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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure - Printable Version

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RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-04-2016

Peeking into the East passage Portho detects no more secret passages. However, the blue robe with purple hue on the remains looks familiar, even from this distance. He wonders where did he see that before...
Concentrating on the south wall reveals that it's simply an illusory wall that hides a passage, not a door and all he has to do is to pass the wall. As he realises it, his bind bends and can vaguely see through the illusion which became translucent to his eyes now. There seems to be another room on the far end of this passage, stretching East. (map updated)

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - Portho Nihilbuck - 03-05-2016

Before he ventures through the illusion Portho decides to investigate first the spider, then the robed figure, fully expecting the robed figure to be one of his former companions. Once he reaches the robed figure he will need to stop concentrating, so If he does detect any secret doors, he will examine those before he does the body.

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-05-2016

OOC - I don't think inspecting a body would break concentration unless you consider a heightened feeling (like.. mourning...) as a standard action Smile

Portho detects no more secret doors here. And indeed, as he approaches the body he realises that it's the remains of Malachite; the albino mage with an everburning purple halo around her white hair. But what happened to her body? It's withered and her skin is dry as parchment.
The gnome recalls that the girl's favoured weapons were a pair of curved daggers dubbed "Guinsoo" and "Backstabber". She never wore armour but carried along a few scrolls and some magic dust.
(EDIT) This also means that there's but one member missing from the party; Chrysolite the secretive priest with his olive eyes and blond hair....

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - Portho Nihilbuck - 03-05-2016

Portho will drop concentration as he searches Malachite's body for any of her gear that might remain.

[OoC Taking 20 on the Search, which means the 1 minute maximum duration on the wand will expire anyway shortly after he starts the Search. The invisibility will end probably before he even reaches her, but his movements will remain absolutely silent.]

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-05-2016

The gnome realises in dismay that the body has been ripped of all valuables. No scroll cases, no daggers. Not even the richly decorated armbands which were not even magical-- as far as Portho could inspect them from a distance because the mage was not the type who let anyone too close to herself. All in all, her remains look almost like Ruby's, except for the ranger's swords that Portho stashed.

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - Portho Nihilbuck - 03-05-2016

The body being looted causes Portho more concern than the simple lack of her possessions.

Something took her items, something intelligent. He looks back at the smashed spider. Since she did not kill the spider, something else did. I am not alone in this level of the dungeon, and whatever it is is probably tougher than I am, I hope it doesn't like the taste of gnome.

He silently swallows worriedly.

After a moment he collects himself, then cautiously begins to move again. He stops just shy of the illusory wall and actively listens to see if he can hear anything ahead.

[From Roll20.. Portho Nihilbuck: rolling d20+6 Listen (19)+6= 25]

If he does not hear anything he cautiously steps through the illusion.

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-05-2016

Portho hears no noise from the other side so passes through. Much to his dismay, though, this seems to be another dead end.

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - Portho Nihilbuck - 03-05-2016

No one sane would hide a dead end with an illusion, would they?  he thinks to himself.

Once more he pulls out his wand of detect secret doors, and speaks the command word "leiða"

Then he concentrates while scanning first the western, then southern, then eastern, and finally northern walls.

RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-06-2016

There's another illusory wall on the southern half of the east wall. It hides a similar sized but asymmetric room, and it's likely not a dead end, maybe more passages in corners that can't be seen from this side of the illusion.
Ooc will update map on Monday

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RE: SOLO - Portho's Adventure - DM Surranó - 03-06-2016

Map updated.