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The Ale House (OOC) - Printable Version

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RE: The Ale House (OOC) - Mivia Odiania - 03-26-2023

Is this game still active?

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DM Spiral - 03-26-2023

Yep, this one is still active.  We have a new tank that is catching up to the rest of the group.  He's about four or five posts from being caught up with everyone else.

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DanaO - 03-26-2023

Was my brother involved in this campaign? If so if needed I could take over his old character; or create a replacement for him if you would lije and permit?

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DM Spiral - 03-26-2023

That would be perfect. If you would like to take over his Fighter, let me know. His fighter was more damage focused, but effective.  Or honestly you can make a character of your own too if you'd like, it's completely up to you.

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - Mivia Odiania - 03-26-2023

(03-26-2023, 01:00 PM)DM Spiral Wrote: Yep, this one is still active.  We have a new tank that is catching up to the rest of the group.  He's about four or five posts from being caught up with everyone else.

Ok cool.  No rush.  I'm just looking around to see what games I'm in that are still active.  Smile

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DanaO - 03-26-2023

What his characters name, and do you have a way of allowing me access to him?

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DanaO - 03-26-2023

Also is there any particular info I should know about his past character interactions, that would help me in taking over his character, so I don't totally screw up his character's personality?

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DM Spiral - 03-26-2023

His character was Arius Dezlentyr.  I can give you access to his character.  Just PM me the password you want to use for him and I can transfer him to you. 

He played Arius, as a kind of posh but polite nobleman, who enjoyed the finer things even if he was in the rougher parts of the world.  He didn't come off as being above or too good for his adventuring company.  So despite being a Nobleman from Waterdeep he fit in just fine with everyone.  Beyond that, he and the group were just beginning to build their relationships with each other, so you wont have to catch up in that regard. His background is in the background section as well to give you more of an idea.

His character sheet was on Mythweavers.com.  I don't have access to it other than to look at it, but you should be able to copy it without much trouble. Once you do, just give ( Spiral ) editing privileges.

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DanaO - 03-27-2023

Ok thanks I have looked over his character and background, and I am reading through the adventure posts in an attempt to bring up to speed on what had happened before. I will let you know when I finish copying his character over to mythweavers, with your access granted.

RE: The Ale House (OOC) - DanaO - 03-27-2023

I have completed copying the character to myth weaver and have given spiral editing access. I am working on reading through the plethora of posts to bring myself up to date on what is happening in the campaign.