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OoC thread
Thanks for the update on XP.
1) HP here: HD level 2 sorcerer [1d4] = 3 +2 Con so max/current increased from 6 to 11
2) Skill points added to: Bluff (+1 = 1 rank), Decipher script (+2=2), Concentration (+1=5), Arcana (+1=5), Spellcraft (+1=5). Also added +3 climb bonus from Familiar (Mil, the desert lizard)
3) +1 Cha
4) Pass on this Smile
5) It's silver (cold) bloodline as written on my sheet, hence my bonus on Ray of Frost Smile My fire heritage is from the salamander lineage, hence my bonus on Burning Hands Smile
6) Will save and BAB increased by 1
7) He'll wake up next morning knowing one more cantrip. Suggestions are welcome; if there's no party preference I'll go for Mage Hand. (alternatives include Disrupt Undead but no IC reason to pick that one...)
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No real reason to take disrupt undead when your party has a Good cleric...unless you desire to have extra Undead-blasting power Wink

EDIT: btw, I'm leaning away from Crusader/RKV and starting to think more along the lines of Ordained Champion/Contemplative/Divine Oracle. If this turns out to be undead-heavy, I might not do that either as it lowers her Turning levels. Just keeping you all up-to-date.
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Number of undead encountered so far: 0 (unless Unreth is one which I doubt)
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Undead tend to suck levels or ability scores which isn't fun for the players so I don't tend to throw a lot of them into the game. They are there though and I have DMed adventures around undead infestations. In fact your characters are close to where the town of Lavendar Falls got overrun by ghouls.

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Do you think I should add a, "hint hint" to that last message? Nahhh. [emoji14]

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Clerics get Restoration spells for that. She should be getting one, in fact, very soon.
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Lesser restoration is good for temporary stat damage but you need a full Restoration for anything permanent which is a 4th level spell.  That won't be until at least 7th level.  Of course it will take longer if you take dips into classes without spell progression.
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I'm sorry I haven't been around.  Work has been kicking my ass!!  Well, actually, the lazy people at work who don't do their work so therefore I have to do it for them are kicking my ass. Dodgy   But I digress.  I'm working tonight but then I'm off for a few days so I hope to get caught up.
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Still better this way than you being the lazy people and watching others do your job. For your conscience at least Smile
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Yep, need to apologize myself, things have just gotten away from me lately!
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