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[IC] Chapter 1-7: Many Meetings
(09-21-2016, 09:14 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: Maul shrugs.
"The guy looks honest. That wand may be anything. Gnomes are tricky folk and some know tricks to operate divine artifacts even if they are not priests themselves."

OOC - Portho, how many charges are you willing to use?
OOC - Giant, I don't think 14hp is correct. Haven't you received healing from Maul since the encounter?

I better like gnomes who are rangers but okay, I will risk it, but be careful one false move and I will wring your neck.  - he says to Portho

OOC - I think 14HP is correct. No he hasn't. Maul healed him once before he went back to distract the contruct while Lugar picked up the hilt... and of course Giant picked up his axe too. That's why he uses ranged weapon now.
Upon seeing how injured Silent Giant is Portho gulps.

"This won't seem like much, but I can use it several times on you to bolster you.."

Portho mumbles a command word and touches Silent Giant with the wand.

Seeing the results begin to work, Portho repeats the process several times.

[rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (2)+1= 3
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (8)+1= 9
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (2)+1= 3
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (7)+1= 8
Grand Total of 23 HP healed]
(09-21-2016, 03:37 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: Upon seeing how injured Silent Giant is Portho gulps.

"This won't seem like much, but I can use it several times on you to bolster you.."

Portho mumbles a command word and touches Silent Giant with the wand.

Seeing the results begin to work, Portho repeats the process several times.

[rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (2)+1= 3
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (8)+1= 9
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (2)+1= 3
rolling d8+1 wand of Cure Light Wound (7)+1= 8
Grand Total of 23 HP healed]

If Giant feels it works then he nods - Thanks, you are really a good fellow.
OOC - Reviewed the thread. Maul cured Lugar but not Giant. So here it goes...

(09-20-2016, 11:22 PM)Lugar Wrote: "If I were you dwarf I'd leave your fancy armor behind. You may sink and drown. That would be so sad."

"I don't think you'd sink but your heels getting stuck in mud is a possibility." the armourer notes. Turning to Toot he adds,
"Now I recall you asked about the hardness of the floor. I think the cellar has ordinary bottom but the armoury has something firm and not sticky. The crypt floor is made of some grey stone so maybe it's the same in the armoury."

While the human is apparently not really well versed in the arts of stone, the duergar (of course) knows that if the cellar kept so much water then the soil has a significant clay-ish compound. He also knows that the "some grey stone" is granite; it makes sense considering the weight of the guardian which Lugar estimates to be up to five tons.

(... after Portho's healing...)

"Let me add my two coppers here," Maul grunts as he holds piously on his susnburst symbol. His hand glows up in pale yellow as he utters, "Pelor's might shine upon him!". He touches Giant and many of his oldest woulds close. (+24 hp)

"There. Shall we go finally?"
(09-20-2016, 11:22 PM)Lugar Wrote: "I won't hurt you, unless you betray us or ask me to." He says with a devilish grin. "If you go down in the cellar little gnome, you may need to climb on someone's shoulders. The water is rather deep." He looks at the other gnome too when he realizes they are even shorter than himself and he struggled in the murky water. "If I were you dwarf I'd leave your fancy armor behind. You may sink and drown. That would be so sad."

"Before we venture together, can any of you offer healing to my friend, Master Silent Giant here? We will need his strength for this fight I promise you. And don't think about double crossing us."

Toot listens to Lugar say, "he won't hurt him, unless asked to," which sounds peculiar especially when the dwarf adds the devilish grin.  "No worrys, me not ask you to hurt me or companion.  Me just not want to be betrayed like when my people turned on me.  Hard to trust after blood turns against you."

When asked for healing, Toot replies, "Me have healing but me need to use its energy to power my nature's ally summons."  Toot frowns but then something comes to mind.  He pulls out some berries from his tiny pouch and holds one up and says, "This called Goodberry.  Me created them before entering caves.  When eaten, it acts like you had full meal and it gives you minor healing.  It breakfast time anyways, so if either of you want one, so you save rations and to heal tiny bit, then have one.  Look, they safe..."  Toot then feeds one to Boo causing his wound to heal about half way.  If anyone wants a Goodberry, Toot will be careful to toss a berry to them rather than hand them a berry.  Toot doesn't want anyone accidentally touching him and possibly revealing his disguise.

(09-21-2016, 01:58 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: He pulls out a slender wand made of willow and approaches Silent Giant, keeping a cautious eye on the other gnome who seems to be still aiming the crossbow at him even though he has moved.

"May I?   And would you terribly mind pointing that elsewhere?  I can offer healing to your bear as well, and even talk to him so he knows I mean him no harm first."

