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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Printable Version

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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 - 01-19-2022

E10 will help as well

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Eva Morningtide - 01-19-2022

Thanks. Hopefully we have strong men here. Smile

Eva is watching the sand thoroughly while we are going across this area.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 01-24-2022

[OoC:  Are you planning on taking  the exact route back that you took to get here?]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Eva Morningtide - 01-24-2022

(01-24-2022, 07:15 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  Are you planning on taking  the exact route back that you took to get here?]

Yes, I think so, we don't want to risk and didn't find shorter route back.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 01-25-2022

[OoC: According to the internet, typical hospital beds weigh around 330 pounds.  I will bump this up to 350 pound due to the additional electronic equipment embedded into it's structure.  Khonnir Baine doesn't have a weight listed so I will assume he's around 150 pounds.  This makes the total weight 500 pounds.  The maximum encumbrance for Gurkagh is 175# and E10 is 200#.  Since you're over your weight limit all you can do with the bed is stagger around with it.  So maybe 10' (5' per move action) per round.]  

Both E10 and Gurkagh take opposite ends of the bed and with a bit of straining they manage to lift it off the ground.  Both men are over their encumbrance limit so they're moving very slowly.  To move more than a stagger it will require the rest of the party to get involved and take a corner.  With Reawyn, Cyn and Eva taking one end and E10 and Gurkagh taking another you can move about 20' per round but the sandy road will cut it down to 15' per move action.  If you were just walking on the sand it would cut the move to 10' per round.  Assuming you all help...

Stepping outside you see the Habitat Dome is fully lit, which probably happened when you restored power around the time you met up with the boss of this level (who you took out very quickly.)  With everyone helping, you all hug the eastern wall while carrying the bed over the sandy road.  Even with moving at a slow pace you make it to the tall hills at the center of the dome (where you were attacked by the little plant people) in less than a minute.  You are all in pretty good shape (at least a 12 con) so you continue on without fatiguing yourselves.  After about another couple of minutes you make it past the mountains and to the other side of the Habitat Dome where you spot the double doors leading into the room past through to get here.   

Assuming you enter the room... 

[recap] Two strange machines sit to the north and south against the walls here, their faces appear similar to coils of metal tubes with several nozzle-like protrusions pointing into the room itself.  

[Development] Since your last visit, the machines to the north and south seem to have their power restored and are humming.  There's also a single glowing panel on either wall next to either door.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Gurkagh - 01-26-2022

Gurkagh abondons the bed and actually DEMANDS E10 to take Khomir's feet,and he will take Khomir's shoulders , using Gurkagh's bedroll as a makeshift stretch, they will CARRY Khomir.

[OoC Gurkagh was only using the bed as far as a smooth floor allowed.. he has no intention of using the bed where it's wheels become a hindrance.]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 01-26-2022

(01-26-2022, 06:52 AM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh abondons the bed and actually DEMANDS E10 to take Khomir's feet,and he will take Khomir's shoulders , using Gurkagh's bedroll as a makeshift stretch, they will CARRY Khomir.

[OoC Gurkagh was only using the bed as far as a smooth floor allowed.. he has no intention of using the bed where it's wheels become a hindrance.]

[That's fine.  You can do that too.  Either way you make it to the first room.  Is everyone moving on or are you going to investigate. ]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 - 01-31-2022

I was under the impression that time was running out on our water breathing, and that we were rushing Khomir back to town for medical attention. [OoC: being the newest member of the party, I had not said anything as I was waiting for a more senior member to respond first.]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Reawyn - 01-31-2022

How nuch time is left on the water breathing by Reawyn's estimate?

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 01-31-2022

[OoC:  It's impossible to tell. It could already be too late. You can't see the sky to see where the sun or moon is and you don't have any kind of magical time piece that can tell you the time.  It would be nice if Detect magic could tell you how much magic has been spent on the spell but it doesn't work that way.  When you get back maybe you could look into a mechanical or magical way of keeping time.  But keep in mind you have 2 bubble potions.  So even if the time runs out, one of you could still take Khomir back then return with some way to breath underwater for the rest of you.]