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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
[OoC: Kat, Trevor and Sebastian are all hovering together above the street. Saleem and Malcolm are (Gedeon was but not anymore) hiding in bushes across the street. See map.

@johnny if you haven't already seen my edit, please see my previous OoC post.]

[ Now to try to get some more sleep before work. I hate having insomnia before work!]

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Holy sh--!

Anger erupts in Johnny's mind as he gets a little too curious about what's going on.  He hears what's being said by the curiously feminine water shape...but it was the intense, overriding anger that fills his mind and, quite frankly, frightens him.  Not because he's afraid of her or her emotions, but feeling this one, causes him to feel them all: pain, anger, pity, sadness, it's everywhere! He has to land on the roof of the house so he can clutch his head in pain for a moment as he works his way through the miasma of teenaged emotions.  Subconsciously, his mind lashes out, reacting to all the negative emotions with a (hopefully) positive one.

[[Power Stunt, Emotion Control: Pleasure.  He's never pulled the stunt before, so I'm thinking it's a Red FEAT...in which case, I think it fails.]]
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Roll to perceive the flying guy - Intuition - Good [1d100] = 90

As she comes around the side of the house clad in constantly shifting shadow armor, Aurum suddenly slows to a stop, looking toward the top of the house. Suddenly, a winged blip appears on the mental map. Her voice is in the heads of all within the mindlink, and also the winged figure on the roof.

~What is your intention?

Johnny (the winged one) can feel the weight of the mind touching him, its strength, but there's something else. Multiple minds, whispering in the edges of the street with fingers of light and shadow, some belonging to the teenagers he'd seen, and some not. One powerful mind surrounded by many, like a strange community. All the emotions he felt, as if they all suddenly had voices, but he couldn't quite make out what they were saying, because this one, powerful mind was its center.

((OOC: Going to assume, considering their relative Psyche scores, that having a non-invasive conversation doesn't need to be rolled for. If it gets invasive, I'l let you know Wink ))
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My intention?  I just want everyone to chill out!  All these negative vibes are really starting to hurt.

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(06-30-2016, 06:58 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: ...
[OoC2: Anyone may make an intuition check to try to notice Johnny flying in the air.  You have a -1cs and will need a green result because even though it's night time there are still street lights that is helping you see.]

[Intuition Rm26 -1cs [1d100] = 71 to spot Johnny = Yellow feat]

Malcolm is content to remain in the bushes and hidden, but sends through the mindlink

"Blink, Samba, or Aurum, my bubble goes into the house, if you can convince Lisa and her dad to go inside and close the front door, getting them out of Jack's sight might drop the danger level down a few notches."

"Whoa... we have company..."  just as he says that Aurum broadcasts her challenge to Johnny.
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Johnny 'hears' Roslyn's conversation with the 'little devil on her shoulder.'  None too impressed by Demi encouraging Aurum to run off without him into the unknown, and even less impressed by being left on the other side of a fence.  He is a fit lad but not exactly an athlete.  Getting over this fence could pose to be a serious problem.  Knowing that he needed to catch up to Roslyn as fast as possible, Johnny looks for whatever can give him an advantage [Using Karma: Roll 58. At least a Green].   When he finds a rock along the fence or some other object that could help him, he uses it to climb over to the other side. 

"Well, Shite!  I did it!" [Might not have even needed Karma!] He quickly dusts himself off and then charges after Roslyn.  Johnny notices the sleeping dog and can't help but feel proud of Roslyn for taking the pooch out before it became a problem.  He rounds the corner from the backyard and spots the three girls standing together looking out into the street.   

"What's going on," he whispers as he arrives beside them.  "It felt like Gedeon got hit or something."  Johnny then concentrates and a familiar stun gun materializes in his hand.  "Just say the word and I kin ice 'em."

[Intuition check to see the other Johnny.  Rolled a 34 but needed a 56. Failed.]
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[Since her back is to the roof of the house I will assume Porsche doesn't know about Johnny until Aurum and Malcolm's warnings]

[Thermal Control Rm26 [1d100] = 63 = Green feat]

The front lawn, front walk and driveway cool rapidly, freezing the rain that strike them into a slippery, treacherous area of ice that quickly gets even more slippery as rain falls on it.

[OoC my fellow Canadians understand this.. freezing rain is much more slippery than even a regular sheet of ice. Jack wants to run at the house he is not gonna have fun.]

"Sir, take your daughter inside, we will keep the ojete away from you."
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[OoC: @Johnny Blair you need at least 100 karma and a red power feat to create a power stunt.  A player will usually use Karma to get the Red result needed for a first time stunt.  Because who wants to spend 100 karma to just fail?  Unfortunately you only have 36 karma so you don't have enough to even make the attempt.  Sorry. 

For the newbies:  You need to succeed with rolling 10 power feats.  The first time you attempt a stunt it's a Red Power feat.  The next 3 times are yellow power feats.  Then the last 6 times are green feats.  Each time you attempt a stunt it costs you 100 karma.  You may use karma to reach the color result desired.  Each time you say you want to use Karma you must spend at least 5 points whether you use them or not!  Adults have to spend 10 points each time they use karma even if they don't need them.]
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[OoC oh so I only needed a yellow feat for the bubble this time? not a red? that would have saved me 10 Karma.. having spent 100+5 rather than 100+15]
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[OoC: If you used it one time before then the second time is a Yellow feat.  I believe you but can you remind me when you first used the force field?  Was it against the blob?]
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