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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
Aurum slips off the plane, going around to the back of the house, looking for a backdoor that might be unlocked.
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Porsche exits the plane and, like Aurum, races as fast as she can through the backyards. Instead of checking the backdoor she moves to a position between the houses, so she can see the street but just out of sight of Jack.

[OoC thanks to the mental map, she doesn't have to peek to see Jack]

She surrounds herself in an aura of heat, instantly drying herself.
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Everyone moves into positions...  (I hope I don't miss anyone.)
  • Gedeon, Malcolm and Saleem wait patiently across the street in some bushes
  • Behind their house, Aurum hops the chest height fence (with I assume Interfaces help).  She lands quietly but suddenly Lisa's dog who is chained up outside, begins barking at her.  It is blocking their path to the back door.  Everyone can hear the dog barking.
  • Blink transports both herself and Porsche between Lisa and Jame's house.
  • Trevor uses his carrier wave to pick up both Sebastian and Katrina.  Then when Katrina gives the word, He flies the three of them out of the Jet and toward Lisa's house.  Trevor tries to remain hidden behind trees for as long as he can.
Static grits his teeth in anger.  Tired of listening to Lisa's father, Jack suddenly points and a stroke of lightning leaps from his fist and briefly lights up the street as it blasts a hole into the asphalt driveway.  "I said now!"  

[OoC: Do you want Trevor to land?]

From behind, Jack hears a familiar voice.  Positioning himself so Lisa is on his left and Katrina is on his right, he turns his head toward Kat and says, "Hey.  Fancy meeting you here.  Just out for a stroll/flight, were you?"  Jack then slowly scans the area with his eyes, "Is it just the three of you here?  Or did you bring OUR friends?"  

[OoC: I made a quick map.  Again I hope I didn't forget anyone.

Red = Jack (middle)
Dark Red = Saleem (bottom)
Black = Gedeon (bottom)
Grey = Malcolm (bottom)
Blue = Interface (top)
Light Blue = Aurum (top)
Yellow = Blink (middle between house)
Orange = Porsche (middle between house)
Green = Lisa's father (middle)
Light Green = Lisa (middle)
Dark Blue = Trevor (beside "Ismay street")
Purple = Sebastian (beside "Ismay Street")
Light Purple = Katrina (beside "Ismay Street")
White = James (middle/right in house)

I'm sorry if the colors are difficult to see but I'm working on better maps.  In case you can't find your dot, I wrote a basic location beside your name.]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Katrina is startled slightly by the flash of electricity, fearing the worst. Suddenly, the ground shakes, just slightly, with a low rumble, as hints of glowing red peek through the illusion of Katrina being a normal girl.

"Don't play stupid, Jack. You know the answer to that. And don't think we're stupid and assume we couldn't figure out where you were going. THIS is a mistake that you don't want to make. We're trying to help you."

((OOC: Considering the light show, Katrina would just as soon stay in the air, despite it attracting more attention. There's no getting out of attracting attention now anyway.))
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That went south quickly. As Katrina tries to recover lost ground with Jack, Gedeon takes the more direct approach. She quickly whispers to Saleem, while simultaneously sending over the Mindlink.

"Can't wait for Aurum. I'm going in for the 'danes."

With that, she runs toward Lisa and her father, intent on grabbing their arms and pulling them away from Jack. Rain streaks off her as she heads for her marks, keeping her mind on marking her position on the mental map.
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Hearing Gedeon's thought, Aurum momentarily panics, her thoughts coming over the mindlink. ~Wait! I can't see them to warn them. Also! DOG!

Demi's thought immediately answers. ~I got this.

For those who can see her (those within the mindlink that can see the backyard), Demi's image gestures. Immediately, shadows crawl up Aurum's body and encase her in constantly moving, shadowy armor.

~Uhhh... What about Johnny?

~Oh... It's fine. He's not over the fence yet. He can go around.

Power Stunt: Shadow Armor [1d100] = 93

((Spending 100 Karma on the Shadow Armor Power Stunt, +5 for casting it while Aurum is dominant, +5 minimum to get at least a Green Result. Shadow Armor = Body Armor of Remarkable Material/Excellent Protection. Total Based on roll: 110 Karma))
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[OoC wouldn't Jack's light show and turning have triggered my readied action.. ?]

Malcolm instantly reaches out with his mind while Jack is distracted by talking to Katrina and surrounds the father and daughter (and much of the front of the house in a telekinetic bubble of force.

