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~Character Construction/ Creation~ - Printable Version

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RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - Johnny Blair - 05-06-2016

(05-05-2016, 11:50 PM)Aurum Wrote: Oh. Didn't think it was my question to answer.

Well, I don't see any Contacts on your sheet. Given that he can manipulate the heck out of people, he'd probably have some of those, as well as potentially a higher Resources...

Apologies on the confusion. Thought I had opened up questions to everybody. Johnny's a bit of a late-bloomer in terms of powers so I wasn't sure how to use the contacts thing. It's definitely an idea though.

(05-06-2016, 02:42 AM)James Carter Wrote:
(05-05-2016, 12:17 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: I do not believe that Empathy was meant to be used to attack people. It's mainly a passive, reading emotions power and Telepathy is a reading thoughts and sending thoughts power. But I have often thought why couldn't a user be able to incapacitate someone with emotion. People have been known to faint from Fear or Anguish.

So, as I've said/posted about power stunts before, if you can come up with an idea for a stunt that makes any sense to me then go for it. In the Comics, Marvel has come up with some pretty crazy power stunts before especially for mental powers. So why can't we? Smile

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To add to what Marvel says, and I am not the GM, but in my imagination Emotion Control runs a wide range of abilities and emotions limited only by practice and imagination. Inducing Fear, Awe, Happiness, Hunger, Anxiety, you name it, upon others or suppressing said emotions (zombie/computer)... maybe the force field vs emotions is redundant? Also have you looked into Limitations. Say, limiting your healing ability by having to take the full damage of a target. As if you had to take 30 points, not just 20 or 10. Or, limiting it's use by how many times per day you could use the ability. Even the Emotion Control could be active all the time, your feelings being constantly "worn on your sleeve" and subjected to others. FYI, limitations could add CP points at character creation. Just an idea.

He has 37 hit points himself. Taking on damage would just incapacitate him more quickly. I like the Force field vs Emotion idea to protect everyone else against those who might have his powers because he has a built-in defense for himself. I get what EC can do, it's part of what drew me to it. I'm just...not sure how to proceed with the excess cp. Empathy had a great extra draw for me, when mentioned. I'm not sure how power ranks are defined, theme-wise, but wouldn't it be a nice little twist if the latent Empathy he possesses started forcing him to feel all the swirling emotions around himself, closing in around him like a thick cloud, slowly driving him mad? Then Prof Xavier finds him and helps him through the turmoil. I don't know how I can make healing beat that.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - GM Marvel - 05-07-2016

I had suggested Force Field vs Emotion because you had Resistance to Emotion.  The difference between them is the Resistance is always on but only protects you; the Force Field you have to turn on but you can protect others.  Honestly, with the exception of the Mutant Empath, there are very few emotion controllers in the game so either power wouldn't get much use.  Though it would be a nice power to have in your back pocket if/when you do meet up with him because he's an asshole who has no qualms bending people to his will.

Empathy would be a nice power for flavor.  Being able to judge people's emotions can come in handy.  Just think of Deana Troy from Star Trek. 

As for other powers, you have to imagine what an encounter will look like.  Are you going to be ok with just sitting back and controlling someone or do you want to take a more active roll.  A regular Psionic Blast that stuns might be useful and would give you something to do in combat.  You said you wanted wings to fly.  Which is True Flight but with +1cs speed.  You get the bonus because wings can be targeted and they are hard to hide.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - Johnny Blair - 05-08-2016

Yeah, I agreed with both suggestions for about the same reasons. I love the flavor of Empathy and I like the idea of him protecting his new friends from whatever manipulative basterd not named Jonathon Blair might be out there Wink. According to the Ultimate Powers book, Force Field vs Emotion protects against anything that targets Intuition, not just EC. So it seems much more useful than at first thought.

