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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
Ooc - Sorry for not being around, thank you GM Marvel. How many people can James see with the intense fog/steam? Not sure if it's inherent in the hyper-breath power or a separate power stunt but the power description says it drops the temperature as well? So everyone in front of James would be cold and wet... very miserable! With the freezing rain, the attack might also create a blinding effect similar to a sand storm...

Hyper-Breath: "The PC can create a Power rank intensity wind by just blowing his/her breath. Also the temperature of the breath is at Power rank intensity to each respective temperature. IE: Cold or Hot. The Breath can encompass an area equal to number of the Power rank / 10. Thus, our fearless hero with a Hyper-Breath of Monstrous can freeze a lake of 7.5 areas."
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((Ok, can we talk? I did not say Emotion Control Love so he'd love Johnny. I said so he'd trust Johnny. In the book, that's pretty much what it says. I think what you're describing is closet to Lust.))
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(08-23-2016, 03:36 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: ((Ok, can we talk?  I did not say Emotion Control Love so he'd love Johnny.   I said so he'd trust Johnny.  In the book, that's pretty much what it says.  I think what you're describing is closet to Lust.))

When you created your character you picked 2 types of emotion control.  One was Fear and the other was Love.  Love is Love, not trust.  Love states that the target is devoted to the individual, to the point of endangering his own life in the other's behalf.  I didn't say that he was going to try to have sex with Johnny, which is what Lust would lead to.  Just that he is now in love with you.  Which I find kind of amusing. Tongue   It's why you don't see many male superheroes with the Love version of Emotion Control.  Except for StarFox who ended up being charged with sexual assault.  So I'd be careful if I were you.   Tongue   

If you were aiming for an effect like Jake Kilgrave's, The Purple Man, from Netflix's Jessica Jones, he has Emotion Control: Loyalty.
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(08-23-2016, 01:06 PM)James Carter Wrote: Ooc - Sorry for not being around, thank you GM Marvel. How many people can James see with the intense fog/steam? Not sure if it's inherent in the hyper-breath power or a separate power stunt but the power description says it drops the temperature as well? So everyone in front of James would be cold and wet... very miserable!  With the freezing rain, the attack might also create a blinding effect similar to a sand storm...

Hyper-Breath:  "The PC can create a Power rank intensity wind by just blowing his/her breath. Also the temperature of the breath is at Power rank intensity to each respective temperature. IE: Cold or Hot. The Breath can encompass an area equal to number of the Power rank / 10. Thus, our fearless hero with a Hyper-Breath of Monstrous can freeze a lake of 7.5 areas."

The only person the fog/steam is blurring is Porsche.  The other person you can see is a pretty girl with long blonde hair.  There are two other people who are camouflaged which you need to make yellow intuition checks (Because you are unaware of them, you may not use Karma.).  Porsche will also need to make a power check to keep her steam from momentarily being blown away under the Remarkable strength winds.

RE Hyper-breath:  As I have stated before, I use the Ultimate Powers book (UPB) and Player's book together to determine what a power can do.  Many times the UPB never mentions power stunts like the Player's Book will which can cause some confusion.  That website (Classic Marvel) is another DM's idea of what works for his campaign which while I think he has done some great work, I don't agree 100% with all his ideas.  The Hyper breath he describes is just very basic information and never mentions power stunts at all.  But in my game this is how I deal with powers:  generally, every power has a basic effect and all additional effects are power stunts.  So in the case of Hyper-Breath the basic effect is Power Rank winds that can effect 10% of the rank number in areas.  The cold and heat effects will be power stunts.  You have to learn how to create hot and cold super breath to do damage.  Right now you just blow them into objects to cause damage.  Much like the basic form of telekinesis is to just try to hit people with objects.  Later TK users can create blasts and force fields.

There is another thing I thought I should mention.  Hyper breath was created by that DM for his game.  The real power is called Hyper intake/Expulsion.  You may want to take that power instead.  The notable difference is instead of developing hot an cold breath, you actually intake matter (not only air but liquids and solids) and then expel them later.  So you could be drowning in a swimming pool and you use the power to intake all the water in the pool.  Or if you're at the beach, you could intake sand and then create a sandstorm by suddenly expelling it.

