[OoC: That's ok. It's been a slow weekend for the entire site. But of course now that I have a little more free time and can post a little more, the posting on the site slows to a crawl.
James takes out his flashlight out of his pocket and points it all around to see their surroundings. The stinky semicircular sewer has red brick walls with things peeling off them that you hope isn't what you think. There is what appears to be gutter of dirty brown water with flat walkways on either side that are tilted slightly inward. The sewer travels East and West.

- Gedeon
- Malcolm
- James
- Katrina
- Balista
James takes out his flashlight out of his pocket and points it all around to see their surroundings. The stinky semicircular sewer has red brick walls with things peeling off them that you hope isn't what you think. There is what appears to be gutter of dirty brown water with flat walkways on either side that are tilted slightly inward. The sewer travels East and West.