I'm honestly not sure how I want to play him. He's a high school football player, but doesn't have much in the way of hit points. I have a number of power stunt ideas. Stun is definitely one of them, but I also had the idea of a Pacify-like stunt where he channels all sorts of happy, peaceful emotions into the enemy to the point where the mug just says "You know what? I'm jus' gonna sit dis one out. Peys." I like the idea of controlling the battlefield so that only a certain number of enemies is actually engaged at any particular time. Also, I'm not sure I can add True Flight. He already has all 4 Power slots occupied.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - Johnny Blair - 05-12-2016

Character Sheet
Real Name: Jonathan Blair
Alias(es):  Adonis

[Image: prinzejunior02.jpg]

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
AgilityGood8-8 point buy-46-7576-9798-00
StrengthTypical5-5 point buy-51-8081-9798-00
EnduranceRemarkable26-16 point buy +1CS from Random Mutant-36-6566-9495-00
IntuitionRemarkable26-26 point buy-41-7071-9495-00
PsycheTypical5-5 point buy-51-8081-9798-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 44/44
Karma: 536/536
Resources: 5 (Typical)
Popularity: --
Origin: Late-spurred Maturity, Random Mutation.

Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma:  --

Powers ( 5 / 5 )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Emotion Control Excellent20-20 point buy + 40 power rank-41-7071-9495-00
2) (Emotion Control) ---Controlled Emotions: Trust, Fear----
3) Force Field against Emotion Incredible40-10 power buy + 10 point rank excess + 5 point overcharge-41-7071-9495-00
4) Empathy Typical5-10 point buy + 5 power rank-51-8081-9798-00
5) True Flight (Winged) Excellent18-10 point buy + 8 power rank +1cs (Wings limitation)-46-7576-9798-00
Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) ------
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------
Contacts ( - / - )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---
Group Affiliation: --
Base of Operations: --

Occupation: Student
Identity: --

Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Irish-American (3rd-generation)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190
Appearance:  Johnny has large, powerful, feathered wings sprouting from his shoulder blades.  These wings are capable of granting him the ability to fly and also give him the appearance of an angel to go along with a kind of trustworthy, wholesome charisma that exudes from his body and fills the air around him.  He was physically attractive before his change, but he would now be considered beautiful, his physically active form turned into a muscular specimen of pure muscle and sinew.  He rarely lets this get to his head even though he had become the most popular kid in school ever since his powers started acting out.  This is mainly because, as his primary mutations, he feels distinctly uncomfortable about them.  (Note: he is not *actually* an angel.  His powers began to manifest through Emotion Control and then through Wings and others).

Costume: --

Gear: Cell Phone

Transportation: True Flight (Winged)

Mother: Rebecca Blair
Father: Shannon Blair
Siblings: Liana Blair (sister)
Demeanor: Everyone's BFF
Motivation: --
History: Johnny's powers began developing slowly and steadily around the time he was 16.  He started becoming very popular around the kids in his school, unusually so in fact.  None of the upperclassmen could really explain why they liked hanging out with the Sophomore.  The boys got him his chance to try out for the varsity football team, and all the senior and junior girls fell head-over-heels for him the from the moment he walked by.  This is something neither Johnny, nor anyone he encountered could truly explain.  Tall, accurate, and strong, he not only made the Varsity football team, but became the lead quarterback and started showing signs of scoutable talent.  As a Sophomore.  It was utterly unheard of, but things started to get much stranger for Johnny.

During one game, a lineman tackled him and replays showed how immensely painful the hit had been.  He had torn his hamstring on the play, an injury which ended his season, but the strangest thing happened: many of the other players stopped what they were doing and started limping around and grimacing in pain, almost sympathetically...or maybe it was something else.

