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NAME: Nolan Randall ALIGNMENT: UnprincipledRANK:  Lieutenant
O.C.C.: Ley Line WalkerRace: Elder Changeling LEVEL:  2nd  EXPERIENCE: 3275
PPE: 164  PPE/ISP RECOVERY: 5 /hour of sleep, 15 /w Meditation ISP:  28

I.Q. 33 16% One time Skill Bonus | Save vs Illusion +1| Insight +8
M.E. 28 Save vs Psionics +7 | Save vs Insanity +11 | Save vs Horror Factor +9
M.A. 25 Intimidate/Trust 84% | Deception +5
P.S. 15 Punch 1d4 SD, Kick 1d6 SD
P.P. 12Average, Parry and Dodge +1, Strike +1, Roll with Impact +2 
P.E. 24 Save vs Coma 18% | Save vs Death 18% | Save vs Magic/Poison +5
P.B. 24 Charm or Impress 70%
Speed 19 Run Speed - 15 MPH | Melee Move - 95 yrds per round.

Languages and Literacy98%Speak and Write American
Languages and Literacy86%/46%Speak and Write Elven/Draconic
Languages86%Speak French
Climbing56%Skilled at Climbing up and over various obstacle's and surfaces, natural or crafted
Espionage: Disguise51%(5%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Impersonation56%/26%(4%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Intelligence58%32% (4%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Interrogation56% (5%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Undercover OP's56% (5%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Escape Artist56% (5%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Detect Ambush56% (5%/Level) (GM - Trained by the Coalition. (+10%))
Espionage: Perception66%( I.Q. + 20%) - 40% (+5%/level) Spot anything out of the ordinary or hidden.
Mathematics: Basic71%45% (+5%/level) Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Basic Geometry
Pilot: Hovercraft (Ground)71% The ability to drive, control and maneuver a Hovercraft.
Lore: Demon and Monster58% The Study of Demons and Monsters
Lore: Magic53% The Study of Magic
Lore: Fairies and Magical Beings53%The Study of Fairies and Magical Beings
Lore: Dimensional Beings53%The Study of Dimensional Beings
Lore: Native American53%The Study of Native American's

Archaeology56%/46%Study of Ancient Civilizations
Mathematics: Advanced71%Advanced Math using Algebra, Calculous, Trigonometry, etc.
Military: Etiquette51%35% (+5%/level) Navigating Military Structure, Rank and Life. Dealing with lower and higher Ranks. (GM - Trained by the Coalition.
History: Post Apocalyptic66%/61% (N. America/Federation of Magic)
Physical: Boxing-(+1 Attack, +2 Parry and Dodge, +1 Roll w/ Impact or Punch, +2 to P.S., +3d6 to S.D.C.)

Physical: Athletics -(+1 to Parry and Dodge, +1 roll with Impact, +1 to P.S., +1d6 to Speed, +1d8 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Physical Labor -(+2 to P.S., +1 to P.E., +2d8 to S.D.C)
Physical: Running-(+1 to P.E., +4d4 to Speed, +1d6 to M.D.C.)
W.P. Hand Gun- Proficient with Hand Guns
W.P. Energy Pistol- Proficient with Energy Pistol's
W.P. Energy Rifle- Proficient with Energy Rifles

Hand to Hand: ExpertBonusesAttacks Per Melee
1st levelKick dmg to 1d8. W.P. +2 strike, +2 to roll with impact. 5

Salt Allergy Cannot eat Salt or becomes Nauseous for 1d4+2 hours
Weak ConstitutionPenalty of -6 to Speed and P.E. Speed 25 - 6 = ( 19 ), Physical Endurance 30 - 6 = ( 24 ) 

