Biosense: Biokinetics are keenly aware of individual life forms around them. Each creature registers a unique signature to the Ascended's senses. If successful the Ascended senses all individual living beings within short range. They can even screen out microscopic life with a thought, and can spied successes to refine types of life, such as mammal, reptile, human, etc. Biosense has duration equal to Power rating. |
Form Mastery: The player crafts her desired shape from the various Transmogrification powers available to them. The Ascended may choose a number of specific forms equal to their power, to always be able to shift into and stay in permanently, if they so choose. These forms take one week to craft and must be crafted using his or her existing shapeshifting Modes. Example, a Biokinetic can choose to use Adjust to move around her Attributes, then use Gross Manipulation to alter that forms eye and hair color, or facial structure, effectively creating an alternate body. This allows them to store that body and switch between it a will |
Psychomorphing: * * * * * * |
Adjust: |
Enhance: |
Compartmentalize: |
Overcome: |
Perfection: |
Psycho-Crafter: |
Adaptation: * * * * * |
Resist: |
Acclimatize: |
Metabolic Control: |
Adapt: |
Survive: |
Transmogrify: * * * * * * |
Plasticity: This allows the Biokinetic to shrink or expand the bodies in order to slip through smaller openings, build shapes such as wings that would be able to glide or make themselves complete resistant to falling damage. This gives them the ability to add the Reach tag and the Entangle tag. It gives them 1 enhancement to per mode to escape from bonds or confinement by shrinking. Or 1 Enhancement, per mode to Close combat by growing your hands and feet, or elongating them as you strike in close combat. The biokinetics reach is increase by a number of meters equal to their Power Rating. |
Gross Manipulation: Costs 1 psi points. This allows the Biokinetic to alter their bodies to gain quick offensive, defensive or utility changes, such as claws, bone knuckles, thicker skin, extra appendages, or Sensory organs. Lasts Mode dots times their duration. Gains a pool of points in Mode dots + Success to add weapon tags. |