The next morning, Johnny's life took an even stranger turn.  He coughed out a large feather, one that would have been overly large on an eagle.  When he stood up, he fell backwards, off-balance from a strange weight.  When he got up again, he saw a pair of large wings had sprouted from his back.  He just stood there, frozen in place, looking at the massive wings now attached to his muscular frame.  His sister, barging into his room like she usually did, took one look at his new form, and then Johnny felt the swirling mix of emotions spreading from her mind and began clutching at his head.  Soon, the entire house was filled with different levels of fear, horror, and scarcely-concealed lust.  Filled with these conflicting and entirely confounding emotions, it wasn't long before Johnny decided the only logical solution was to run away.

Notes: --

Simplified Sheet!

Blank Sheet
Real Name:

Primary Abilities
Ability | Rank | Score | Notes/Modifiers | Green Feat | Yellow Feat | Red Feat
Fighting | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Agility | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Strength | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Endurance | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Reason | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Intuition | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Psyche | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98


Group Affiliation:
Base of Operations:




Mother: --
Father: --
Siblings: --
Demeanor: --
Motivation: --
History: --

Notes: --

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - GM Marvel - 05-25-2016

Johnny, I'm noticing a couple of things...

  1. Your Psyche should be Good 8 or Excellent 16.  There is no Excellent 15.  (See #2)
  2. As a new character your intuition must start at the lowest point for each rank.  For example, Typical 5, Good 8, Excellent 16, Remarkable 26. If after creating your character, you have extra points, then you can dump those points into any stat that is below Remarkable.
  3. Emotion control looks fine
  4. Force field vs Emotion: Unlike other powers, it makes you take a rank that's at least +1cs your Intuition.  No one has encountered this until now.  Rules Update: Off the top of my head I am going to say that you only have to pay the starting cost (usually 10) plus any additional cost above the rank of your ability score.  Until we get your rank numbers sorted out, lets say your Intuition is Ex 16.  You pay 10 for starting cost then an additional 10 to increase the rank to Remarkable 26 then add 5 for the overpower cost.  For a total of 25pts.  I hope that makes sense.
  5. True Flight:  you put 3pts into True Flight.  That would give you an initial Flying rank of Poor +1cs for wings gives you a Typical Flying, not a good.
Lets start from there.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - GM Marvel - 05-25-2016

James, your character looks good except you don't have an resources.  There isn't really any Shift-0 resource rank.  Even if there were, that would mean you were homeless and destitute.  Which you're not.  So you need to come up with at least 2 cp's to give yourself a rank of at least Feeble 1.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - James Carter - 05-25-2016

(05-25-2016, 04:37 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: James, your character looks good except you don't have an resources.  There isn't really any Shift-0 resource rank.  Even if there were, that would mean you were homeless and destitute.  Which you're not.  So you need to come up with at least 2 cp's to give yourself a rank of at least Feeble 1.
To be honest I wasn't concerned about money since he's a minor. I have 10 CP's left over from character creation. I will update his resources showing he has Typical (5) and access to a savings account.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - GM Marvel - 05-25-2016

Are you sure?  When I counted, I came up with exactly 200pts.  Starting characters get 190pts.  You're a random mutant which gains +10 points, for a total of 200pts.

31 (for FASE scores: F=2, A=5, S=8, E=16 not including +1cs)
40 (for RIP scores: R=16, I=16, P=8)
36 (Hyper breath=10+ Rank26=36)
+5 (Overpower of Remarkable Hyper breath)
26 (Lung adaptability)
26 (Body Tension)
26 (Body Resistance)
10 (Student talent)
200 Total

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - James Carter - 05-25-2016

Ahh I see, I can't quote exactly where I saw it at the moment but because of Bodily Tension, Body Resistance was a bonus power that I didn't have to pay the 10cp for. I know I read it somewhere, if not I'll readjust.

RE: ~Character Construction/ Creation~ - James Carter - 05-25-2016

Here it is
Bonus powers: Those powers that are listed as bonus powers in the PHB and UPB don't cost the initial 10pts for getting a power. But you can only get 1 bonus power for your character for this reduced cost. Additional bonus powers are the regular cost.