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OoC thread
I am interested.  I have wanted to create a Zen Archer cleric but it seems that that feat has been removed in Pathfinder and made into a Monk archetype.  Undecided   So maybe some kind of wizard.  I had one in a game in DM MIB's game on plothook so maybe I can use that character as the base and just reroll new stats. 

Are you allowing all of the classes on the PFSRD like the Base classes, alternate classes, hybrid glasses, etc?  I know you said no gunslingers which are part of the Base Class list but other than that everything is available?
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Ye will be the thirde man! 13th Warrior anyone?

I was thinking of a Barbarian or a straight Fighter.
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Just about everything on d20pfsrd.com is allowed, Gunslinger being the main exception.  No homebrew stuff either.  While I'm allowing the base, Alternate, and Hybrid classes as well, I think you should all remember that, more than almost any other campaign, Kingmaker requires all the PCs to work together and maintain cohesiveness.  Not only will they be fighting off enemies together, they will be creating and running a country together.  That's a little difficult to do with a little handicap like mistrust.  The alternate classes, and classes like vigilante and Inquisitor *might* struggle with that, but if you can find a way to do, go for it.

You could also think ahead to the Kingdom building turns (which won't occur for awhile, but they will be there).  6 of the 11 governmental positions require Charisma, but these positions will also require Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom.  Only one person to a position, and only one position per individual.  You *may* also find enemies or NPCs capable of filling *some* of these positions, but you shouldn't count on it.

Anyway, that's the most basic outline I can give.  I'll be continuing to set the game up throughout the day, and then make an ad since it looks like we're a couple players short.
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Ok and how do you plan to generate stats?  Are we rolling or point buy?

How many characters do you need for the game?  So far we have Nerdred, Gilley, Vitkyng and Me.
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What about races? I thought I recalled something from a very very long time ago about Kingmaker being a human-only thing, but I could be wrong. Or it could have changed. But kingdom building does seem to take a slightly different thought process if some of your leaders are capable of living hundreds of years, while others aren't.
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Kingmaker is not human only, at least not in Pathfinder.  I'll provide a player's guide for you guys in the forum once I'm done with it.

We can do it with four or five.  I need to talk it over with paladinred.
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I'm so fascinated by the idea of playing in another game but I'm already overbooked... Sad
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While I'd love to have you join, I don't want you to overburden yourself.
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In case no one noticed, I gave out experience.  Everyone received 300xp.  That bumps Nacesh up to 2nd level.  Nacesh may update everything on his character sheet except for his spells.  He will have to rest to pick and regain spell slots.

Just a reminder for Nacesh, 

1) When rolling hit points, the number rolled must be a minimum of Half max +1. So a wizard would get 3; a fighter would get 6; a cleric would get 5 etc.  So you get the higher number between what you rolled or the minimum for your class.  

2) Since you're a human, you get an additional skill point if you stay in whatever class you started with at first level.  You also get your human skill bonus.  So if you take another level in sorcerer you will get: base 2+ Int 2 + 1 for human + 1 for favored class = 6 skill points.

3) You get a stat point every even level that must alternate between your Physical and Mental attributes.  So if you put a point in Charisma (a mental stat) at 2nd level, you must put your next point you gain at 4th level into a physical stat (Str, Dex or Con), and so on.

4) Having 5 ranks in Bluff or 5 ranks in Diplomacy gives you synergy with Sense motive.

5) Remember that as a Sorcerer you gain a bloodline from Pathfinder.  On your sheet you have written that Nacesh has a Draconic Bloodline.  I'm assuming you're leaning toward Fire so you either descend from Gold dragons or Red Dragons.  You can find the link >here<.

That's all I can think of for now.
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I will continue posting once I've had some sleep.   Sleepy
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.