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The Rock
Long fires at the Rodian, missing wildly.

[Blaster Pistol Attack [1d20+7] = 4+7 = 11]

Then realizing he may have the advantage in melee, with the fact that the Rodian has failed to arm himself, Long swiftly closes the gap between himself and the guard.
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Long, used to having his opponents actively dodge his attacks or survive blaster fire with their armor is momentarily surprised that the guard failed to avoid his half-hazard shot, which hits the guard squarely.

Ooc - Please roll stun damage. The stun grenades knocked the guard -4 on the condition track which put him at -10 to attack, defense, and skill checks... truly nasty!
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[Blaster Pistol (Stun) Damage [2d6+2] = 4+2 = 6]

The energy bolt from the blaster grazes the stunned guard.
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Unable to resist the stunning, the green Rodian guard falls flat on his face as blue ionic energy overloads his nervous system.

The Quarren boss shakes off the worst of the effects from the stun grenade, draws a hold-out blaster from nowhere and fires at the maniacal droid... pew pew pew! His shots miss the little droid, burning holes in the durasteel walls behind Long.
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Long turns to face the Quarran, raises the blaster, but instead of firing it, his free hand goes to his bandolier and pulls out a third stun grenade [move action], which he then tosses at the Quarren's feet.

"Have a nice nap, sir."

[Stun Grenade Area Attack [1d20+7] = 19+7 = 26!!!]
[Stun Grenade Damage [4d6+2] = 17+2 = 19]

Long winces watching the waves of energy wash through the room again.

"That looked like it hurt."
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The Quarren boss staggers from the blast, dazed but still awake.  Instead of firing his blaster he retrieves a communicator from his belt and says in basic, "Control Tower overrun, droid attacked us."
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"Well that was impolite of you."

Long fires the blaster.

[Blaster Pistol Attack [1d20+7] = 20+7 = 27 Critical Hit]
[Blaster Pistol (Stun) Damage [2d6+2] = 7+2 = 9 Doubled for Critical hit = 18]
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Long expertly hits the Quarren, who only managed to say "Control tower overrun, droid..." The boss lets go of his communicator and blaster before falling to the floor head first with a squishy thud sound. Judging from past uses of the stun setting, Long knows he has a few minutes before they wake up. A voice emits from the Quarren's communicator a few seconds after he collapsed, "Control Tower, what's going on in there? Control Tower, copy?"

Ooc - You have a round to act before the communicator starts talking
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(07-07-2016, 06:14 PM)Nerdred Wrote: ...One Quaren struts around the room giving orders to call additional fire control units and override lifter droids and reroute them to clear away combustibles from the area. The Quarren then barks at a Rodian in a security uniform to get back to his station. The Rodian nods and heads toward the lift Long is floating next to.

(09-15-2016, 01:33 PM)Nerdred Wrote: ..."Control tower overrun, droid..." ..  A voice emits from the Quarren's communicator a few seconds after he collapsed, "Control Tower, what's going on in there? Control Tower, copy?"

Ooc - You have a round to act before the communicator starts talking

Long quickly splices together a response from the overheard commands of the Quarran from before.. interspersed with a little static to hopefully mask the changes in tone from the recordings being spliced.

He quickly respomds wiyth his spliced recording.  

~"Control Tower"~ bzzzz  ~"Get back to your posts."~ sssshhhhh ~"clear"~ zzzzz  ~"lifter droid"~   ssss ~"under control."~

[OoC I fully expect this to go over about as well as Hans broadcast when breaking Leia out of the death star ( See 2:24 into this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtoHjGWc2s8) ]

[Deception [1d20+2] = 17+2 = 19]
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Despite the absurdity of the situation Long's bluff appears to fool the fool on the other end of the commlink. "Uhh, ok. I mean roger that Control Tower.. HQ out." Long was not sure how long his deception would work, eventually someone if intelligence will get suspicious. What is his plan?
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