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Character Creation/ Applications
Post your concepts here.

20 point buy for stats.

No evil.

No 'reformed' typically evil races.

No 3rd party/homebrew.

Please download and read the Iron Gods player guide.  It's a free download.
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Pathfinder character - Background

The young psychic, Weyna, was born to a large family of nomads that traveled the plains of Numeria. Surprisingly, her mother is actually from Ustalav. Her parents expected great things from her, at an early age. Alas, they were killed in the barbarian wars of Numeria when she was 10, and she went on with her two grandparents, aunt, and older brother. Her family got by hunting for what food they needed, and selling excess pelts, and she learned the skills required to continue that.

When she was 15, she befriended a kobold, who became a loyal friend and joined the nomad family.

At 17, she began hearing voices, speaking of a golden goddess. Driving by the voices, she left her family (with her kobold friend) to seek out more about this goddess, and on the borders of Numeria, she met a priest of Sarenrae. She became a devout follower of the Dawnflower, and through her faith, her psychic abilities began manifesting. After a year of training, she returned to Numeria to begin her travels once again

Personality: Weyna is at once naive and worldly. A nomadic life in Numeria is a harsh one, but she somehow continues to try to ease the burdens of others. She is a loving friend, confident in herself, and well-mannered, if a bit emotional at times. She keeps only those possessions that are required for survival.

Skills/Role: Her travels and studies have taught her much, and she is a veritable treasure-trove of (sometimes useless) facts, which she will happily tell you all about. She is also an avid hunter, good at surviving in the wilderness, and can cook a mean rabbit. Her primary function in the group will be healing and otherwise keeping everyone alive.

Ties to Iron Gods Campaign: Stargazer. A childhood spent often sleeping under the stars, she became fascinated by them. Even more so when her grandfather began telling tales of sky-rocks, and beings from the sky. Her religious practice has further strengthened the desire to learn all she can about aliens. They come from beyond the sun.

((Feel free to do whatever you want with the random kobold NPC. Keep her around, or say she was killed. I just decided that Weyna's best friend growing up would be... unconventional, in keeping with her optimism.))
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Jeremy "Chrome" Veneer was a child when he first discovered the allure of bringing about "life" where there previously was none. Not necromancy... Chrome had no desire to bring back lost family or raise some immortal army. He had no such traumatic past nor diabolical ambitions. No, his desire was built on a childhood toy given to him by his family. A simple spring-loaded wooden toy. Nothing complex, build up the tension using a little screw, and watch the little toy move forward. Still, this fascinated him; to the extent that he asked for as many books about such things as he could find. Coming from a wealthy and arcane-studied family, they saw no need to stifle this interest. Eventually, his requested tutoring and self-study delved into the concepts of using magic to animate something that previously held no means of animation. Chrome could see no other future, this would be his life.

Or so he thought.

When much older, but still no adult, Chrome was visiting the Wise Quarter of Absalom. He'd heard stories of the famed Numeria and that the curator of the Blackros Museum, Nigel Aldain, had somehow finagled enough exhibits for a thematic display. Years ago Chrome knew his life would revolved around the wondrous concepts of constructs. Never had he been so wrong. Staring at the exhibit of a "robot," It was as though some understanding had finally been made, a bridge between two previously separate ideas of arcane had been made. Two concepts he'd never been able to connect before. Now he observed this oddly made construct, a feeling akin not using magic to animate but instead the same sort of design that powered his toy years ago. Not only that, but magic he'd been taught had no effect on such creatures without true minds--- what a lie that was! These "objects" were alive just as much as any other creature, just in a different way. He could see that now.

Chrome had to know more. For the next couple of years, he refocused himself and studied the language of the region, Hallit, as well as many other unknowns he would come in contact with venturing into an unknown land for the first time. Leaving his safety of a scholarly life here at the center of the world for the pursuit of furthering his study into bringing about life. He will never forget the day he first saw that pillar of purple flame en route to Torch, a beacon lighting up the sky telling him he'd come home.

