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Happy Holidays Everyone!
waiting for 4 folks to post so I can advance the game
Lucian handed out what they found.  If anyone has any objections to who he gave things too.  He's a pretty easy going guy, so if someone thinks they need something more than someone else, he'll toss it to them, or I'm sure you guys can just trade things around as needed.
by the way, so far this is the third day of rations used.
Harley's only down 2 days. She ate at the logging camp the first day.
I don't require rations...
yeah everyone ate breakfast at the logging camp (except you Breezy...) but subsequent meals would have been out of rations. if we go breakfast to breakfast then everyone would be down 2 days as you pointed out Jim.
Oooh, let me add a ration back, lol. I forgot about the logging camp.
after the darkmantle fight, Larz, oriana and Dunndero all got a hero point.
How do you do HP gain for lvl advsncement roll and you get what you get, or is there a min depending on your class die, ie. Fighters get 1d10, or a min if 5?
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