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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
Porsche turns and looks over her shoulder at James and his father standing in the alleyway. Abruptly all the rain between her and James turns to steam, obscuring vision like the thick steam of a sauba.

[Probably doesn't block sight completely, but enough to make things harder to see.

[Power Stunt - Thermal Control - RM26 [1d100+5] = 68+5 = 73 = 68 + 27 Karma for 95 RED feat +100 karma for power stung. Used 127 Karma]
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Ashley quickly googles, "Jail Cell."  Suddenly the picture vanishes from the screen and a large barred cell made from solid light appears around Jack's body, with the word, "Jail" written along the top.

"There you go Jack, you won't be going anywhere now."  Ashley says quite pleased with herself.
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When Saleem hears Gedeon, he turns to look in her direction and suddenly spots her.  [Rolled a 94 on intuition]  

"Hey, we may need to take matters into our own hands and take Jack down," Saleem whispers to Gedeon.  "If he somehow gets out of Malcom's telekinesis and starts running again then he will be a lot harder to manage.  I say, we do a little team work and you hit him high while I hit him low."

If she agrees, Saleem will ready his attack to strike him if Jack escapes.
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While Aurum is mind speaking with the newcomer, Prosche concentrates and suddenly creates a wall of steam and rippling heat appears which obscures James and his father's vision even further.  It pretty much assures Aurum and Johnny's camouflage is successful. [While requiring James and his father to make Red Intuition feats to see Porsche and Blink.]

 Saleem tries to formulate a plan with Gedeon...

Then Graffiti pulls up a picture of a jail cell which appears around Jack.  [No hit required since Malcolm has Jack held and off the ground with his TK.]

Jack grits his teeth in anger and considers sending a bolt of lighting into the wet bushes to fry Malcolm to make him let go.  But in a moment of clarity, Jack realizes that will only prolong him from his goal.  So instead he decides to take a page out of another lightning users book--Electro.  So Jack concentrates as hard as he can.  [Power Stunt: 133 Karma]  Suddenly in a flash of light Jack instantly vanishes and everyone sees a bolt of lightning shoot up into a power line.  

[OoC: Characters in front of the house can make an intuition check.  Everyone else doesn't have any idea what happened to Jack.]

[OoC: Now it's everyone else's turn to act.  I believe at the moment, only Katrina, Ballista, Sebastian, Malcolm, Gedeon and eventually Graffiti (she has to wait until next round) can make intuition rolls to try to locate Jack.  I'm not yet allowing Karma on this roll.  I might be stating the obvious but if you don't know where Jack is, you can't target him.]
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((Still not too sure how to do these things but...))
Intuition: [1d100] = 62

((I think that's a Yellow feat...no idea what that even means in this situation though. EDIT: Oh, whoops! Is Jack not at the front of the house? He's on top of the house and could see Jack before he was caged...))
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[OoC: You are on top of the house and could see him in the cage. Then there was the flash and a bolt of lightning struck a power line. Jack is now gone from the jail cell. Only the people in front of the house can make an intuition check. There are reasons which will likely become clear very shortly.]

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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[Intuition Rm26 [1d100] = 65 GREEN feat]
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Malcolm and everyone else in front of the house who makes their intuition check, sees another flash of light come from inside Lisa's house but Jack can't be seen through any of the windows.
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Intuition - Excellent [1d100] = 59
Green Result
((Sorry for the delay. Managed to injure myself.))

Gedeon mutters assent to Saleem, as she watches Jack get out of the cage. "House... He wants to go for closed quarters. That's a bad idea with us. Let's go in." She heads for the house.
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Intuition - Excellent [1d100] = 58
Green Result

With a slight sigh, Katrina flattens her hand and makes a smoothing motion. The wave of earth that had moved to cover Lisa's front door shudders and begins to smooth itself out, so that people can get by it again.

Geoforce - Remarkable [1d100] = 39
Green Result
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