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The Rock
(05-28-2016, 03:05 AM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: [OoC is thgere a station computer terminal anywhere within 20 feet of Long. If there is he will begin to roll towards it.]

~"If you would allow me to bring up the Cantina security feeds, I can demonstrate the actions of the three who attacked."~

There are several computer terminals in the space dock, which is roughly 200 meters long by 80 meters high, with a terminal at each landing area and also evenly spaced along the outer perimeter.  The closest terminal is exactly 20 meters from you and behind Holon-Veil's group.  Hollow-Viel and his security forces are spread out 15 meters from you and holding their positions, even the Talz seems reluctant to move, sensing that trouble could ensue not to mention the whirling buzz saw still held at the ready.

"Yes, allow the droid to show you from your own security cams we are the victims here."  Captain Sunt implores.

"Please do.  I think that Talz is about to piss himself."
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As Long pulls away from the Talz the buzz saw arm retracts and neatly folds onto his chassis, and yet another arm unfolds, this one ending in a much less threatening Scomp link.

As he rolls forward on his tracks toward the computer terminal he takes a very wide berth around the security detail, beeping his distress in Binary. [the droid equivalent of grumbling or mumbling to yourself, which Dez would know from the "I'm just a stupid droid is an act" that Flik often had Long use successfully. No one considers a little service droid a threat, when they consider it at all]

If he reaches the computer terminal safely he will connect and attempt to find the security feed from the Cantina. Before he shows the security feed he will attempt to modify it slightly.. including the timestamps to show the security feed as if Dez shot at the Rodian was in reaction to the Rodian shooting Captain Sunt. He will also attempt to gain information on the Rodian, the Talz, and on Zann. Finally, he will secure control of the nearest air lock force field to the ship and everyon involved.

~"My apologies for the wait. The Cantina has surprisingly thorough encryption."~

[OoC can I assume still that the Docking Bay Computers are Friendly as per message #5 in this thread - http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....44#pid8544]

[First he attempst to to Improve the computers attitude, from Friendly to Helpful and use 1 Force Point - Use Computer - Improve Attitude [1d20+11] = 5+11 = 16 + [1d6] = 1 Force = 17. Hope it's will defense isn't too high. This takes 1 Full round]
[Access the cantina network if it is separate Use Computer - Access Network [1d20+11] = 9+11 = 20. A Full Round]
[Find the video recording: Use Computer - Access Information [1d20+11] = 1+11 = 12 a low roll but should be a fairly routine task for a regular user to find security recordings. A full round]
[Editting the video - As per the Core rulebook page 76 Issuing a routine Comman does not require a check and includes " viewing or editting documents or recordings in it's memory, but since I need this edit to go very smooth I will make a check and spend another point of the Force on top of it Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+11] = 5+11 = 16 + [1d6] = 2 Force = 18. A standard action]
[Searching for information on Zann Use Computer - Access Information [1d20+11] = 17+11 = 28 , on the Rodian Use Computer - Access Information [1d20+11] = 17+11 = 28, and on the TalzUse Computer - Access Information [1d20+11] = 10+11 = 21 3 more Full rounds]
[Overriding air lock fail safes Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+11] = 19+11 = 30 . A standard action. ]
7 rounds later. a full 42 seconds, which Long feels is an eternity. Think about this, it took R2 about 30 seconds just to turn off a trash compactor.

~"I have managed to get past the Cantina's encryption, and have found the security feed, let me patch it to my holo-projector."~

With that Long silently turns on his magnetic treads and projects the modified security video through his holo-projector in his torso.

[OoC See Dez didn't even have to wait 25 years for the remastered version.]
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Ooc - Lmao @ remastered.  By the way you could've taken 10 or even 20 on the use computer check but it would increase the time it takes.

Having lived on the Rock for so long, Long... has a friendly rapport with most of the stations computers hence the friendly attitude.

The security forces pay Long little attention, except a few stink-eyes, as he rolls past them.

Improve computer attitude: Success, "How may I assist you sugar?" Apparently this terminal has a feminine programming routine that took a sudden likening to Long. You also get a +3 bonus to all your checks.
Access Cantina network: Success, "Sugar, if you are looking for a good time just let me know."
Find video recording: Failure, Initially.  Instead you stumble across an old recording of Zann and Flik sharing drinks at the bar seemingly having a good time which distracts you momentarily.  Then the computer assists you. "Is this what you were looking for?"  Success
Edit/Remaster video: Success, "If you ask me those bipedal flea carriers got what they deserved.  I can't believed one of them tried to shoot you.  You are so brave."
Information on Zann: Duros, Male, Captain of the Tug "Harlot,"  "If you give me more time I can give you a more detailed file on Zann, but you have to promise to come back later."
Information on Krelli: Rodian, Female, crewmember of the Tug "Harlot,"  "If you give me more time I can give you a more detailed file on Krelli, but you have to promise to come back later."
Information on Jon: Talz, Male, crewmember of the Tug "Harlot,"  "If you give me more time I can give you a more detailed file on Jon, but you have to promise to come back later."
Overriding air-lock fail safes: Failure, "I'm sorry hon that is a secure network, only station computers located in the central command tower have access to space dock controls.  But I can give you the latest access codes to bypass control tower security terminal. Wait one min hon.....