At least twenty for age, not deadset on the timespan he'd have been in Torch. A Human of very focused study. My intentions were to be an arcane caster of sorts, one capable of envisions the impossible and seeing beyond the mundane. *cough*
To that end, Chrome serves as many things, though tending towards supportive with his spells against all but a specific subset of enemy. Otherwise, he had studied the concepts of technology, and may act as a guide in such respects.
Within Torch, he is one of many Numerian Archaeologists; having come to the land seeking to explore these concepts that have fascinated him since a child. Having learned of another language used upon some of the artifacts, he made an effort to piece together as much as he could to teach himself.

(If you'll accept me.)

Chrome Veneer                                            Level 1  
Male human sorcerer (impossible bloodline) 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1 Senses Perception +1
DEFENSE                                                                                               .
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3
Offense                                                                                                 .
Speed 30 ft
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities
(CL 1st; concentration +5)
7/day-- Disorienting Touch (Sickened target)
Sorcerer Spells Known
(CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)-- Enlarge Person, Sleep (DC 15)
0th (at will)-- Light, Mending, Detect Magic,
    Read Magic
Bloodline Impossible
Statistics                                                                                              .
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1, CMD 10
Feats Technologist, Skill Focus (Knowledge:
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge
(engineering) +9, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic
Device +8
Languages Common, Hallit, Orcish, Androffan
SQ Construct Manipulation, Numerian Archaeologist, Mathematical Prodigy
Combat Gear dagger,; Other Gear sorcerer’s kit, x gp

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I'm interested in this AP, new to the site though. I have a Human Grenadier Alchemist I'd like to submit. I'm reworking the character for the campaign now. Background below.

BACKGROUND:  Berna Pirnaz, AKA Mimi Pia

Berna's mother Komana was a camp follower and occasional prostitute in the train of a Taldan army. When she found herself pregnant, she left to settle in Yanmass, a small trade city in northeastern Taldor.

As a child, Berna Pirnaz was left to herself mostly. Komana worked whatever menial jobs she could find, which meant long hours away from home. They were very poor, and sometimes lacked for food and other basics. Their obvious poverty and position as relative newcomers kept them isolated, and Berna had difficulties making friends with other children. Not only was she excluded due to her status, but she was precociously intelligent, which made it difficult to relate well to other children.

Instead Berna spent her time visiting the shops and workspaces of the craftspeople around the neighborhood. She was clever, curious, and caused them no trouble. In return, most of them were willing to let her watch them work, and talk to her about what they were doing. Occasionally they let her take scraps or cast offs away with her to play with. Berna was always careful not to wear out her welcome, so she never stayed too long, or asked too much at any one place. She rotated among several places learning a little of this and that over time.

Berna's great ability was to take the bits and bobs of information she learned and weave them together into a coherent body of knowledge. While the other children played with each other, she was retracing the steps of what she had seen and heard with her scraps and, eventually, making things that worked. Alchemy was the craft that most captured her imagination and energy, and she took it the farthest.
Of course all the time spent in such ways did little to develop her social skills. She continued to be an awkward outsider who did not understand how to connect with others.

When Berna was 16 she left home to join the Taldan army as a sapper. She had learned all she could where was she was, and she knew of no other way to learn more. At first she was delighted, if a bit overwhelmed by the things she learned and the close presence of so many people. A slightly older soldier in her company named Jovan took her under his wing, and they became friends. Berna's background led to her training in building and planting explosives.

But before too long she found that the military was only interested in teaching her what they needed her to do, and exactly no more. Aside from Jovan, she remained a square peg who shared little with the other soldiers around her. At the age of 18 Berna deserted the army and traveled north. She had heard enough about Numeria to understand that there would be much she could learn, or possibly discover there. It was also unlikely that Taldan justice would track her to such an unusual destination.

Berna adopted a new name, Mimi Pia, for a new life. She took up residence in Torch and started over. Now she works at an apothecary's shop, enjoying a more relaxed life for a while and mulling over what her next steps will be. In the year that she has lived in Torch, Mimi has come to know Khonnir Baine. They are friends and he serves as a mentor to her.

