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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Printable Version

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RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - DM Vitkyng - 12-28-2020

(12-28-2020, 03:56 AM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: Pilot Init = [1d20+9] = 1+9 = 10, oops Ubi was a little stun locked

You forgot the ship modifier as well, so it is - 3 = 7

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Dez Synn - 12-28-2020

Initiative [1d20+6] = 3+6 = 9

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - DM Vitkyng - 12-28-2020

Njon - Initiative [1d20+6] = 12+6 = 18; Woryn [1d20-1] = 15-1 = 14; Tak [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10; Imperial Pilot [1d20+8] = 18+8 = 26


Imperial Pilot - 26.08
Zero - 23.05
Njon - 18.06
Shunna - 17.06
Woryn- 14.009
Korstyn - 13.07
Tak - 10.04
Dez - 9.06
Ubi - 7.06

*There is going to be a whole lot of delayed actions going on, due to Ubi's poor initiative roll.

Occupied positions   (ship weapon attack bonus = base attack + ship's Intelligence (+2) - 5 non-proficiency (if non proficient in heavy weapons or starhip weaponry; only Dez, Njon,  and the Imperial pilot are proficient) 
Pilot - Ubi     controls ship movement & Laser Cannons, Twin   (rear) 
Co-Pilot - Njon    controls blaster cannon and can aid pilot
System Operator -  Zero     manages the Vehicle's shields, sensors, and communications.  Raising/lowering shields is a swift action so Zero can do it on his initiative without interrupting his astrogation.
Gunner 1  - Dez     controls blaster cannon battery

Unoccupied Positions:
Commander - ?     Can aid another on Use Computer checks and attack rolls (attack rolls use knowledge (Tactics)
Engineer - ?     Repairs ship systems, requires mechanics
Gunner 2: ?     controls blaster cannon battery (in other words can opt not to fire to give Gunner 1 +2 to hit automatically,and do extra damage for each three points attack roll exceeds reflex defense; or can fire the blaster cannon idependently)

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Korstyn Steele - 12-28-2020

(12-28-2020, 05:45 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Njon - Initiative [1d20+6] = 12+6 = 18; Woryn [1d20-1] = 15-1 = 14; Tak [1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10; Imperial Pilot [1d20+8] = 18+8 = 26


Imperial Pilot - 26.08
Zero - 23.05
Njon - 18.06
Shunna - 17.06
Woryn- 14.009
Korstyn - 13.07
Tak - 10.04
Dez - 9.06
Ubi - 7.06

*There is going to be a whole lot of delayed actions going on, due to Ubi's poor initiative roll.

Occupied positions   (ship weapon attack bonus = base attack + ship's Intelligence (+2) - 5 non-proficiency (if non proficient in heavy weapons or starhip weaponry; only Dez, Njon,  and the Imperial pilot are proficient) 
Pilot - Ubi     controls ship movement & Laser Cannons, Twin   (rear) 
Co-Pilot - Njon    controls blaster cannon and can aid pilot
System Operator -  Zero     manages the Vehicle's shields, sensors, and communications.  Raising/lowering shields is a swift action so Zero can do it on his initiative without interrupting his astrogation.
Gunner 1  - Dez     controls blaster cannon battery

Unoccupied Positions:
Commander - ?     Can aid another on Use Computer checks and attack rolls (attack rolls use knowledge (Tactics)
Engineer - ?     Repairs ship systems, requires mechanics
Gunner 2: ?     controls blaster cannon battery (in other words can opt not to fire to give Gunner 1 +2 to hit automatically,and do extra damage for each three points attack roll exceeds reflex defense; or can fire the blaster cannon idependently)

[[Hmm...Korstyn has Knowledge (tactics).  And Mechanics...  She's not proficient in starship weps though.]]

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Shunna Maza - 12-28-2020

[We need some people to pick up Use Computer.  There's only 1 in the whole group! ]

I have no idea what Skills the NPC's are good at but this is what we have so far.

