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Just a couple of notes for you all...

I'm pretty casual.  I try to keep a light hand to give everyone the freedom to really screw things up play your characters.  I like to make perception rolls, even when the player is initiating the action.  When you roll a 20, you know there is nothing to be found.  If I ask for a perception roll and it's low, you're still alerted to something potentially happening.  If you can't post as fast as some people, don't be afraid to throw down some quotes and responses.  Nothing worse than the feeling of a lost opportunity.  If you have any questions about how I run things, just ask.  I don't read minds and neither do you.  Wink
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(03-08-2017, 08:51 PM)Man in Black Wrote: Just a couple of notes for you all...

I don't read minds and neither do you.  Wink

Maybe...  Tongue
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Tai's right explaining what I meant. It's not that a bow becomes a melee weapon (although it can be done with the Empty Quiver style feat). A zen archer is still shooting an arrow, a ranged attack. But if you're not provoking AoO attacks when shooting at adjacent targets you can wade right into melee.

If you want to make AoO attacks or flank though you need Snap Shot because you still don't threaten at 5' without it.
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(03-08-2017, 08:51 PM)Man in Black Wrote: Just a couple of notes for you all...

I'm pretty casual.  I try to keep a light hand to give everyone the freedom to really screw things up play your characters.  I like to make perception rolls, even when the player is initiating the action.  When you roll a 20, you know there is nothing to be found.  If I ask for a perception roll and it's low, you're still alerted to something potentially happening.  If you can't post as fast as some people, don't be afraid to throw down some quotes and responses.  Nothing worse than the feeling of a lost opportunity.  If you have any questions about how I run things, just ask.  I don't read minds and neither do you.  Wink

So players don't roll perception, got it! All pertinent info for Taji is in the signature.  

Just to clarify, when I initially rolled a perception check to spot Cin, it was based off of her actively following and listening to the group and there was no stealth roll. It wasn't meta gaming, I figured it was logical for someone being followed to notice such a thing or not. If Cin had rolled a stealth roll then she may have never been noticed, IMO. Anyway, kudos to Cin for rolling with it.
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Now that makes a lot more sense. The wording threw me off a bit.
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(03-08-2017, 08:55 PM)Ursk Wrote:
(03-08-2017, 08:51 PM)Man in Black Wrote: Just a couple of notes for you all...

I don't read minds and neither do you.  Wink

Maybe...  Tongue

I mean. We do have a Psychic and all.
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Can't read minds... yet.
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Smart asses...   Rolleyes
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Folks are already identifying this in character, but just to address the spelunking here in OOC... I'm imagining we'll need:
- rope
- torches 
- something watertight for the torches...oil skins? Animal bladder or intestines? Doesn't need to be long-term durable.

Do folks think we'll need:
- materials for a stretcher
- healing supplies
- chalk?

Can we use water skins as makeshift air bladders?

If use a length of rope (or two?) between where we go into the water and wherever it comes out, it should make getting there and back easier for most of the party. Will we need rope for anything else?

Ursk has one length of rope and some torches. He can also chip in some gold.
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Good call bringing the nitty gritty here. Obviously not every carry needs one of each item. I think 1-3 ropes are enough, maybe a grappling hook as well. Good idea using rope to enter and exit water. Sun rods could be handy, I think they burn under water? If not, can anybody cast light? Maybe 1 healers kit or potions, and 1 climbers kit. We can make stretchers out of our cloaks, Quarterstaves cost nothing. Chalk, good idea.

Or we take our 20% discounts back to Copper Coin and get drunk off of cheap ale!
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