03-31-2017, 11:56 PM
I would also like to point out that there is nowhere to run, EXCEPT the portal. Rocks blocked the way we came in. Unreth is blocking north. And the water is coming in from the east.
OoC thread
03-31-2017, 11:56 PM
I would also like to point out that there is nowhere to run, EXCEPT the portal. Rocks blocked the way we came in. Unreth is blocking north. And the water is coming in from the east.
04-02-2017, 02:19 AM
I've been looking at some things and would like to point out some very unfair things, at least to me. Unreth's melee touch attack is +14 and its melee attack is +10. Even if we assume that its melee damage (+5) accounts for its strength, that's still 5 points of BAB. At lowest, you've sent a group of level 2's and a couple level 1's against a level 5 monster with what looks like a mob of 10 CR 1/3s. I know that this is a custom creature, but the nearest comp I have to it is a Huge Monstrous Spider...except Unreth can cast spells too.
No one else has a problem with this? Is it any wonder we're struggling to defeat it?
When I started this game I stated that occasionally you would encounter monsters that would be very difficult to defeat but there would always be a way to escape or win. Like when the giant flying monster flew over your group and Mardak foolishly challenged the Wyvern instead of just knowing when to hide. But I rolled with his stupid decision and made it part of the story and you gained experience points.
I do not blame players for the decisions they make but like I said, I do try to roll with those decisions. If everyone would have attacked Unreth instead of splitting up to deal with the almost completely useless kobolds, he likely would have been defeated by now. But as sometimes happens, certain decisions make complete sense at the time but end up not being the best decision. Who knew the kobolds would end up not being able to hit the broad side of a barn? As a DM I'm here to help YOU tell a story. So trust me when I say that I'm not in the business of killing characters. You are very close to defeating Unreth. At the end of the day remember that Unreth is a coward and a bully. He chose to enslave kobolds because they were too weak to mount any kind of resistance. He wasn't expecting to be beaten nearly half to death! And if you do defeat him there will be a big chunk of experience points coming to everyone! Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
PS: I choose to show all my rolls on PBP strictly because I want to be fair and honest. I don't like even the appearance of cheating whether it be real or not! I think it undermines the trust players have for the DM and ruins the fun of the game. I'm not perfect and when I have made mistakes I have always happily went back and fixed them no matter if I or a player has noticed. I don't have any ego in this where I get my arse up in the air because someone points out a mistake.
Transparency is important but I won't explain a creature's powers, feats or unique abilities. There are reasons why his touch attack and his scorpion-pointy-arse attack have different modifiers to hit but technically you only know those mods because I chose to be transparent and show my rolls. That puts you in a position of knowing information such as mods, damage range and sometimes even caster level of the creature that normally you wouldn't know. I think all this is worth a little trust, don't you? Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
I was reading through some Sage Advise and happened to stumble upon some advise for WarForged Characters. I understand that despite the Dragon Magazine article stating it is Official Answers to Your Questions, that not everyone agrees with, in this case Andy Collins (not Skip Williams) conclusions but I find the information helpful when there's little or no information regarding specific subjects that come up in the game. And if I don't agree I think it's pretty evident that I don't mind creating a house rule or two (or ten ). Some of the information I do think is helpful so I will post some of their "official" rules. For some the answer might be more obvious than others and I'm willing to discuss any that might need to be tweaked.
Q: Is the Warforged considered to be wearing armor for the purpose of using special abilities like a monk's fast movement? A: No. But certain feats such as Adamantine Body specifically stated that the character is considered to be wearing armor, and thus would limit use of such abilities. Q: Can a Warforged swim? A: Yes. Although slightly denser than most other characters, they can swim about as well and any other race. They do have a penalty on Swim checks. Q: Can a Warforged go to any depth underwater: A: No. they are just a vulnerable to the pressure exerted by deep water ans any other character. Q: How long can a Warforged run? How long can it hustle? How onlng can it make a forced march? A: They don't get fatigued but they can still hustle themselves to negative hit points by failing constitution checks. Q: Do Warforged have scent? A: Yes. They have a distinctive smell just like everyone else. Q: Is it possible to salvage any materials from the body of a warforged? What if they have Adamantine Body? A: The sage strongly recommends that the materials stripped from the body of a Warforged quickly degrade and become useless. Treating fallen Warforged as repositories for special materials is rather distasteful, to say the least. (Not to mention the great Adamantine Warforged massacre that would happen if people found out you can salvage Adamantine from them. Q: When attacking a warforged with shocking grasp, do you get the bonus on the attack roll for attacking a creature wearing metal armor? A: Yes. Even a warforged with the Unarmored Body Feat have some metallic materials within its body. Q: Does Warforged take the Con damage from wounding weapons every round, even though it doesn't have blood? A: Yes. They are not immune to Con damage, nor immune to critical hits. A warforged who reaches 2nd level in the Warforged Juggernaut prestige class is immune to the wounding effect, since it is now immune to critical hits. Q: Is a warforged with the Adamantine Body feat able to bypass adamantine damage reduction with its natural attacks? A: No. The feat does not turn the warforged slam attacks (or any other natural weapons) into adamantine weapons. Q: How would the various warforged "body" feats (such as adamantine Body) affect a warforged's weight? A: Adamantine Body; Base Weight: 320#; Weight Mod: x6. Darkwood Body; Base Weight: 180#; Weight Mod x2. Mithral Body; Base Weight: 180#; Weight Mod: x2. Unarmored Body; Base Weight: 225#; Weight Mod: x3. Q: Can a changeling take the form of a warforged? A: Yes. Disguise self allows you to look "like any... human-shaped bipedal creature," so it stands to reason that a changeling could take on the appearance of a warforged (within the normal size limitations of the spell). I found this next question interesting because it affects everyone not just Warforged. Q: No bonus languages are listed in the racial description of the warforged. What bonus languages are available to a warforged character with a high Intelligence score? A: NONE! Acording to the PHB, bonus languages from a high Intelligence score are selected from the list found in your race's description (Page 12; Last sentence in the second paragraph under the heading Race and Languages.) I did not realize that you only get bonus languages if your race or class has them. If they don't then you're SOL! That's one rule I don't believe is particularly fair.
04-03-2017, 11:37 AM
Fairly certain that Unreth is 10 feet up the wall...so Selina just needs to 5' step backwards to get out of its threat area since she's currently 5' away from its effective "location". Want to post this here to get a ruling before I post Selina's turn.
(04-03-2017, 11:37 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Fairly certain that Unreth is 10 feet up the wall...so Selina just needs to 5' step backwards to get out of its threat area since she's currently 5' away from its effective "location". Want to post this here to get a ruling before I post Selina's turn. Yes he is but remember that while you're on difficult terrain you can't 5' step and all movement is doubled. So each square costs 10' of movement and each diagonal square ccosts 15' of movement. |
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