I copy and pasted the power below from it's original source, The Ultimate Addenda's Addenda, in Dragon Magazine #134.  Note that I don't agree with rolling randomly for what types of matter you can intake/expulsion.  I don't think it's fair someone can take the same power and use the same amount of character points but one rolls poorly and ends up with only gases while the other person rolls awesome and gets to intake everything.  So unless you use CP's to start off with more than one type of matter, you would start with one and all others will be available with power stunts. 

P18 - Hyper-Intake/Expulsion: This power was in my original UPB proposal, yet not only did I forget to put this in the UPB, I also forgot to put it in the original addenda article! This power is usually referred to as "Super Breath" and, while it is technically a Matter Control power, should be listed under the class of Physical Enhancement powers in the UPB. The hero has the ability to ingest awesome amounts of matter, retain them indefinitely, then expel them with power rank force. When creating a hero with this power, the player must decide what the hero can handle. A random die roll determines his chance of having the power to handle gas, liquid, solids, or some combination of these.

ORIGIONAL Die roll Category
01-16 Gases only
17-32 Liquids only
33-48 Solids only
49-64 Gases and liquids
65-80 Liquids and solids
81-00 Gases, solids, and liquids

MY Die Roll Category
01-60 Gas
61-90 Liquid
91-00 Solid

This power enables the hero to absorb quantities far exceeding the normal volume of the human body. He can absorb a volume of gas equal to the power rank number times 100 cubic feet. Liquids and solids are limited to the number of cubic feet equal to the power rank number. A side effect of this power is that the ingested matter is somehow compressed, diminished in size, or displaced into a pocket dimension: this enables the hero to retain his ordinary shape, although his weight does increase a token amount. It is up to the Judge's discretion as to how much weight is gained, with a 1% weight increase being a rule of thumb. Note that a sudden failure of this power can be disastrous! Such catastrophes range from (at best) the sudden expulsion of all ingested matter, retention of the ingested matter with the hero suddenly bearing all of its weight, or the rapid expansion of the ingested matter to its original size (this latter possibility being quite fatal).

Normally, a hero can retain the ingested matter indefinitely. A side effect of the power gives the hero internal invulnerability equal to his power rank, preventing major internal damage due to ingested poisons or physically damaging materials. Solids and liquids can be retained for as long as the hero can go without food; digestion normally stops while this power is in effect. If the gases ingested are toxic, the hero can only retain them for the amount of time he can hold his breath. If the mixture is not toxic and contains a sufficient quantity of oxygen, then the hero can hold his breath indefinitely.

The hero can expel the matter harmlessly or direct it into a blast that has power rank range and damage. He can also do damage by ingesting. For example, by inhaling all the air in a room, he can cause certain events to occur. One, everyone in the room must make an Endurance FEAT or pass out from the sudden absence of air. Two, the room can implode if the pressure difference exceeds the walls' material strength.
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(08-23-2016, 04:17 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: ((Obviously, that's not what I'm going for.  And if you saw Johnny's background, you'd know that he's more than a little bit afraid of 'Love'.))

If you were aiming for an effect like Jake Kilgrave's, The Purple Man, from Netflix's Jessica Jones, he has Emotion Control: Loyalty.

((Yeah, I think that's a bit closer to what I was looking for.  I guess I got caught up in the wording a little.))
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Awww so you want to change it to loyalty? If you do I will allow it since you're still getting use to the rules and this is the first time using the power.

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((Thanks yeah))
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Angry, Aurum slams Jack back. ~If that's what I was doing, you wouldn't be conscious right now. THINK about it. Taking a deep breath, the puts her face in her hands. She tries to calm herself as the wish to just have this be over wars with the aversion to use her abilities against one of their own.
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Katrina looks at Trevor and Sebastian. "We should go in. We need to keep him from hurting anyone."
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[Endurance Ex16 [1d100] = 40 Porsche is knocked flat on her back]
[Thermal Control Rm26 [1d100] = 24 her cloud of steam dissipates momentarily]

[OoC is Porsche stunned or able to act?]
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