believe Jonath will be 10hp's off; Tomeal will be 2hp's off; Betimi is 7hp's off; Nacesh is 2hp's off; Gilley is 3hp's off; Selina will be at full hp's; Piper will be at full hp's; Forge will be at full hp's; Eek and Meek will be at full hp's.  

Before you go to bed Piper will cast a Maximized Cure Moderate (1 minute casting) on Jonath and Betimi so they both gain 23 hp's.  Then a Maximized Cure Light (1 minute casting) on Tomeal, Nacesh, and Gilley who all gain 13 hp's.  This might cure everyone even before sleeping.]

Simon shows you all to where you can set up camp.  He will also take lists from everyone of what items they would like to purchase.  New Crobuzon is an enormous city where you can buy almost anything as long as you're willing to pay the price and have the patience to wait for it to become available.  

[OoC: Simon can offer some of his expertise in the creation of alchemycal items as well as bio-surgery for things such as minor grafts etc at a 20% reduction in price.]
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