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Full Version: The Lab (Upgrades and Permanent Dice Checks)
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This will be for posting up Hit point, M.D.C., S.D.C., Attribute point allocations, and crafting checks.  Any permanent game rolls or character adjustments should be recorded here.

  1. +1 ME get it to an even number, +2 PP, and PB for Viego
Hit Points +2d6 per Level  Hitpoints: 2d6 11
+10 M.D.C.
PPE: +2d6+10 +PPE: 2d6+10 15

Learn 3 spells
Recognize Magic Circles and Enchantments 52%
Sense Ley Line: 52% 
Sense Ley Line Nexus: 52%
Teleport: 38%

Mathematics: Basic: 69%
Radio: Basic: 77%
Military: Etiquette: 47%
Pilot Related: Navigation 59%
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor 86%
Pilot Related: Weapon Systems 62%
Pilot Related: Sensory Equipment 49%
Adjustments for Level 2 

Basic Bonuses
Attribute Adjustments -> M.E. +2, P.S. +1, P.P. +1, P.E. +1
M.D.C. -> M.D.C. for Level 2: 1d4 = 1 Rolled under half, taking half = 2 x 10 = +20 M.D.C.
Hit points -> Hit Points for Level 2: 2d6 = +8 hit points
I.S.P. -> +10

Invulnerability Bonuses
M.D.C. -> Invulnerability bonus to M.D.C. for Level 2: 1d4 = 3 x 100 = +300 M.D.C.
Hit Points -> Invulnerability bonus to Hit Points. for Level 2: 1d6 = +5 hit points
Hit points: 1d6 2