Dez has Pilot +9; Intelligence bonus +2 (Mechanic/Use computer)
Ubi: Pilot +9; Mechanic +8; Intelligence bonus +1 (Use computer)
Zero: Pilot +8; Mechanic +10; Use Computer +10
Shunna: Pilot +9; Mechanic +8; Intelligence bonus +1 (Use Computer)
Korstyn: Dexterity bonus +3 (Pilot); Mechanic +8; Intelligence bonus +1 (Use computer)

So the best Pilots are:
  • Pilot +9: Dez, Ubi, Shunna
  • Pilot +8: Zero, Korstyn (force pilot)
best Mechanic: 
  • Mechanic +10: Zero
  • Mechanic +8: Ubi, Shunna, Korstyn
Best Commander:
Knowledge Tactics: +8 Ubi and Korstyn
Use Computer: +1 Ubi and Korstyn

Best Use Computers:
Use Computers +10: Zero

*Since Ubi is already in the Pilot position, Dez is in the copilot position it leaves Shunna with Mechanic, I guess Korstyn should either the Commander or Gunner 2

*Shunna should be an Engineer

*Imperial Pilot should be the Gunner 2

What are Woryn and tak good at doing?  Where do they say they can help?

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Korstyn Steele - 12-28-2020

[[Korstyn has Force Pilot so her Piloting skill is actually +8. As I said before, I don't intend on turning her into a slicer. She's an armory and a fortress. She wades into combat and destroys everything.

Or that's the idea, anyway.]]

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - Shunna Maza - 12-28-2020

(12-28-2020, 06:52 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Korstyn has Force Pilot so her Piloting skill is actually +8.  As I said before, I don't intend on turning her into a slicer.  She's an armory and a fortress.  She wades into combat and destroys everything.

Or that's the idea, anyway.]]

Then you might want to take some feats in heavy weapons.  I'm considering it too.  When we get some time we should decide our official stations so each of us know what roles we need to fill.

As for who I think should consider picking up Use Computer, I think Dez would be the best choice.  Just a few reasons, Dez has only 1 skill while the rest of us have at least two out of the 3 main vehicle skills.  She also has the next highest Intelligence bonus after Zero so it kind of makes sense.  If something happens to Zero then we're going to have some problems with astrogation etc. This of course is just a suggestion.  If it's not the direction someone wishes to go there is another option.

Another idea is to pick up a good astromech droid as a back up.  They're expensive but the Droid would just spend all its time on the ship, repairing and prepping the ship for launch so players can do the fun stuff.  If no one wants to spend the feat for use computers this might be the best way to cover the needed skill.

We could also use another tactic person.

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - DM Vitkyng - 12-28-2020

You are overthinking at the moment. That discussiuon is for the OoC thread. Right now people cannot occupy already occupied posts until thew person in them vacates that spot. Everyone is in the back except Ubi, Njon, Dez, and Zero. Taking any position is going to require moving to the cockpit, with the exception of engineer.

The other craft won initiative so I will be adding them and posting their actions later today.

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - DM Vitkyng - 12-28-2020

Enemy initiatives [1d20+9] = 20+9 = 29; [1d20+9] = 20+9 = 29; [1d20+9] = 19+9 = 28; [1d20+9] = 11+9 = 20

Enemy 1 - 29.09
Enemy 2 - 29.09
Enemy 3 - 28.09
Imperial Pilot - 26.08
Zero - 23.05
Enemy 4 - 20.09
Njon - 18.06
Shunna - 17.06
Woryn- 14.009
Korstyn - 13.07
Tak - 10.04
Dez - 9.06
Ubi - 7.06

The lead rank of the four objects.. ships?? move 6 km closer on the tracking screen and all of a sudden one of them simply opens fire, no communication at all first. As soon as it reaches 15 km (10 squares)  laser blasts fill the void.

The blasts, at this range, go wildly off target.

Enemyattack [1d20] = 2

The Imperial Pilot "Are..  Are they firing at us?? They didn't even make demands?"

He delays.

.@' IT-O (Zero)' your turn

[Image: lginbbD.jpg]

RE: Gemeris Station [Everyone] - IT-O (Zero) - 12-28-2020

Quote: Raising/lowering shields is a swift action so Zero can do it on his initiative without interrupting his astrogation.

[OOC: If doing astrogation takes a full minute, how do I have a swift action?  At what point during the 1 minute does this event happen?]

Assuming Zero does have a swift action, the droid will Raise shields.