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Marvel Super Hero's OoC Thread
(07-25-2015, 06:32 PM)Brittany Norris Wrote: I remember some of my stuff, but not the crunchy bits.  If nothing comes back up, I'll have to re-roll.

I remember because of your game that none of your abilities or powers were above Excellent.  I think your Emotion Control was Excellent too.
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Not too sure about having the limitation of not being able to turn corners and being able to run 450 mph is a good thing....lol
Since Jack would need to make a yellow or red feat every time someone/something gets in his way. Worst case *SPL:AT* Dead.

Don't know another way to incur a limitation to Jack, besides limiting his electrical gen to a few areas.
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I used the stats you wrote up for your character.  Under the circumstances, I think the point buy system did a pretty good job at making your character.  And I was using the same limitation you gave yourself.

Reading about limitations in the Players Handbook, Limitations aren't suppose to be easy.  

But lets try to work this out...  You could lower the limitation a little bit by dropping some of your ability scores.  Do you need a Gd Fighting.  A good 10 ranked fighting is equivalent to a Police officer or Hawkeye.  If you dropped your fighting to Typical 5 it would give you 5pts to pay off the 20.  That would leave you with 15 pts to pay off.  Dropping your  Strength (1pt), Reason (1pt) and Psyche (2pt) to Typical 5 and your Intuition to Poor 3 (1pt) would give you another 5pts.  So now we have 10pts.  With that you can have a Limitation of a Good Agility feat to run around corners at full speed.  So that would be a green feat which is what you were doing before.  


I can be nice and just let you use your amazing rank Hyper-running to make the Agility feat.   Decisions... Decisions...   Tongue

This is a point based system so it won't be perfect when converting characters from rolled stats.  But it does a pretty good job at balancing characters.
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Questionj: Does a bonus power cost points? Because Electrical resistance came from Electrical Generation.
Another question: How much does it cost to get rid of a limitation?
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Bonus powers do not count with the point system. It wouldn't be fair for the people who have to buy all their powers.

I haven't decided on a cost to get rid of limitations but it shouldn't be easy. I was thinking about reversing the karma cost. So Ex 20 to Ex 19 cost 200 karma. 19 to 18 costs 190 karma. I might not include cresting though. I need time to crunch the numbers.

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On the other hand, maybe I could wave the 10pt base cost for bonus powers and put a limit that you can't raise the rank higher than the power the power that you got the bonus power from. In your case Resist Electricity Can't be higher than your Electrical generation. So it gives the player a reason to take them. But a bonus power of Resist electricity is a lot different than a bonus power of Flight or Telekinesis.

This would lower your limitation to a Gd 10 rather than an Excellent 20.
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Yeah, I think I like that idea. We will test it for now and see if waving the 10pt cost to get a regular Power and just paying for the rank for the bonus power. Not to exceed the Rank of the power you got the bonus power from.
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@Static Charge I noticed you said you could run at 450mph. I was wondering where you got that stat from. I see in the Ultimate Powers book, an Amazing hyper-running is 120mph.
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It's in the Classic Marvel Forever Benchmarks for land speed
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Those are house rules from another GM. The books say Amazing land speed is 120mph. I will take a look at those since I do like to use house rules from elsewhere and I've always thought that land speeds were slow.

Please provide a link to the table.
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