Enhanced Mind 4d6+2 for all Mental Abilities. (Instead of 3d6) = I.Q. (30), M.E. (28), M.A. (25)
Unnaturally AttractiveAdds 2d6 to P.B. as Changelings and those with Changeling blood subconsciously shape their faces into pleasing forms. P.B. (+11)
Minor Shape Change Allows the individual to alter their facial structure to appear as another person.  They can also alter their height, build and other surface features, but they cannot change sex, or add any extreme racial changes.
Alter AuraDue to his bloodline, Changelings are able to hide or alter their auras at will, which only increases some peoples fear of changelings, as they are one of the very few things that even Psi-stalkers have difficulty detecting. Allows the changeling to change the information gleaned from reading and individuals Basic Aura. Alter Alignment, Psychic or Magical Energies, Health, Mental State, Conceal or Alter Attributes.
Horror FactorIf Changeling nature is revealed, (Horror Factor = 0/17)
Sense Ley Line 46% (5%/Level)
Sense Ley Line Nexus 56% (5%/Level)
Sense Rift 50 Miles, Automatic
Sense Magic in Use 100ft. 
Sense Magic Energy Line of Sight
Read Ley Line Able to know details about the Ley Line: direction, weather patterns around the ley line, Length, Etc.
Ley Line Transmission Ability to Send and Receive visual and audio messages up and down a ley line as long as the recipient is on a connecting ley line.
Ley Line PhasingFlawlessly teleport up and down a Ley Line. Personal Only
Ley Line Walking/DriftingDrift or walk along the Ley Line with no effort or energy expenditure.
Ley Line RejuvenationDouble Healing while in the Ley Line: 1/day Full Rejuvenation, 10 min: 20 hit points +1d6, 20 S.D.C. +2d6
Ley Line Observation BallMagical Drone that can move up and down the Ley Line, Has 1 M.D.C. per character level, 500ft. range/level, spd 44, +3 to dodge
Affinity for Rift and Ley Line MagicPays 5 less (Minimum of 1) P.P.E. for spells associated with Rifts and Ley Lines, Can Learn these such spells by communing with a Ley Line.
Ley Line Force FieldCreate a Magical Force Field while in a Ley Line. Force Field gives 50 M.D.C. +10 M.D.C. per level at a costs of 10 P.P.E. and draws half of what the Mage can draw per round. Takes 1 Melee round to regenerate after it has been destroyed. 
Draw Energy from Ley LineThis allows the Mage to draw 20 P.P.E. from a Ley Line as long as they are inside or within 10ft of the Ley Line. Or 40 P.P.E. per melee Round if they are in a Nexus.
Improved MeditationGains 15 P.P.E. from Meditation instead of 10.
Magician's MindHas the Ability to Cast Spells. 1d4 to I.Q. or M.E. (+3 to I.Q.), +4 vs Horror Factor, +2 vs Possession and Mind Control, +3 vs Curses, +1 vs Magic per 3 levels, +1 to Overcome spell resistance at levels 3, 7, and 10. +5% to Perception Checks and +1 to Insight Checks at levels 2, 5, 7, 10, and 13, double this bonus while in a ley line. 

Spell KnowledgeGains 3 spells from each Level, from lvls 1-4, Gains new spells at a level equal to their level of experience. Exp: At level 4, the Ley Line Walker could pick 1 lvl 4 spell, 2 lvl 2 spells, a level 1 and a level 3 spell, or 4 level 1 spells, etc.
Learning New SpellsNew spells when found or purchased can be learned at any time.
Potential Psychic EnergyGains 3d6x10+20 P.P.E. + 2d6 P.P.E. per Level.

