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Monroe Dietrich - Printable Version

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Monroe Dietrich - DM Spiral - 02-09-2025


NAME: Monroe DietrichALIGNMENT: UnprincipledRank: Private
R.C.C.: Super SoldierLEVEL:  1st EXPERIENCE: 0
PPE: 11  PPE/ISP RECOVERY: 10% /hour of sleep, 15% /w Meditation ISP:  118


Languages and Literacy98%Speak and Write American
Mathematics: Basic78%45% (+ 20%)(+5%/level) Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Basic Geometry
Military: Etiquette68%35% (+20%)(+5%/level) Navigating Military Structure, Rank and Life. Dealing with lower and higher Ranks.
Physical: Running -(+1 to P.E., +4d4 to Speed, +1d6 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Body Building-(+2 to P.S., +10 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Forced March -(+2 to P.E., +1d4 to Speed, +2d6 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Athletics -(+1 to Parry and Dodge, +1 roll with Impact, +1 to P.S., +1d6 to Speed, +1d8 to M.D.C.)
Radio: Basic 68%45% (+10%) (+5%/level) Operation of any Radio and Communications Equipment
Sensory Equipment54%30% (+10%) (+5%/level) Operation of Radar, Sonar, Heat Scanners, or any other sort of Detection Equipment.
Wilderness: Land Navigation48%36% (+4%/level) Stay on Course while traveling over land.
Wilderness Survival68%30% (+25%) (+5%/level) Hunting -10%, Penalty for using this skill in place of the following. Dowsing -20%, Identify Plants and Fruits -10%, Fasting -10%, Tracking and Trapping -20%, Land Navigation -20%) Adds as bonuses in reverse.
Weapon Systems 63%40% (+10%) (+5%/level) If successful, +1 to strike with any Mounted Weapon for Every 20% in the skill.
W.P. Energy Pistol- Proficient with Energy Pistol's. +1 to strike at 1,3,6,10 and 14.
W.P. Energy Rifle- Proficient with Energy Rifles. +1 to strike at 1,3,6,10, and 14
W.P. Sword- Proficient with Swords. +1 to strike at levels 1,3,6,9,12, and 15. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4,8, and 12.  +1 to parry at 2,4,7,10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons- Gained from Commando. Strike with two weapons per Melee action. Both attacks to one or two targets.

Communications: Public Speaking43%30% (+5%/level) +10% to the Performance Skill.
Communications: Performance43%30% (+5%/level) +10% to Undercover OP's and Impersonation skills.
Espionage: Intelligence53%32% (+4%/level) Gather Information.
Espionage: Perception55%( I.Q. + 20%) = 42% (+5%/level) Spot anything out of the ordinary or hidden.
Military: Liaison53%20% (+20%) (+5%/level) Diplomacy. If Acts as the following; Perform -10%, Public Speaking -10%, Streetwise - 10%, Administration -20%, adds as bonuses in reverse.
Military: Recognize Weapon Quality 58%25% (+20%)(+5%/level)Determine fake, reputation, and rating.
Military: Strategy and Tactics63% 30% (+20%) (+5%/level) Determine firing solutions, enemy movements, logistics, countering, advantages of terrain, etc.
Wilderness: Fasting 51%40% (+3%/level) Survival long periods with no food without penalty. Two weeks without food and two days without showing serious dehydration. 

Physical: Outdoorsmanship-(+1 to P.E., +2d6 M.D.C., +5% to Dowsing, Fasting, I.D. Plants and Fruit, and all Wilderness Survival Skills)
Physical: Wrestling- (+1 to roll with Impact, +2 to P.S., +1 to P.E., +4d6 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Physical Labor -(+2 to P.S., +1 to P.E., +2d8 to M.D.C)
Physical: Physical: Kickboxing -(+1 to P.E., +1 to P.S., +1d10 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Swimming61%50% (+5%/level) The ability to swim, tread water, etc. 

Hand to Hand: CommandoBonusesAttacks Per Melee
1st level+2 Save vs Horror Factor. W.P. paired weapons, body flip/throw, body block/tackle, 5

