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Definitely agreed with the conditions that MiB and Tiktuk apply as well. No need to buff Force users more than they already have the potential to be.
The 2E R&E book uses Luke firing the proton torpedoes in ANH as its example. Before the power was published, I had always chalked that up simply
to Luke spending a Force Point at the dramatically appropriate time.
It also stacks with force points so yeah Gak
I went dead in here quick, i hope everybody is okay
I was thinking the same thing! Maybe we were all waiting for one another to post, then got stuck in limbo?
I know that as Nova I was hanging back a bit, since I usually post giant walls of text. Hope everyone's OK
OOC, and that IC we're not stuck in prison for good!
Well until the gm post i kinda of lost for ideas to continue now
(07-17-2017, 08:36 PM)Rahullu Wrote: Well until the gm post i kinda of lost for ideas to continue now

Hope you're alive and well, @Man in Black  Smile !
I'm at work right now so I don't have access to the PDF but can Tiktuk and I "Sense" each other since we are both Force Sensitive.  In the movies Force users can sense each other across great distance.  If they can, would there be a possibility of them mistaking each other for the Jedi they came here to find?
Sometimes I'm like a methhead on a bender. It's worse when I'm tired, and that I have been lately. Hey, squirrel!

Yeah, Jendu and Tiktuk would have 'discovered' each other already and can tune each other out for the most part.
Are we thrown into diffrent cells? after the meal i did not quite understand i think
You all have separate cells, but nobody is being thrown anywhere. Eat your lunch.

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