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12. Foundry Tavern:
Chrome wasn't exactly unconcerned about Kayla, but with so many others sharing in her pain, and the fact that his experience with medical matters was so minimal, he's be more of a hindrance and just add to the clutter. Best to stick to what he knew... and on that note. "The bot appears to be designed to reconstitute other bots... or perhaps something larger?" He considered, talking out loud as he examined the machine. "Due to the damage it took prior to its current fate... I wonder if it is unable to make such repairs to itself?" He thought a bit more. "Then again, it could be the previous blows it had taken that might have rendered it temporarily obsolete, and would not have had the chance to do so?.. hmm.." He continued to ramble, not very loud but audible to anyone that bothered to listen to his musings. "Regardless of whether it could fix itself, or was merely unable to before its sudden reawakening, It bodes an interesting foresight to that we may face... Given this one is designed to fix others, certainly there are others bots designed with different goals. Potentially one more suited to defending?... Defending what i wonder. Even if there were nothing but these, though, then that certainly indicates something large such that it would require these." He realized he started thinking in circles and changed his focus back to inspection of the bots itself, instead of speculation to what its existence could mean.

The entire time he spoke, Chrome was testing the joints of the broken bot, inspecting the way it was put together. "Curious... what could have made it suddenly start up like that..." Glancing over to Val and addressing someone else for the first time, "You said you were cleaning? Anything in particular in the room you were working on at the time?"
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"Nothing special. Cleaning and putting away some old tools." She rubs her temples as she thinks. "No, didn't even touch the damn bot."
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"Can you show us the tools you were putting away?"
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Taijun hovers over Chrome as he examines the robot. When Val mentions that she put some tools away he slips quietly into the store room to look around. If the robot had lied dormant for so long that it seemed dead, then something must have "awoken" it. Whether it was the woman, or an object with some special connection to the robot, Taijun knew not.
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While there are a few odds and ends of advanced technology to be found in the storeroom, nothing is remotely in working condition. Most of the tools are those likely to be found in any workspace anywhere on the continent. No apparent connection to the robot's sudden activation can be found.
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Taijun thinks he needs a technology expert to help him identify these items that are so foreign to him.
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Kayla, her wounds now healed, goes about investigating with her new comrades. She knew a little about these things, but not anything of specific use. Still, she lets her eyes wander the rooms for anything unusual or of potential use to their mission.
Perception [1d20+8] = 15+8 = 23 (+1 vs traps)
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Reawyn decides to investigate as well, while waiting for Val to elaborate on what items in particular she had been cleaning.

He starts with the storeroom where the robot had first been in, looking at the items as Taijun moves them around.

[Perception [1d20+4] = 16+4 = 20 +1 vs traps]
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When the robot doesn't respond to being kicked in the head, Ursk seems satisfied until looks at Chrome, then rolls his eyes in something resembling disgust at his intellectual curiosity. "Robot smashed. Only thing important." 

He then walks back to the room with Val and the others. "If she not turn robot on, then other thing did. Maybe same thing turn off torch... fire... thing. On hill." He then points off in a completely random direction, as if that's the direction of Black Hill -- it isn't.
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Weyna stays just around the corner, not feeling the need to clutter up the space with herself, since she wouldn't be of any help. She does have a thought though. Not wanting to voice it loudly, in case it is stupid, she whispers it instead, and sends the whisper to Kayla's ears.

Message Spell: "What if the trigger is somewhere else? Like... a spell with a really big range?"
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