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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Printable Version

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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Reawyn - 03-17-2021

Reawyn sees a patter afterall, long, short, long, short, long.  With aminimum of 18 seconds.. three rounds.  

He shares this thought. He alsoi expresses wanting to wait anoyther two minutes to verify.   

"If we spend no more than 18 seconds in teh room at a time we should be good."

He heads into the room and spends two rounds checking the door for traps, then exits the room as quickly as he can.

[Perception (trrapfinding)+6 ]

Then after tyhe next explosion of sparks he will enter again and try to use the key card that we have on the door.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 03-18-2021

This time when you wait the jolts occur in the following intervals.

24 seconds
12 seconds
12 seconds
30 seconds
12 seconds
24 seconds
24 seconds

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Cin-Ezra Oovalli - 03-18-2021

"It seems the shortest interval is 12 seconds and the longest is 42 seconds [2 to 7 rounds].  So 12 seconds [2 rounds] seems to be our limit to be completely safe.  You can stay in a little longer if you don't mind playing a little [Russian] Roulette!"

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Eva Morningtide - 03-18-2021

How far is the door? Perhaps Eva can use her Mage Hand spell with a card to open the door. (30ft.)
We can suppose that this door opens like the other ones. This room is similar to the last room in previous section.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 03-18-2021

(03-18-2021, 06:02 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: How far is the door? Perhaps Eva can use her Mage Hand spell with a card to open the door. (30ft.)
We can suppose that this door opens like the other ones. This room is similar to the last room in previous section.

[OoC:  The maps are fully updated in my signature.  The distance is about 10'.  Using Mage hand is a pretty good idea.  However the only cards you have are brown and the display panel is red.  But you can certainly try. ]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Eva Morningtide - 03-18-2021

(03-18-2021, 06:08 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(03-18-2021, 06:02 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: How far is the door? Perhaps Eva can use her Mage Hand spell with a card to open the door. (30ft.)
We can suppose that this door opens like the other ones. This room is similar to the last room in previous section.

[OoC:  The maps are fully updated in my signature.  The distance is about 10'.  Using Mage hand is a pretty good idea.  However the only cards you have are brown and the display panel is red.  But you can certainly try. ]

How many brown cards have we? Where have we found them? How do they look like? Any differences, writings, symbols, etc.?
We got silver disks from skulks but I don't remember cards.

Ok. She casts Mage hand spell and tries it because we don't have cards with different colors. (move action, 15ft)

OOC - Maybe red only means it's locked and green means it's opened. Up to now all doors were opened, weren't? Have we used cards before?

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 03-19-2021

Quote:Miscellaneous items:  A bag of 49 silverdisks and 5 strange cards made from a flexible material.

These 5 cards each bear a brown stripe.  Sef, the lead Skulk confesses that she doesn't know what they are but a Purple-Haired lady asked for any such cards when she first passed through.  At the time, the Skulks had none, but the fact she was looking for some is enough to convince Sef that the cards have value.

[OoC: As shown above, you got the brown cards the same time as you got the Silver Disks.  They have no other symbols written on them.]

Eva waits until the blast of lightning happens and then points at one of the brown striped cards.  It floats over to the door.  Since I don't think Eva has ever used one of these things, she begins directing the card to quickly wave itself in front of the access panel at several different spots and orientations.  

"Bee-Boop" Nothing happens

"Bee-Boop" Nothing happens

"Bee-BEEP!" Suddenly the panel lights up and the door slides open.  Beyond the open doorway you can see strips of glowing rectangles light the hallway from above.  By positioning yourself to see through both doors, you think you spot another pair of doors about 40' down the hallway. 

[[If you have the Technologist feat or anything else that gives you Knowledge: Technology, you can make a Knowledge Technology check.  ]]

[OoC: Now what are you going to do? ]

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Reawyn - 03-19-2021

[OoC Is there a knowledge Technologfy skill? I trhought it was Knowledge engineering, or craft mechanical, et cetera? Reawyn has technologist feat]

Knowledge: engineering (technologist) [1d20+7]=6+7=13

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - GM Marvel - 03-19-2021

[[ Yes it it Knowledge Engineering but you must have a feat that allows you to understand advanced technology. ]]

Reawyn thinks that the red panel probably does require a red card but its struggle to open may indicate that the panel was damaged and that's why the brown card worked.

RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - Eva Morningtide - 03-19-2021

(03-19-2021, 03:18 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: "Bee-BEEP!" Suddenly the panel lights up and the door slides open.  Beyond the open doorway you can see strips of glowing rectangles light the hallway from above.  By positioning yourself to see through both doors, you think you spot another pair of doors about 40' down the hallway. 

[OoC: Now what are you going to do? ]

Reawyn thinks that the red panel probably does require a red card but its struggle to open may indicate that the panel was damaged and that's why the brown card worked.

I'm concentrating on the spell so who will be the first one? E-10? - she asks - You are very agile.

We are waiting for the next jolt then one or two of us can go ahead to check the next room and hold the door if something goes wrong.

So the panel is still red, isn't it?