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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
(08-23-2016, 01:06 PM)James Carter Wrote: Ooc - Sorry for not being around, thank you GM Marvel. How many people can James see with the intense fog/steam? Not sure if it's inherent in the hyper-breath power or a separate power stunt but the power description says it drops the temperature as well? So everyone in front of James would be cold and wet... very miserable!  With the freezing rain, the attack might also create a blinding effect similar to a sand storm...

Hyper-Breath:  "The PC can create a Power rank intensity wind by just blowing his/her breath. Also the temperature of the breath is at Power rank intensity to each respective temperature. IE: Cold or Hot. The Breath can encompass an area equal to number of the Power rank / 10. Thus, our fearless hero with a Hyper-Breath of Monstrous can freeze a lake of 7.5 areas."

The primary, non power stunt use of Porsche's thermal control power is to actually dampen or heighten (her choice) heat/fir/cold attacks by Rm26 so we are safe from that effect of your breath likely
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Nope not stunned. Just knocked on your ass and maybe damaged as you're blown into the wall. But I think your energy sheath will absorb all the damage. You get 3 non combat actions OR 1 noncombat and 1 combat action per round. You will need to use one of your noncombat actions to stand.

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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[OoC I forgot Porsche's talents -  
Acrobatics The hero with this Talent is very limber and as such gains advantages when under attack. The hero has a +1CS when dodging, evading, and escaping.
Tumbling The hero with this Talent knows how to fall and land without undue injury. Individuals with this Talent may make an Agility FEAT to land feet-first after any fall that does not inflict damage.
- even with +1 CS my 40 on Ex16 Endurance would not have been enough, BUT do I get an Agility feat to land on my feet anyway, or does this not count as a fall?]

[Below assumes she was knocked prone.]

Porsche instantly kips up acrobatically, landing on her feet, her form even more blurred now as waves of heat wash over her.

"MIA MADRE! Are you loco kid?! You wanna pick a fight with multiple people? When we just told you to GET INSIDE and outta the way!! We already hvta deal with one ojete! Get yer papa the fuck inside before someone gets hurt! Last chance hombre!"

By  the point she gets to the last statement the air around her is sizzling with heat.
[Heat generation but not directing it in a blast, just letting it emenate from her.]
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[OoC: I updated my last combat post again.  I changed Johnny's love to loyalty and altered James' reaction a bit.  But he still blasted Aurum, Blink, Interface and Porsche with his super breath. 

I will be posting the next partial round of combat soon.  In the meantime...

*Saleem does spot Jack in the house
*No one is stunned just knocked down if they failed. 

*In a combat round everyone has the option to do 1 of 2 things... 
--You either get 3 non-combat actions like running, talking on the phone, talking telepathically, Pinging cell phone towers, etc.  
--You can get 1 non-combat action and 1 combat action.  A combat action can also be used to make a Fighting feat to try to get more actions.  If you fail, you still get your action but with penalties to hit.  A Remarkable Feat will give you 2 attacks, An Amazing Feat will give you 3 attacks.]
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((Totally missed needing to roll Endurance. Actually, missed the Hyper-Breath attack altogether... I'm probably taking damage for this.))

Endurance - Good [1d100] = 8

As Aurum and Jack argue mentally, she gets hit from behind and knocked down by James' blast of air. The slight pressure of her hand on Interface's arm is suddenly gone, and the mindlink binding every is hit what could be best described as a string of formless obscenities, red coloration, and the knowledge that the telepath controlling it is now in pain.
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[OoC1:  Aurum, Interface and Blink still need to make their endurance checks against James' Super Breath. ]

[OoC2:  Porsche you can use Karma for using tumble to land on your feet.  I think all you need is a Green feat to succeed.]

Aurum lashes back at Jack's stupidity but he doubles down by mentally replying, ~Yeah, you WOULD do that to someone you say is a friend.  I tried to be especially nice to you about your mental problems but no matter what I did it wasn't good enough.  You just pretended to like me while purposely rubbing your boyfriend in my face!~ 

Either by tumbling or Kip up, Porsche lands on her feet.  When she warns James to get back into the house with his father, James replies, "What are you talking about?  You don't think I have a right to defend my father when he has been turned into a Lemming?  If I took him back inside like this my mother would lose her mind!  She's already a bit eccentric."  James holds up the broom handle and trashcan lid/shield.  "This was her idea not mine!" 

Meanwhile, Saleem charges into Lisa's front door and runs through it like it was made of cardboard.  [Only needed a Green Endurance feat so that cost only 5 karma.  The door is Good 10 material strength so it inflicts 10 damage when you bust through it but Saleem's Ex 20 body resistance absorbs all the damage.]  Saleem spots Jack and with a roar he takes a swing at him but for now he uses his fists instead of his talons.  He catches Jack off guard with a solid punch to the face. [Rolled 55] [Only doing Typical 6 damage]  "Give it up Jack!  I have no problem kickin your teeth in!"  

Graffiti then concentrates and instantly the color completely drains out of the front of the house.  Everyone can now see Saleem, in demon form, fighting with Jack who has a bloody nose.  Lisa's father is trying to pull his daughter away from the fight but she is crying for the fighting to stop.

Jack takes the blow to the face and blood pours out of his nose.  He grits his teeth through the pain and replies, "You might not have a problem kicking mine in but what about hers?  Right Lisa?"  She looks at him clueless as he grabs hold of her wrist and suddenly shocks her.  She yelps in pain.  Saleem growls, "What the hell are you doing you sick fuck!"  Then suddenly everything inside the house stops moving except the lightning as it rolls over Lisa's body like a cocoon.  As it melts away, Lisa's long blonde hair is now jet black with a single streak of snow white.  As she opens her eyes they are electric blue.  Suddenly she screams causing all the windows in her home to shatter and explode outwards, showering everyone in the vicinity with shards of glass.  Everyone inside the house begin to move again.  And with the exception of Jack they all seem quite shocked.  With a smirk Jack says, "Surprise..."  

Slowly everyone with communicators slowly becomes aware of Cyclops yelling through it, "What's going on out there!?  The energy readings just went off the charts!"

[OoC3:  It's now everyone else's turns]

[OoC4: Aurum since you moved to take a look inside the house you take 6 damage from doing a face-plant onto Porsche's ice rink in the front yard.  The wind then carries you about 10' as you slide across the wet ice, mentally cursing all the way.]
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[ooc: Blink has an Excellent endurance but she rolled a 23 for her feat roll.  So that failed.]
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((3rd non-combat action))

Not bothering to get up, Aurum's sends over the mindlink. ~I'm done with this. I'm finishing it, if nobody beats me to it. The statement is accompanied by an image of Jack falling unconscious, exactly the thing she has been fighting not to do.
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Coming in next to Saleem, the warrior Gedeon says nothing as she invisibly takes a swipe at Jack with her blades.

Slugfest - Fighting Remarkable [1d100] = 16

((Adding the Bladed Weapons skill, I'm pretty sure that still puts me at a miss.))
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In the process of carefully heading toward the door over Porsche's icy yard, the windows of the house now invisible house blast outward and Kat covers her face to shield it from the glass. Not that it matters. It's impossible to tell whether she got cut by any or not, because her illusion remains perfect.

She looks at the house, wishing that her powers weren't so destructive to tight spaces. Then she gives Trevor and Sebastian a seeking look, being lost for what to do.
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