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[OOC] Players Looking for Games
I am looking for a HIGH level D&D 5th Edition game.  I am hoping for a long-term campaign, with good role players and with people whom post at least once a day.  

Realize that PBP is a relaxed form of playing and I know that there is the dynamic of trying to balance RL and gaming.  I post quite a bit with my characters as long as there are players to Role play and to get along with.  

(My other character is White Wolf, in Spiral's game.  I post with him as much as I can)
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I am looking for a RIFTS, or TMNT Game, Perhaps something like Marvel Advanced or Such, I also Play AD&D 2nd, AD&D 3rd, D&D(Original 1974), WotC DnD 3, Willing to try WotC DnD 5th. I sometimes play Starwars Saga, Starwars 2e (WEG), Mutants & Masterminds, Palladium Systems(All), Call of Cuthulu, Cyberpunk (Various ones), GURPS (Can Play and Run anything).

So if you need a player give me a shout out.
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Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Love all that except mutants and masterminds. I want to start a Cyberpunk game soonish.
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Sounds good, Lets rage against the Establishment! Oh I also play Shadowrun.
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Hi. I am new to the pbp community and would like to play a game. I would like to learn how to play rpgs because I am new.

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Welcome. What kind of games are you looking to get into?
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5th Edition D&D.  Just had to update as my last post was a long time ago.
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I guess this is the place to post if I'm looking for stuff to play. I've got such a long list and a bazillion white whales. Geez o_o
  • Star Wars. Preferably the Fantasy Flight version, as I've been itching to give it a whirl, but I'd be down for anything from the WEG version to finally trying the SAGA Edition.
  • Cyberpunk stuff. I've never played Shadowrun, but I've had the books for forever and a day, and would love to get in on this if at all possible. PbtA's The Sprawl would also be totally jammin' if there's anyone willing to run it, but I'm open to other stuff!
  • Shadow of the Demon Lord. Pathfinder's edgier, darker cousin, with even more simplified rules and broader class options. I actually really like the streamlined system and the various multitude of character options is at both easily understood and wildly impressive in scope. As an added bonus it's nice and quick in comparison to the traditionally sloggy d20 system. Though speaking of...
  • Starfinder. PAAAATHINDIIINDER IIIIINNNN SPAAAAACE. Though I've drifted away from the d20 system over the years, I still have fond memories of playing d20 Modern/Future, and this is as close to that as I've ever seen.
  • The Final Girl. I'm not sure how we'd play it on a forum, but when I played it in-person it was fantastically shlocky and hilariously entertaining in a B-Movie sort of way!
  • Straight to VHS. Literally a love-letter roleplaying game about making horrible B-Movies (which I love). Werewolf Cops from the Future and Kung-Fu Stripper Nuns with Mysterious Pasts team up in the ultimate buddy movie to stop Evil Ancient Sorcerers from destroying the world's supply of spaghetti. You get the idea.
  • Superheroes! I kickstarted the Masks: The Next Generation stuff, and the art alone is worth the price of admission. I've slathered over trying to get my group to play it before we disbanded, but to no avail. Never got the chance, but hey, you never know! Super Repo! is also pretty neat (albeit more comical in nature), but would totally love to play that, too, but I'm down to clown with other systems if there's some definitive interest in running something.
  • A Wanderer's Romance. Exalted Lite, with a more classical Wuxia bent revolving around an ocean populated by islands boasting people raised on the ancient Wuxia Code. Pretty much a game about self-enlightenment and martial/magical mastery rather than murder hoboism and saving the world (though those things could totally be implemented!). I have plans to run this soon-ish, but if I could get in on a game, too, that'd be fantastic.
  • D&D 5th Edition. Never actually played it, but bought the core rulebook when it came out. Didn't care much for 4th, and from what I've read it's very much a throwback to the old 2e days (or at least relatively speaking).
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(09-05-2017, 12:09 AM)BitterWaffle Wrote: I guess this is the place to post if I'm looking for stuff to play. I've got such a long list and a bazillion white whales. Geez o_o
  • Star Wars. Preferably the Fantasy Flight version, as I've been itching to give it a whirl, but I'd be down for anything from the WEG version to finally trying the SAGA Edition.

There are two Star Wars games currently being run. A 1st Edition WEG D6 Star Wars run by @GM Man in Black, and a Saga Edition one currently with a missing GM, we are waiting to see if he reappears, if not I volunteered to take over.

(09-05-2017, 12:09 AM)BitterWaffle Wrote:
  • Cyberpunk stuff. I've never played Shadowrun, but I've had the books for forever and a day, and would love to get in on this if at all possible. PbtA's The Sprawl would also be totally jammin' if there's anyone willing to run it, but I'm open to other stuff!

@GM Man in Black runs a Cyberpunk 2020 game that is just getting started. I'd be down for Shadowrun, any version, but am not prepared to run it

(09-05-2017, 12:09 AM)BitterWaffle Wrote:
  • Shadow of the Demon Lord. Pathfinder's edgier, darker cousin, with even more simplified rules and broader class options. I actually really like the streamlined system and the various multitude of character options is at both easily understood and wildly impressive in scope. As an added bonus it's nice and quick in comparison to the traditionally sloggy d20 system. Though speaking of...
  • Starfinder. PAAAATHINDIIINDER IIIIINNNN SPAAAAACE. Though I've drifted away from the d20 system over the years, I still have fond memories of playing d20 Modern/Future, and this is as close to that as I've ever seen.
  • The Final Girl. I'm not sure how we'd play it on a forum, but when I played it in-person it was fantastically shlocky and hilariously entertaining in a B-Movie sort of way!
  • Straight to VHS. Literally a love-letter roleplaying game about making horrible B-Movies (which I love). Werewolf Cops from the Future and Kung-Fu Stripper Nuns with Mysterious Pasts team up in the ultimate buddy movie to stop Evil Ancient Sorcerers from destroying the world's supply of spaghetti. You get the idea.
  • Superheroes! I kickstarted the Masks: The Next Generation stuff, and the art alone is worth the price of admission. I've slathered over trying to get my group to play it before we disbanded, but to no avail. Never got the chance, but hey, you never know! Super Repo! is also pretty neat (albeit more comical in nature), but would totally love to play that, too, but I'm down to clown with other systems if there's some definitive interest in running something.
  • A Wanderer's Romance. Exalted Lite, with a more classical Wuxia bent revolving around an ocean populated by islands boasting people raised on the ancient Wuxia Code. Pretty much a game about self-enlightenment and martial/magical mastery rather than murder hoboism and saving the world (though those things could totally be implemented!). I have plans to run this soon-ish, but if I could get in on a game, too, that'd be fantastic.
  • D&D 5th Edition. Never actually played it, but bought the core rulebook when it came out. Didn't care much for 4th, and from what I've read it's very much a throwback to the old 2e days (or at least relatively speaking).

No one has tried Starfinder yet but teh 5E D&D threads seem fairly active.
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Ooo! Neat! If there're some openings in that SAGA game by some slim margin, I'd love an opportunity to finally get my feet wet and try it out.

As for Cyberpunk 2020, glad to see someone's keeping it afloat. I think I've got my Friday Night Firefight book collecting dust around here somewhere, but haven't busted it out since my dad and his friends played when I was a kid. Always be Rockerboyin'!
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.