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[IC] Chapter 1-7: Many Meetings
Ooc1 - I can't remember how Toot's baby gnome disguise works, is it a wild shape or disguise spell?  If so do we get a chance to disbelieve?  Funny, I always read the "interact" part of the spell to mean physically touch...

Ooc2 - Lugar and Giant did a thorough search around the cellar looking for a passage into the vault,  wasn't the floor made of stone?  Or was it covered in muck?  Either way we should know.

Lugar listens and digests Toot's, Maul's, and Murkatos's rapid thoughts and ideas.  This little gnome spoke of another mission to stop evil-doers from stealing the White Sun, I hope this little feller has gold, Lugar thinks.  He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it.  One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning.  This chimney we all missed, but you Murkatos, must extend into the middle of the mansion, into the area that is blocked by rubble and iron gates.  This pit idea sounds good, I'd like to recover my pick-axe if possible though.  There's some shiny valuables and armor in there.  We managed to acquire this." He shows the bladeless hilt.

"I didn't see any chimney, then again I had the wits knocked out of me by that monster..."  He reaches for his side again.
[OoC: Toot's disguise is from a magic item.  So if there is a rational reason to disbelieve the disguise then an attempt can be made to disbelieve the illusion.  For example, when I ask the DM if Toot could disbelieve the guards, I gave him 3 or 4 reasons why I think Toot would try.]

"So you able to disarm magical traps," Toot replies to Lugar with slight smile.  "Interesting talent.  Can Dorf create traps too?  Help me have better success with creating Pit Trap?  My abilities are more grounded in natural world.  But if me do manage to create this huge pit, it tax my magics to their limits.  Me will have to 'burn' much divine energy and then convert that energy into the summonings we require to hollow out the ground.  Me hardly know any of you and there is already much distrust.  How me know me and Boo be safe after weakened by enormous task?"  Toot was naturally suspicious of all big folk and even worse there was a gnome [gak!] with them.  He could feel his already racing pulse quicken even more from even greater fear.  Summoning Thooqua's would use up Toot's most powerful spells.  Leaving Toot without his most potent defense or attacks would be the perfect time to attack both him and Boo!
(09-09-2016, 01:07 PM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar listens and digests Toot's, Maul's, and Murkatos's rapid thoughts and ideas.  This little gnome spoke of another mission to stop evil-doers from stealing the White Sun, I hope this little feller has gold, Lugar thinks.  He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it.  One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning.  "

Yeah, and it was affected by these blades too, hehe.
(09-09-2016, 01:07 PM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar listens and digests Toot's, Maul's, and Murkatos's rapid thoughts and ideas.  This little gnome spoke of another mission to stop evil-doers from stealing the White Sun, I hope this little feller has gold, Lugar thinks.  He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it.  One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning.  This chimney we all missed, but you Murkatos, must extend into the middle of the mansion, into the area that is blocked by rubble and iron gates.  This pit idea sounds good, I'd like to recover my pick-axe if possible though.  There's some shiny valuables and armor in there.  We managed to acquire this." He shows the bladeless hilt.

"I didn't see any chimney, then again I had the wits knocked out of me by that monster..."  He reaches for his side again.

Portho peeks his several heads out from behind Torin's waist, warily watching the crazy gnome for ny aggressive move. Keenly aware that he and Torin were in grave danger as everyone was willing to shoot at them, and they were still limned in faerie fire, making escape impossible..

"Look, if what you say is true I am willing to help,  lower your damned weapons. We can help."

"My my magics affect creatures with minds, not automatons. I will be little direct help in dealing with an adamantine statue, but I can find any hidden ways you may have missed in your search. I can inspire my allies to greater feats of skill and glory. And I am good at figuring out what things are and how they work magically if I can examine them. Let me have a look at that hilt, whatever it creates I will be no threat with it, it is too big for me."

[OoC If Lugar allows me to examine the hilt I will attempt first Bardic Knowledge then Use Magic Device to get a grasp of how it works exactly.]
[rolling d20+11 Bardic Knowledge (3)+11= 14 bleh]
[rolling d20+17 Use Magic Device (11)+17= 28 Woot! Task: Activate blindly Use Magic Device DC: 25]
(09-09-2016, 06:33 PM)Silent Giant Wrote:
(09-09-2016, 01:07 PM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar listens and digests Toot's, Maul's, and Murkatos's rapid thoughts and ideas.  This little gnome spoke of another mission to stop evil-doers from stealing the White Sun, I hope this little feller has gold, Lugar thinks.  He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it.  One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning.  "

Yeah, and it was affected by these blades too, hehe.

"Huh, yeah right... Maybe by your strong arms Giant, but I don't care to dance with that thing again."

"Here."  Lugar tosses the hilt to one of the many burning gnomes.  Lugar recognized the familiar glow of "fairie fire" used by the Drow in the Underdark that covered Portho.  He figured he would get a good laugh out of the gnome shocking himself like he had earlier...

"You don't say much do you nameless Dwarf?  They don't teach you manners under the mountain? What's the matter, never seen a real Duergar before? Hahah!"
(09-09-2016, 01:07 PM)Lugar Wrote: He finally takes his eyes away from Torin and speaks to the group, "The anti-magic field may be a spell trap, with another look I can try to disarm it.  One thing I did notice about the guardian was that it seemed affected by lightning.  