Cannot be Physically TransformedCannot be transformed by any means, magic or otherwise.
Natural RegenerationRegain 1d4x10 MD every minute (4 Melees), This is in addition to other forms of healing.
Super Soldier Bonuses+1 melee attack/action per round, +4 on initiative, +3 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to save vs magic and psionics, +6 to save vs horror factor. This is in addition to attribute and combat bonuses.
Strong Mind+5 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind. +1 at 3,6,9,12 and 15.
Hardy Internal SystemCompletely immune to all normal toxins and poisons. (Magical and Supernatural versions are at half effectiveness.)
See InvisibleCan see Magically, Psionically, or Supernaturally Invisible subjects.
Nightvision200ft (61 meters)
Fire and Cold ResistantHalf-Damage from such sources.
Psionic Nature:Even as a minor psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level. Rolled No Psionics
Extraordinary Physical ProwessAdd 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
Transfixing GazeLike the eyes of a cobra, the character can transfix his opponents with a mesmerizing stare. The gaze holds the victims frozen in place, unable to move or attack, and even mental/psionic abilities or spells are impossible to use while transfixed. The only problem with this power is that the super being is himself locked in this stare down with his victim. This leaves the super being vulnerable to attacks from other villains not locked in his transfixing gaze, or to those outside of the power's effective range. Anything that breaks the eye contact between the character and his victims instantly ends the gaze's effect, re leasing the victim from its influence. It is quite possible for one person to be pulled away from the gaze while others remain under its influence. Likewise, if the character with the Transfixing Gaze is knocked down, blinded or forced to move, his gaze is broken. The effect is also broken if the transfixed individual(s) is attacked.
Range: Eye contact with a range up to 200 feet (61 m). The victim must meet the character's gaze for the power to take effect. This can happen quite easily in combat sim ply by attacking a victim and forcing him to turn to confront the super being.
Duration: The gaze can be maintained for four melee rounds (60 seconds) per level of experience.
Damage: None, but those caught in the transfixing gaze are unable to take any actions until the gaze is broken.
Maximum Number of Targets: The hero may transfix up to two victims per level of experience at any one time, provided each looks him in the eye. Looking into an opponent's face/eyes is typical just before someone attacks. Furthermore, a character with this ability has probably learned how to draw attention to himself and get more than 1-3 people to look him in the eye/face, however, this requires a public address or making a spectacle of oneself.
Attacks per Melee: Neither the character using the gaze or those transfixed can take any action while the gaze is in effect.
Saving Throw: The victim(s) may make a save vs mind control (needing 14 or higher) to resist the effects of the gaze attack.
Bonus: The character is immune to the Transfixing Gaze of others (including vampires) and is +1 to save vs Horror and Awe Factor 
Intangibility This power affects the bonding element of molecules, making the person and 20 lbs (9 kg) of additional material on his person intangible seen but not touched. While intangible, the character is seen as a semitransparent, ghost image of himself. He is the perfect spy, being nearly invisible and silent. His appearance alone can be quite harrowing.
• Limited Invulnerability. Intangibility means that punches, kicks, sticks and stones, bullets, lasers, missiles, explosive force, and most conventional attacks pass right through him harmlessly, like a ghost.
• The character can walk through any substance, stone, steel, earth, machines, force fields, etc., without affecting it or himself.
• Sink into the Earth. The intangible state allows the character to will himself to sink into the earth/ground up to his nose and walk on the dense molecules, effectively walking through the earth. Likewise, he can actually walk on the dense molecules of smoke or fog (and thus into the air), as well as walk on water. These all require concentration and use up three melee actions per round to maintain.
• No combat while intangible. Just as the intangible character cannot pick up or touch any object or person, he can not engage in combat. Any punches he would attempt will pass harmlessly through the person. Nor can he partially materialize or materialize a portion of his body. To materialize while partially in an object will result in in stant and painful death. The intangible character cannot throw an intangible object and expect it to become tangible and strike its target (it doesn't work that way). To attack, the superbeing must first become tangible and then attack. Likewise, small machines on the superbeings person do not function while intangible. Passing through computers or electrical equipment does not affect or harm the ma chines, although the character wi ll feel a tingling sensation from the electricity.
• The character can become tangible or intangible nearly at the speed of thought (counts as one melee action), but it can only be performed a maximum of four times per melee round.
2. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
• Add 1D6 to M.A. attribute.
• Add 1D4x10 S.D.C.
• Add +20% to prowl ability.
• Horror Factor (optional): 14 when semi-transparent or walking through walls; may be considered to be a ghost.
3. Vulnerabilities & Limitations While Intangible:
• The superbeing is not invulnerable to all attacks. Electricity, which stimulates and agitates molecules, does half damage. And intense heat or fire does 30% its normal damage.
• Psionic attacks have full effect. Gas and smoke attacks are particularly effective, as the gaseous substance passes right through and into the blood stream, doing full damage/effect.
• Falls and explosions cannot harm him.
• Cannot glide or float into the air.
• The intangible person cannot touch and feel, or pick up or carry anything, but can speak, hear and smell as normal.