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Wild Card - Printable Version

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RE: Wild Card - Dez Synn - 06-09-2016

"Yes..? The former pilot and the gunner.? Please continue." Dez asks, as she reaches out to take the Captain's offered hand. "The better we know what happened, the more likely those mistakes wont be repeated."

She thinks for a moment, then adds, "Are you certain the pilot of the other ship...the Jump Master...was a he?"

[OOC: Sunt seems very evasive, but neither Dez or I have pinpointed an actual lie so far. I'll blame it on her PTSD and focus on avoiding slavery again and my meds.]

RE: Wild Card - DM Nerdred - 06-09-2016

"Aghem, yes, they were injured in a fire fight.  We were on a job, to take a cargo, but things went south.  Sula was killed while we were attacked in space.  She was flying the ship when our engines were hit.  No one knew this ship like her.  When she went to make repairs in the engine room a plasma conduit burst.  She died trying to save us..... So yeah, I understand your  concern and you're right not to trust someone you just met blindly, but it seems like we need each other now.  If you can help me make repairs, this ship needs you."

"I hadn't thought of that.  I guess you're right the pilot could be a woman.  If we can somehow get to the wherever they sell the slaves I'm sure i'll be able to identify the pilot."

RE: Wild Card - Dez Synn - 06-09-2016

"It's nothing personal Captain." Dez assures the Besalisk. "But, I've had to learn the hard way it is best to ask a few questions before jumping into an offered ride."

She holds out her cybernetic arm and raises it slightly to make her point. "I agree we need each other and there's not much you could reveal to me that would be a deal breaker here. I've experienced my share of unexpected surprises...mostly unpleasant."

RE: Wild Card - MK-L1G "Long" - 06-10-2016

~You are not being completely honest with us, and I understand that. But how will you know the pilot on sight in the slave markets if you do not even know their gender?~

~Is your ship's computer linked to theStation's, or do I need to access the station via commlink connection to the Holonet? I will search for sales transactions and should even be able to show you images of the slaves bought and sold. At least the advertised ones. If we don't see your pilot in the published sales then we will have to go to the slave market itself.~

~And yes, I can repair and refit your ship, but it will take time. I may be able to restore your battle droid as well, but again it will take time. Something we do not yet have in great supply, Holon and Zann have not given up on the two of you yet.~

RE: Wild Card - DM Nerdred - 06-11-2016

(06-10-2016, 02:17 PM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: ~You are not being completely honest with us, and I understand that. But how will you know the pilot on sight in the slave markets if you do not even know their gender?~

~Is your ship's computer linked to theStation's, or do I need to access the station via commlink connection to the Holonet? I will search for sales transactions and should even be able to show you images of the slaves bought and sold. At least the advertised ones. If we don't see your pilot in the published sales then we will have to go to the slave market itself.~

~And yes, I can repair and refit your ship, but it will take time.  I may be able to restore your battle droid as well, but again it will take time. Something we do not yet have in great supply, Holon and Zann have not given up on the two of you yet.~

"You certainly are a crafty droid Long, who was your master?  That is if Zann was correct, that your master died?  Never mind, you have a good point though.  How do I find this pilot?  For one, only  she  would know what ship saved me and how many tie fighters there were."  The Captain realizes he just made a mistake by the look on his face.  He then focuses on finishing the bandages while there's still silence in the air.

RE: Wild Card - Dez Synn - 06-11-2016

Dez gives a quick glance Long's way when the Captain brings up the possible death of the droid's former master, then focuses back on Captain Sunt.

"Pirates...tie fighters...it's about the same thing." She comments on this new reveal. "I certainly have no extenuating sympathies for the Empire."

RE: Wild Card - MK-L1G "Long" - 06-11-2016

~I am actually more concerned that you seem to know the pilot's gender than with the fact you were being under attack by the Empire.~

Long raises a hand to forestall objection.

~You are a smuggler, smugglers run afoul of the Empire. It is part of the business, if the Empire did not attempt to unfairly control trade, then there would be no profit in smuggling. It is a perfectly normal profession.~

He looks at Dez and then beeps and warbles at her in Binary.
~We can talk about Flik later if you wish.~

RE: Wild Card - Dez Synn - 06-11-2016

Nodding to Long's suggestion, Dez only answers with a single word. "Yes."

She then better observes the Captain's attempts to apply the medi-pack to his own wounds. "Are you skilled in treating blaster wounds, Captain? I have a medi-pack for my own injury, but it is more likely I'd do more harm to myself in the attempt to apply it properly, than good."

RE: Wild Card - DM Nerdred - 06-12-2016

(06-11-2016, 08:05 PM)Dez Synn Wrote: Nodding to Long's suggestion, Dez only answers with a single word. "Yes."

She then better observes the Captain's attempts to apply the medi-pack to his own wounds. "Are you skilled in treating blaster wounds, Captain? I have a medi-pack for my own injury, but it is more likely I'd do more harm to myself in the attempt to apply it properly, than good."

"Skilled?  Well I've had a lifetime of practice.  I fought in the Clone Wars don't you know.  Now those guys were real soldiers, not these Storm Troopers you've heard about. They can't shoot worth a damn!  Too bad about that final order.  But that's the way the black-hole crumbles.  You seem to have a warrior's stamina Miss Synn, but I can help you when I'm done, mind you i'm no doctor."

"The pilot's gender!  I haven't got a clue, but if Miss Synn hadn't brought it up I honestly would've assumed it was a male.  Could be a droid for all I know. Hahaha!... I do know this though, he would have been sold here not long before my arrival, he, or she, or it, would know my ship, know her ship, and the enemies numbers and type.  That is a start and enough for me to track down that pilot.  I owe that brave pilot my life and more."

"Here's what I need from you both.  Long, can you secure access to the control tower?  We need a solid escape plan.  Dez, can you track down where the slaves are being sold?  I'll continue to make repairs on the ship.  Do you have comunicators?  If not I have some encrypted ones here.  And, if you need weapons check out the weapons locker.  I have just about anything you could want."

RE: Wild Card - MK-L1G "Long" - 06-13-2016

~I have an internal communicator, and am linked to the docking bay computer already via comm. The control tower is a closed system, so I will need actual physical access. I will need something to distract the station guards... I am sure the fire suppression systems in the next pad should be enough, maybe even an actual electrical fire if the landing bay computer and I can arrange it.~

~Dez a possible in to start inquiring with the station slavers is top see if there is anty market for Gand organs and body parts for medical purposes. the slavers often deal in black market biological markets as well, and we happen to have a Gand in cold storage available.~

If he sees any look of distaste he comments.

~The station guards told me to dispose of him, by law that gave me ownership, and that would be a waste to jettison.~

As he says this Long rolls over to the weapons locker to assess the available gear.