"Oh am I still pointing at you," Toot replies innocently.  "Me so sorry.  SOoo sorry.  Must need to get trigger on crossbow fixed.  And Boo already know you mean him harm because your Dorf companion already harmed Boo and YOU LET HIM AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!  YOU HAVEN'T EVEN OFFERED TO HEAL HIM!  That guy even suggested you heal bear first but you ignored him!  Now want to tell companion you mean Boo nooo harm.  Gnome GREAT friend to the animals...  Pffffftttt!  Boo not stoopid.  You not Boo's friend."

(09-22-2016, 05:47 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: OOC - Reviewed the thread. Maul cured Lugar but not Giant. So here it goes...

"I don't think you'd sink but your heels getting stuck in mud is a possibility." the armourer notes. Turning to Toot he adds,
"Now I recall you asked about the hardness of the floor. I think the cellar has ordinary bottom but the armoury has something firm and not sticky. The crypt floor is made of some grey stone so maybe it's the same in the armoury."

While the human is apparently not really well versed in the arts of stone, the duergar (of course) knows that if the cellar kept so much water then the soil has a significant clay-ish compound. He also knows that the "some grey stone" is granite; it makes sense considering the weight of the guardian which Lugar estimates to be up to five tons.

"So Guardian in Crypt," Toot asks.  "Me confused of layout.  Is cellar under crypt; or on same level; or Crypt under cellar?  And how large and what shape is antimagic area?"  The size and shape of the field was of particular importance.  Not only would Toot's Allies vanish if they entered its area but so would his disguise.  Which is something he would need to know if he has to enter the zone to get to the next area.  Toot wasn't exactly sure how he would get through the zone without anyone noticing but he would have to figure something out, fast.
Lugar's wicked sense of humor doesn't seem to go over so well with the gnome baby, something he has grown used to. "So you're people betrayed you? I know something of betrayal. That is why my people marked me and cast me out." Lugar speaks of his full body tattoos. "All for a bit of profit of course. Mind flayers pay well... Ergggh. Can't trust no one, until they lay their life on the line for ya. Right bud?!" He gives Silent Giant a hearty slap on the back. "Let's do this."

When Toot mentions berries Lugar's stomach makes loud rumbling sounds. "I'll try one of them! I'll see if they are poisonous for anyone else that wants one. Hehehe. Of course Duergar stomachs are made of iron so I probably couldn't tell anyway!" Smile
(09-22-2016, 05:47 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: "Let me add my two coppers here," Maul grunts as he holds piously on his susnburst symbol. His hand glows up in pale yellow as he utters, "Pelor's might shine upon him!". He touches Giant and many of his oldest woulds close. (+24 hp)

"There. Shall we go finally?"

Thanks man. - he nods

Yeah, ready. - he nods again.
(09-22-2016, 06:49 PM)Toot Wrote: When asked for healing, Toot replies, "Me have healing but me need to use its energy to power my nature's ally summons."  Toot frowns but then something comes to mind.  He pulls out some berries from his tiny pouch and holds one up and says, "This called Goodberry.  Me created them before entering caves.  When eaten, it acts like you had full meal and it gives you minor healing.  It breakfast time anyways, so if either of you want one, so you save rations and to heal tiny bit, then have one.  Look, they safe..."  Toot then feeds one to Boo causing his wound to heal about half way.  If anyone wants a Goodberry, Toot will be careful to toss a berry to them rather than hand them a berry.  Toot doesn't want anyone accidentally touching him and possibly revealing his disguise.

"So Guardian in Crypt," Toot asks.  "Me confused of layout.  Is cellar under crypt; or on same level; or Crypt under cellar?  And how large and what shape is antimagic area?"  The size and shape of the field was of particular importance.  Not only would Toot's Allies vanish if they entered its area but so would his disguise.  Which is something he would need to know if he has to enter the zone to get to the next area.  Toot wasn't exactly sure how he would get through the zone without anyone noticing but he would have to figure something out, fast.

Berries? Good. Yam-yam - he takes it - (I know these berries I ate them before - he thinks but maybe he is wrong)

Tombs are on same level next to armory.
(09-23-2016, 02:55 AM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar's wicked sense of humor doesn't seem to go over so well with the gnome baby, something he has grown used to. "So you're people betrayed you? I know something of betrayal. That is why my people marked me and cast me out." Lugar speaks of his full body tattoos. "All for a bit of profit of course. Mind flayers pay well... Ergggh. Can't trust no one, until they lay their life on the line for ya. Right bud?!" He gives Silent Giant a hearty slap on the back. "Let's do this."

Yeah, exactly.
Murkatos explains a bit more.
"The whole cellar is flooded, some three feet deep. There's a building in the middle, also under water except for a small section which seems to be watertight. This section is the crypt with eight sarcophagi. As for the size and shape of the antimagic area we are not sure but I'm guessing it's a ten-feet-radius sphere centered around the door; at least when the door is open. So we can't really cast any spells from outside the armoury but once inside the armoury, more than ten feet from the door, magic seems to work. Of course if you are that far then you are practically in the cradling arms of the guardian."

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