"Affected," Toot asks.  "You mean lightning damaged it or did it have some other affect on the creature?"
OOC1 - Torin's player is on a business trip, that's why he's so silent.
OOC2 - interaction... yeah, tactile sensation is one kind of interaction and pretty much the only way if talking about purely visual glamers. Talking may be another if the glamer had audible effect (like, ghost sound, though I can't recall OTOH if it's a glamer) but not in the case of Disguise Self. If you have a good reason to look twice or even more whenever there may be danger (read: you are paranoid enough) then spending a few rounds on scrutineering may reveal something being amiss as well.
OOC3 - I think the faerie fire slowly wears off as well. Feasible?

All of the burning gnomes catch the hilt, so now there are as many hilts, apparently. Wink
Portho looks at the same strange pommel that Murkatos pointed out and mutters, "Light."
Then, with a sudden idea, he grips the hilt with both his hands (easily two-handed for him) and exclaims, "Hikari Yo!" which is some ancient way of saying, "Light Come Forth!"
In a split second, a buzzing electric noise is heard and a jet of white light bursts forward with blinding purity. Sparks shower off the phenomenon and it solidifies in the form of a greatsword-- a human sized one.
After a briefest moment of surprise the blade dissipates into nothingness.

For what Portho can feel is that he can handle this beast of a blade with the ease of a longsword for his own size. While fighting styles with these two weapons differ greatly he feels that all the maneuvers that could be done with a longsword are possible with this blade as well.

OOC - while Portho has no idea about what are the exact effects of this blade treat it as if he were proficient with it and can wield it as a gnome longsword (i.e. a one-handed slashing weapon) but otherwise it behaves like a human greatsword; i.e. 2d6 base weapon. He can't tell if strength bonus confers to the blade but if it does then two-handed strength bonus applies if wielded two-handed (just as normal with any weapons that can be wielded two-handed). Activating the item is a standard action (may improve later...). Maintaining the effect while wielding the weapon is a free action (i.e. he has to stay conscious and stuff) so ending the effect is simply to stop maintaining it. At the moment Portho cannot tell whether the item is limited by any means, e.g. rounds per given interval; max duration per activation; total number of charges; etc.; maybe it is unlimited.
(09-10-2016, 07:43 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: All of the burning gnomes catch the hilt, so now there are as many hilts, apparently. Wink
Portho looks at the same strange pommel that Murkatos pointed out and mutters, "Light."
Then, with a sudden idea, he grips the hilt with both his hands (easily two-handed for him) and exclaims, "Hikari Yo!" which is some ancient way of saying, "Light Come Forth!"
In a split second, a buzzing electric noise is heard and a jet of white light bursts forward with blinding purity. Sparks shower off the phenomenon and it solidifies in the form of a greatsword-- a human sized one.
After a briefest moment of surprise the blade dissipates into nothingness.

For what Portho can feel is that he can handle this beast of a blade with the ease of a longsword for his own size. While fighting styles with these two weapons differ greatly he feels that all the maneuvers that could be done with a longsword are possible with this blade as well.

OOC - while Portho has no idea about what are the exact effects of this blade treat it as if he were proficient with it and can wield it as a gnome longsword (i.e. a one-handed slashing weapon) but otherwise it behaves like a human greatsword; i.e. 2d6 base weapon. He can't tell if strength bonus confers to the blade but if it does then two-handed strength bonus applies if wielded two-handed (just as normal with any weapons that can be wielded two-handed). Activating the item is a standard action (may improve later...). Maintaining the effect while wielding the weapon is a free action (i.e. he has to stay conscious and stuff) so ending the effect is simply to stop maintaining it. At the moment Portho cannot tell whether the item is limited by any means, e.g. rounds per given interval; max duration per activation; total number of charges; etc.; maybe it is unlimited.

".... and as you saw even I can wields it, because it is just a blade made of light."
 Portho finishes explaining to the group. "Did you want me to tech you that command that activated it?"

He carefully steps out from behind Torin as the Faerie fire wears off and walks towards Lugar, passing him back the hilt.
Lugar is caught completely by surprise that the little gnome activated the weapon.  Something he completely failed at.  "Harrumph!  Luck I say."  Lugar says, a little perturbed that the gnome didn't shock himself like he had earlier.  Inside, he is amazed at Portho's ability to master the weapon so swiftly.  Portho's eagerness to help was also a bit disconcerting, at least to an old rogue like himself.  This is a clever one, he thinks to himself.
Toot was getting perturbed.  He had asked a couple of questions but he's been completely ignored.  Typical, just typical.  Big folk are so predictable.  Boo huffs slightly. 

"Hellooo," Toot interrupts.  "Me sorry to bother yous but me have asked several questions like how you use pillar of light to escape if you think it one way; what's this Sea of Hate; what more you tell me of creature and location of creature; and how did the lightning effect the creature?  I also would like to know how tall creature?  What weapons it uses?  How long arms [Reach]?  How fast?  Or anything else that might be important.  Me not going in to confront creature blind.  Me want to be prepared as possible.  Otherwise me hope yous have shovels cuz me not going anywhere near big scary monster to cast spells to build Pit Trap."

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