Cloud of Smoke1st2None90ft.4 Melees/levelSummons a Black Cloud of Smoke, 30x30x30ft, drastically lowering Visibility for those caught in it. Inflicting -5 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm and entangle
Lantern Light1st1None10ft30 min/levelCreates a globe of light that hovers within 10ft of the caster with the illumination ranging between a 50 and 300 watt light bulb (enough to light up a room) depending on the casters wishes.
Sense Evil1st1Mind Block, Alter Aura or Protection from Magic90ft8 melees/level Sense Supernatural Evils with range of the spell, but cannot pin-point the source unless within line of sight.  Mortal evil is more difficult and only get the general presence or immediate intent.
Befuddle2nd6Standard100ft.8 melees/level Inflicts -2 to strike, parry and dodge, Cuts melee's/rnd in half, and inflicts -20% penalty to all skills. 
Manipulate Objects2nd2 per/5lbs.Works only on inanimate objects50ft +10ft/level8 melees/level Can pick up, move, carry, or hold small objects up to 10 lbs.
Throw Stones2nd3Dodge100ft8 melees/level Magically summon a charged piece of earth and mystically throw it at a target inflicting 1d6M.D. +1 per level of experience.
Armor of Ithan3rd10NoneSelf or Touch.4 melees/level Adds 10 M.D.C. /level to the Caster. This Bonus stacks with other sources of M.D.C.. Magic, Fire, Lighting and Cold do Half Damage. 
Telekinesis3rd4 per 60lbs.Dodge60ft4 melees/level Allows the Mage to Remotely Manipulate objects up to 60lbs. Normal attacks /rnd used when using telekinesis, +3 to strike, and +4 to parry when using only telekinesis. These bonuses do not stack with normal HtH bonuses. Hurled Object Damage, up to a 1lb. = 1d4, 1.5 to 2.5lbs = 1d6, 3 to 4.5lbs = 2d4, 5 to 10lbs = 3d4, 11 to 25lbs = 3d6, 26 to 60lbs = 4d6, +1d6 /20lbs after that.
Paralysis, Lesser3rd3Standard60ft4 melees/level Paralyze a body part. Arm or Hand effects are self-explanatory, Leg inflicts a 90% reduction to Speed and a -2 to parry and dodge. Only one body part can be paralyzed per casting. Internal organs or individuals not in direct line of sight cannot be targeted.
Electric Arc4th4Dodge60ft.1 attack /action Deals 2d6 MD, +2 to strike with this power 
Magic Net4th7Dodge of 16 or higher30ft.2 melees /level Magic Net that can snare 1-6 human sized targets within a 10ft radius. Anyone caught in the net is helpless, unable to attack or defend. Only M.D.C. weapons can cut through it, and it takes a full 2 rounds. Dispel Magic Barriers will instantly remove it.
Trance4th10StandardTouch of within 12ft.5 min(20 Melees) /level Puts a target in a zombie like state. They can only perform simple actions and complete simple commands. All the victims attributes function at half for the duration of the trance. 
Personal Equipment, Weapons, Artifacts and Wealth

Credits: | 4000 (+2500 /Month from Salary)


C-18 Laser Pistol
Black Market Price: 12,000 credits, fair availability
Damage: 2d4 MD
Range: 800ft.
Payload: 10 shots

JA-12 Laser Rifle
Black Market Price: 50,000 credits
Weight: 13lbs.
Damage: Single Shot 4d6 M.D. | Triple-Pulse Shot 1d6x10+10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard. 
Effective Range: 4000 ft. Grenade 2000ft.
Bonuses: +1 to Called Shots, cumulative with other bonuses. No bonus for Auto-pulse or Grenades
Payload: Long E-Clip 30 shots. Energy Canister (Cannot be Removed but is rechargeable) holds an additional 30 shots. Grenade Launcher 4 shots/reloadable

Cost: 7000 credits
- Deals 1d6 MD | Range: Melee

Large Silver Plated Knife
Cost: 200 credits
- Deals 1d6 SD | Range: Melee


Deadboy Light Armor
Black Market Price: 35,000 to 45,000 credits
- MDC by location; | Helmet: 35 | Arms: 35 each | Legs: 50 each | Main Body: 50 |
- Complete environmental suit, cable of surviving in all hostile environments including space
- Computer controlled Life Support
- Internal Cooling and Temperature Control
- Artificial air circulation systems, Gas filtration, humidifier
- Independent Oxygen supply. Contains Five hours of Oxygen which auto engages in low oxygen or contaminated environments.  
- Insulated: Immune to Normal fire damage. Nuclear, Plasma and Magic Fires do normal damage.
- Radiation Shielded
- Polarized and Light Sensitive self adjusting visor. 
- Built in loudspeaker, 80 decibels. 
- Directional, short range radio in the Helmet, 5 miles
- Removable Helmet Faceplate
- Wrist Mini-Computer; Indicates multiple bits of information on default, such as armor damage, oxygen supply, compass, time, date, etc.
- Ammo and Supply waist belt; Choice of shoulder or hip holster
- Boot Holster for survival knife or Vibro-blade.


Basic Military Package: Bedroll, Heavy Blanket, 2 M.D.C. Canteen, Knapsack, Fishing Line (50ft.), Flashlight Large, Grappling Hook and Line (100ft.), Machete with Canvas Sheath, and Sleeping Bag. 


[Image: UjwRR95.png]

Austin Martin's - Ghost
Black Market Price: 450,000 credits
- Vehicle Type: Hovercraft (car)
- Crew: 1 pilot with 3 others seated comfortably. 
- Speed: 220 mph
- Engine: Electric
- Maximum Range: 400 miles
- M.D.C. by location: Main Body 100 | Jets 35 each |
- Weapons: None