[Power Stunt - Telekinetic Force Field Telekinesis RM26 [1d100+5] = 80+5 = 85 the +5 represents a placeholder for Karma so Malcom is spending 15 Karma for a RED feat + 100 karma for the Power stunt = 115]
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(06-22-2016, 03:24 PM)Malcontent Wrote: [OoC wouldn't Jack's light show and turning have triggered my readied action.. ?]

[OoC: No.  You said, "If Jack steps toward the house, or launches an electrical attack..."  He did not step toward the house and I considered you readying for an electrical "attack" as just that; an attack.  Yes he did fire off a lightning bolt but he didn't attack anyone.  Also, since you were waiting until he 'attacked' I figured you were purposely waiting until the last moment (someone possibly getting hurt) to reveal your readied action to gain some kind of advantage.  Otherwise, why wait?]

[FYI: Marvel technically doesn't have readied actions or other D&D terminology but I do use those game mechanics simply because people are very familiar with the terms.  So if there is a D&D game mechanic that you want to use, feel free to mention it and I will let you know if you can use it.  In all my games I try to work with the players while trying to stay within the rules.  I have no problem house ruling something if I think I makes sense.]
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[OoC: I'm sorry if I missed anyone but this was a long post.  We will be moving over to Jame's thread soon.]

While Kat tries to reason with Jack, Gedeon makes a break for Lisa and her father.  Normally Graffiti's perfect transparency would have easily gone unnoticed by the typically clueless Jack 99% of the time but with the rain and him purposely looking around for others, he sees the slight ripple [Rolled a 95 Yellow feat] over her silhouette which sparks him to action.  

"Where do you think you're going?," he says while shaking his head.  "You really didn't think you were going to out run me did you?"  [Jack activates his readies action.]

As Gedeon begins to run across the road, Jack suddenly darts Southwest [6/20 areas] then does a quick U-turn and charges back down the road toward Gedeon leaving a trail of rain in his wake.  With blinding speed he slams into Gedeon...  [Roll 82 Yellow/ 5 karma used.] "Sorry, but you gotta understand.  This is about love."

[An Amazing Slam but with teen friendly rules the damage is only 6.  Gedeon please make a d100 endurance feat to avoid being Slammed.  FYI: You need at least a Red feat to not be staggered (or stopped).  Yellow will stagger you and stop your movement.  Any lower result will mean he knocked you flying.]

Malcolm's readied action kicks in causing him to wrap Liza and her father in a sphere of force.  Both are startled but that doesn't stop the Dad from protesting bitterly about being trapped!

Meanwhile, Aurum gets temporarily taken over by Demi.  Shadows creep up her body and encase her in solidified shadow which acts like armor.  [Of course stylized any way Demi wishes.]


Inside the Jet, Cyclops and Jean get a message from the Professor.  "I've been monitoring your actions from the mansion.  I thought you should know, I've detected two additional mutants in the area.  One is within 20' of Porsche and Blink and the other seems to be flying well above the street where the students are confronting Jack.  Be careful.  We don't know their intentions.  We may need to quickly call the students out of there."

[Enter Johnny Blaire]  

Johnny had been flying around after dark because it's the easiest time for him to get around without being seen.  Unfortunately it was raining but he loved to fly and he just couldn't resist.  With the fear of being struck by lightning in the back of his mind, he had been flying a little lower than usual.  It had been a fairly typical night but then he noticed a flash of what seemed to be lightning somewhere below him.  Out of curiosity he flew to investigate when he happened upon a group of teenagers having some kind of encounter.  The situation didn't seem too interesting until he spots [Roll 68 Yellow. Success] one of the teens run at blinding speeds and suddenly slam into something.  What it was, he couldn't be sure.  It had a basic human shape but it was see through like rippling water.
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Damn do I love this.  Flying is, like, the coolest thing ever.  Is almost all that goes on in his teenaged head.  He found that remaining focused on one emotion in himself kept him centered and kept all the other emotions he kept picking up, well, everywhere from butting in like the annoying jerks that they were.  Even though it occupied all of his focus that wasn't busy elsewhere.  He was mindful of the rain, however.  He didn't mind the water, but he was sure that getting struck by lightning wouldn't feel very good.  Then he actually sees what looks like a bolt of lightning strike the street below, followed not long after he descended to check it out, by a human shape moving at very fast speeds to collide with something...watery.

Damn...I gotta check this out.  He gradually glides down, not really interested in moving all that fast given his relative unfamiliarity with flying in general, and moves to investigate.  He stays within earshot of what is happening, trying to pick up on the cause of the conflict.

[[Please tell me if I need to make any rolls.  Johnny intends to hover around the house.]]
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