As everyone waits for the droid to show a play-back of the cantina fight, Holon takes this time to chat up Dez.  "Dez, my dear, you really should get that arm looked at.  No matter what this recording plays I insist you "accompany" me back to my quarters.  I will have the doctor take a look at you."

While the very helpful and possibly horny computer terminal searches her network for security codes Long begins playback of the Cantina's remasterd holo-recording.  It depicts a very one sided view of the local "gang" trying to intimidate the Captain and shooting "first."  Then Dez steps in to defend only to be shot by the Gand...
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~"I shall repeat playback so that the footage can be examined in detail."~

Long begins to replay the video, this time at a slower frame rate.

~Of course I will come back, especially if you can get me their financial or medical records. Oh, one more thing, can I also get the security code for the outer doors, and then you and I can create a subroutine together, one to make opening the spaceport more efficient by opening the doors and dropping the field at the same time with one simple override command. That sounds like a pleasurable activity, our code meshing together.~

[Get code to open doors - Use Computer - Issue Routine Command [1d20+14] = 11+14 = 25]
[Create subroutine - Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+14] = 13+14 = 27 ]
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Ooc - you deserve some bonus xp just for role-playing that.  I laugh every time I read that.  (50xp bonus to Long)

Get code to open doors: Failure, "That is simply beyond my access, but here is the security code to enter the control tower, 44017-B2-3690."
Create subroutine: Success, "Sigh..."
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Long will quickly use the access code to enter the Control tower.

[Connect to the Contro;l tower - Access Information - Connect to a Network is just a dC 10 so will just take 10 for 21.. taking 10 takes no extra time]
[I am assuming that the Control Tower is a seperate system so I am going to make nice with it first and assume it is at least Indifferent to start since i had an access code
Improve Access using 1 Force Use Computer - Improve Access [1d20+11] = 10+11 = 21 + [1d6] = 4 Force = 25!
Improve Access 2nd roll to improve access more.. Use Computer - Improve Access [1d20+11] = 17+11 = 28
Improve Access 3rde try.. yes i am going for Helpful Use Computer - Improve Access [1d20+11] = 13+11 = 24
Get command to open Outer Doors Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+11] = 19+11 = 30 If it is helpful that could be higher as I add the Control Tower computers Equipment Bonus
Get Command toDrop Air Lock Force Field Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+11] = 3+11 = 14
Trying that again : Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+11] = 10+11 = 21 ]

He then enters the correct codes into the subroutine.

~Sweetheart, does your terminal accept voice commands?~

[OoC and who ever thought it was no fun to play a tech? All told that along with the last two took another minute.. his playback of the battle slowed down is hopefully still playing. if he has to he will play another loop like it's stuck. Thou 1:42 isn't very long for them to have ther conversation after the first playback.]
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Ooc - I will save the rolls and I should have explained the situation better. One has to physically be in the control tower to use it's computer to access those commands. Think of it like a closed system cut off from the rest of the networks as an added safety precaution, otherwise the "control" tower wouldn't have much "control." Remote access isn't even viable.

Long thinks with a little distraction he could slip away right now without being noticed. Of course no one else can play the holo recording...
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~Hey babe, do you have control of the lifter/inloadere droids? And do you have voice command capability? Meaning can you hear audio in the docking facility?~
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"You want to talk with the lifters? Just ask hon, there are three nearby right now.  Here is my personal comm-link.  We can talk anytime babe."  The terminal sends you her com-link frequency in case you have a personal com-link.  From her data read out you know that the three CLL-8 lifter droids can only understand binary or very simple commands.  From experience you know that they are very primitive thinking droids, much stronger physically than their weak processors.
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[OoC I was checking if she had control over the lifter droids, so say a human controller could direct them through her. If Not I will either have to find an alternate idea or interact with them individually which will take too much time.]

Long exchanges comm-link frequencies with her so that if need be he will be able to release his Scomp link.

~Wait, you have command of the docking facility fire suppression system?~

[OoC aww how cute, they're exchanging digits lol]
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