09-22-2024, 04:03 PM
NAME: Jack Dutton | SUPERHUMAN TYPE: Inspired | ORIGIN PATH: Galactic Republic Special Forces: Jack was a special forces elite soldier in the galactic republic. |
ASPIRATION: Hunt down and destroy aberrations. | ARCHETYPE: Soldier | ROLE PATH: - Monster Hunter: Hunts Aberrations that have annihilated most civilizations throughout the universe. |
DEFENCE: 1 | EXPERIENCE TOTAL: 150 | SOCIETY PATH: - Elite: Works on contract and/or for their own motivations |
ARMOR: 1 | 4 Armored | APPROACH: Force | POWER: Base Target Number = 7 (Base 8, -1 for High Inspiration) |
INSPIRATION: * * * * * * * | Facets: | Dstructive: 3 | Intuitive: 3 | Reflective: 3 | INSPIRATION POOL: 20 / 20 | 8 Attuned | HEALTH: (Bruised -1): 1 / 1 | (Injured -2): 2 / 2 | (Maimed-4): 1 / 1 | Taken Out | DEAD | |
Intellect: * * | Average Smarts, Every day guy.. | Might: * * | Works out regularly. Can lift 375 lbs (With Armor 3 tons) | Presence: * * | Mortal, You're okay speaking to a few people. |
Cunning: * * * * * | Champion Perception, You react to things almost before they happen | Dexterity: * * * * * | Champion level Agility and Precision. | Manipulation: * * | Mortal, You have a few close friends |
Resolve: * * * | Skilled, Tained to finish the mission no matter what. | Stamina: * * * | Skilled Durability, trained in resisting bodily stresses. | Composure: * * * | Skilled, you don't freak out easily. |
Aim: * * * | (Spec: Handguns) |
Athletics: * * * | (Spec: Dodging) |
Close Combat: * * * | (Spec: Swords) |
Command: * | - |
Culture: | - |
Empathy: | - |
Enigmas: * * * | (Spec: Noetic and Supernatural Situations) |
Humanities: | - |
Integrity: * * * | (Spec: Resist Fear.) |
Larceny: * | - |
Medicine: | - |
Persuasion: * | |
Pilot: | - |
Science: * | - |
Survival: * * | |
Technology: * * * | (Spec: Advanced Weaponry) |
Always Prepared: 1 | Unaffected by losing an Ambush check. |
Artifact: 5 | Inherited a Super Science Device. Bio-Armor and Weapon. |
Wonderous Item: 3 | Artifact is a century or more beyond current capabilities. |
Danger Sense: 1 | Reflexive Survival + Cunning roll to detect immediate harmful threats. |
Tough Cookie: 2 | Gains 1 Soft Armor, this armor rating is always active and always stacks with other armor. |
Attributes: Starting: +26 | 7/9/5 | Finesse: 3 | Bonus: (Cunning 1) | Inspired Bonus: (Dexterity 1) |
Skills: +15 | Starting: 6 | Starting Path Skills: 9 | Awarded Path Skills: 0 |
Edges: +6 | Starting Path Bonus: 6 | Awarded Path Edges: 0 |
Paths: 3 | Starting Path 3 / Awarded Path Levels 0 |
Starting Inspiration 1 | Facets 3 | Starting Gifts 4 |
Attributes: / Exp cost |
Mega-Attributes: / Exp cost |
Skills: + 9 / Exp costs 45 |
Skill Tricks: / Exp costs |
Edges: / Exp costs |
Path Edges: +6 / Exp Costs 12 |
Facets: +6 / Normal Exp cost 60 |
Path Gifts: | Exp cost |
Additional Gifts: | Exp costs |
Artifact Attunement: +8 | Exp costs 32 |
Spent Exp: 149 Unspent: 1 |