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OoC thread
Yeah, sure, great... Threw out my back at work. Hoorayyyy...

Thanks for the birthday wishes though Tongue
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I should be posting some time in the morning. 

After the craziness of the last few weeks I've taken some time off work.  So as long as I don't get asked to pick up some shifts I should be posting more frequently for the next week or so.  Big Grin
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Unfortunately I received some bad news.  My sister has passed away.  This wasn't really a surprise and I had kind of made peace with the fact it was going to happen a while ago but it's still shocking when you get the news.  I'm not sure how it will effect posting.  I hope it won't but plans for the service are still up in the air.
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I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, and if you need to escape into The Company of Stalwart Adventurers we're here for you.
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(04-13-2017, 05:19 PM)Forge Wrote: I'm sorry for your loss.  Take all the time you need, and if you need to escape into The Company of Stalwart Adventurers we're here for you.

Thank you.
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I will be updating tomorrow, hopefully sometime in the morning.
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(04-28-2017, 04:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: The Experience points have been divided into three parts.  The first part is before finding Forge, the second part is the battle with Unreth and the third part is everything else you had to deal with while fighting Unreth.  It's been a while since I've given out xp and even with help from Piper, Eek and Meek, this was a tough encounter.

The First Part I'm giving 500xp's each.  This would include exploring the first half of the cave and getting yourselves over the river.  This would be for everyone except Forge.

The Second Part includes killing Unreth which added up to almost 750xp's.

Then the Third part is for dealing with falling rocks, floods, sneaking around, thinking of asking Eek and Meek to join you rather than just killing them, etc.  I'm giving you another 500xp's.

Unfortunately Jonath's play was only around until you encountered Unreth so he will only get half xp for parts 2 and 3.

So that means:

1750xp's is awarded to Betimi making her total Experience: 3530 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Selina making her total Experience:  3430 xp's!!  She is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1750xp's is awarded to Nacesh making his total Experience: 2930 xp's!! Dodgy  (I will lend you the 70xp's)  He is now 3rd LEVEL!!
1125xp's is awarded to Jonath making his total Experience: 2805 xp's!!
1750xp's is awarded to Gilley making his total Experience: 2250 xp's!!  He is now 2nd LEVEL!!
1250xp's is awarded to Forge making his total Experience: 1450 xp's!!  He's now 2nd LEVEL!!

Just tobe clear. We have the XP to advance, but are we allowed to advance yet or do we have to wait to rest/train?
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I will tell you that it's unlikely you will have any more encounters before you rest so you may as well update your character sheets.  If something does go terribly wrong, remember you still haven't rested so you will have to still use your old information.  So don't update your Signatures just yet!
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Hit Point roll [1d8] = 5
So planning my changes

+7 HP
+1 BAB
+1 ref
+1 Feat = Expel Vestige (I would hope for a different feat chain, but since being bound to just one vestige per 24 hours obviously severely limited my usefulness, I obviously need this feat for this game)

+1 Diplomacy (favored class)
+1 Intimidate
+1 Know Dungeoneering
+1 UMD
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You okayed crusader and rkv yes? I'll work on making those adjustments and decide between crusader and another level of cleric...second level spells...hmmm.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.