Leaning toward a caster type.
1. Stormhowl
2. Spiral
3. Minty....something Draconic
4. Kugon
5. Dana Overland...Half Orc Fighter
6. Dougfan...Summoner
Currently building a Summoner, so a bit of a hybrid.
What lvl are we starting at?
1. Stormhowl...Catfolk ??
2. Spiral
3. Minty....Human Kineticist
4. Kugon
5. Dana Overland...Half Orc Fighter
6. Dougfan...Kitsune Summoner
Dont feel the need to try and fill the slots like with other rpg's just run what you feel inclined to. PF2 has made this far more balanced. and more interesting
I am leaning hard on just - Human Wizard, school of Battle Magic.
As for me, I'm the fence at the moment until I see what Kugon (Dave, decide already) decides to run. Then I will go all out on one of my ideas.
Yea, I just read about Thaumaturge, THAT looks interesting as hell too. I think its from a weird book though. Says Dark Archive. I still need to figure out what's what with this system, lol.
Dark Archive is a recent book published and adds two classes The Thaumaturge and The Psychic as well as a handful of other things. Go for it.