Berna/Mimi will be taking the "Local Ties" Campaign Trait. I would also consider going into the Evangelist Prestige Class as a Brigh worshiper.

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Also a couple of question for you Gentle DM:

Are background skills allowed?

What will starting wealth be?
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By the book, roll or average is fine.

I'm good with background skills. Write 'em into your bio.
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Based on this and the prior thread, my sense is caster-types and gunslingers are pretty much covered. So, I'm leaning towards submitting some type of rogue/slayer (ratfolk w/ Against the League; maybe the scavenger archetype) or a barbarian (leaning towards dwarf but not sure, w/ Robot Slayer; not sure of archetype). I'll get something worked up and submitted tonight. Between the two (very general) concepts, anyone feel one would work better?

Also, MiB, I have the Unchained book as well as plugin for HeroLab but have honestly never used it. If I go with submitting a barbarian, do you have a preference regarding use of the unchained rules? I gather there are modifications in Unchained that a lot of GMs prefer for balance purposes.
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(02-22-2017, 07:24 AM)Vitkyng Wrote: A little more confident in my Pathfinder knowledge, Having reasd the Iron Kingodoms Player Guide I went ahead and created my hopeful character.

Right now the sheet is a PDF exported to my Onedrive - you can view it here: A human Alchemist - https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjFiKq8nYxnYgvxzuZPZe9N8VQD-PQ and I will get it transferred to a myth-weavers sheet later if you approve of the character.

I stuck to 20 point buy, average starting wealth and no 3rd party content. Just Paizo sources from d20pfsrd.com.

Carrying over my character submission post from the other thread yesterday.

A Human Tomb Breaker Alchemist.. https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjFiKq8nYxnYgvxzuZPZe9N8VQD-PQ

I notice another player wishes to use alchemist as well, but may not have been following the other thread...
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(02-23-2017, 04:31 PM)Vitkyng Wrote:
(02-22-2017, 07:24 AM)Vitkyng Wrote: A little more confident in my Pathfinder knowledge,  Having reasd the Iron Kingodoms Player Guide I went ahead and created my hopeful character.

Right now the sheet is a PDF exported to my Onedrive - you can view it here: A human Alchemist - https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjFiKq8nYxnYgvxzuZPZe9N8VQD-PQ and I will get it transferred to a myth-weavers sheet later if you approve of the character.

I stuck to 20 point buy, average starting wealth and no 3rd party content.  Just Paizo sources from d20pfsrd.com.

Carrying over my character submission post from the other thread yesterday.

A Human Tomb Breaker Alchemist.. https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjFiKq8nYxnYgvxzuZPZe9N8VQD-PQ

I notice another player wishes to use alchemist as well, but may not have been following the other thread...

I came over from the Paizo PbP announcement for the campaign. Both our characters are alchemists, but they are very different actually. We both have plenty of skills and Disable Device, but mine is a ranged combat specialist and debuffer (eventually). It's really nice to have 2 characters with disable device in a group since it makes aiding skill checks for it possible. Alchemists are so versatile that we can both be in the same party and hardly step on each others toes. 

For example, if you do scouting, devices, and some healing, I can bomb all day long with great damage and add-on effects to debuff enemies, mutagen for better combat effectiveness, and crafting alchemical items.
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Don't have my character drawn up yet, but here is the gist of it.

Human Monk (Martial Artist) probably a wanderer type, that wandered his way into the area and is more than happy to test his skills on an adventure. Perhaps he linked up with someone along the way for mutual protection. Not the biggest of warrior types but he knows how to hit where it hurts and use his skills. He specializes in throwing his shrunken to maximum effect and hitting things. He likes fishing in his spare timeSmile

Stats: STR 14 / DEX 14 / CON 14 / INT 10 / WIS 17 / CHA 8 (Human bonus went to WIS)
Starting feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus Shuriken, and I'm up in the air on the Monk bonus feat.
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