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Here I will be posting new O.C.C. or R.C.C.'s, changes or minor character options, as well as New Weapons and unique devices that we might come up with.

[Image: marUbYH.png?2]

DESCRIPTION: A Coalition Super Soldier was modified by super science, the details of which were only recently discovered from ancient labs dating back before the cataclysm. This genetic modification only works on human subjects and are performed on fetuses while they are still in the mothers womb. Only a handful of subjects have been subjected to this process and all hail from the Coalition States.  It is suspected that Intelligence community that Coalition Scientists have stumbled onto this ancient process but have largely been unsuccessful in creating More Enhanced soldiers, given the fact that hordes of these superhumans haven't been filling the Coalition's ranks. It is widely believed that this is  program is completely covert and unknown to the wider population in the C.S. 
- It is well known that these types of experiments are illegal under the Coalition States Constitution.  So the appearance of these soldiers are either sanctioned by the emperor himself to bypass these laws, or there is a rogue science department within the Coalition.  Regardless the first time these soldiers were recorded in combat, was during the Coalition Wars. Even then, only two or three were ever reported by any reliable observer. 

Attributes: The number of six-sided dice is as designated. 
I.Q. 4D6+2, M.E. 3D6+8, M.A. 4D6+2, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. 4D6+2, P.E. 4D6+4, P.B. 4D6+4, Spd 4D6+10. Attributes are considered supernatural.
M.D.C.: P.E. x 10, plus 1D4X 10 M.D.C. per level of experience. 
Hit Points: Are equal to P.E. x3 plus 2D6 per level of experience.
Horror Factor: 7 + 1D4; none if pretending to be a normal human.
P.P.E.: 2D6; most P.P.E. is spent to develop psychic powers.
I.S.P.: If a master psionic, 1d4 x100 plus the M.E. number. Add 10 I.S.P. per level of experience. Otherwise, a minor or major psionic gets M.E. number plus 100 I.S.P, and gains 10 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 200 ft. (61 m), fire and cold resistant (does half damage), regenerates 1D4x10 M.D.C. every minute. (4 melee Rounds)
Combat: Gains Commando Hand-to-Hand type.
Super Soldier Bonuses: + 1 melee attack/action per round, +4 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs horror factor. This is in addition to attribute and combat bonuses.
Hardy System: Immune to poisons and toxins. Magical or supernatural versions deal half effect. 
Strong Mind: +4 vs Mind Control, Possession, or any Magical or Psionic Powers that effect the mind. 
Psionics: Roll 1d100; 1-80, A minor psionic, 81-100, A major psionic. Master Psionic if power #10 is chosen.
Psionic Nature: Even as a minor or major psionic, they can learn Any O.C.C. or R.C.C. psionic power they have adequate time to study, (One Week). They can learn one such ability per four levels. They can also choose to forget such powers and exchange them for others, but they would have to relearn the power again if they chose to reacquire it at a higher level. 
Magic: None.
Cannot be Physically Transformed:  By any means, Magic, Psionic or otherwise.
Cybernetics or Bionics: None. Due to their inability to be transformed, they will eject any technological augmentations. 
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Super Soldiers stop aging all together.
Size: Slightly taller than humans; average height is 6 feet, six inches (1.95 m).
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle.

POWERS: Select THREE powers from the following list, Or a power of the GM's Choice. Each power can only be chosen once with the exception of powers 8 and 9. All powers subject to DM Approval.  These powers are ALL psionic in nature regardless of what is given to them or the source of the power itself. 

1. Extraordinary Intellect: Add 2d6+10 to I.Q. Gain +10% bonus to Perception skill. Gain 5 additional language skills.
2. Extraordinary Mental Endurance: Add 2d6+10 to M.E.  Needs a DC of 12 to save vs psionics. +6 vs Mind altering drugs, +6 save vs Horror Factor, +6 save vs possession. +1 to save vs magical illusions.
3. Extraordinary Mental Affinity: Add 2d6+10 to M.A. Gain 10% to seduction, pick pockets, and all skills of deception and slight of hand.
4. Extraordinary Physical Endurance: Add 2D6+10 to P.E. Add 3d6 to hit points, plus an additional 1d6 per level of experience.
5. Extraordinary Physical Prowess: Add 2d6+10 to P.P. attribute. Add 3d4 to Speed Attribute. Add one extra attack per melee. +3 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. Plus 10% to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as prowl, gymnastics, acrobatics, climb, etc.
6. Extraordinary Speed: Speed 220 mph (353 km, plus 20 miles (32 km) per level of experience. +20 to MDC/SDC. +1 attack per melee round. +1 on initiative every two level. +2 to strike. +3 to parry. +2 to pull punch. +4 to roll with punch or fall. +6 to dodge by moving, running or diving out of the way. +2 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action. +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of speed. The pest a punch or kick can do from a standing position is 40 mph (64 km), adding +8 to damage.
7. Extraordinary Strength: Add 2D6+10 to P.S. Can carry 100 times P.S. in pounds and can lift 200 times P.S. of weight in pounds.
8. Two Super Powers (Minor) from Heroes Unlimited or crafted by the DM. Cannot Purchase the same power twice.
9. One Super Power (Major) from Heroes Unlimited or crafted by the DM. Cannot Purchase the same power twice.
10. Master Psionic: - Choose 10 minor Psionic Powers, with two new power at levels, 3,6,9,12, and 15 and Choose 4 Super Psionic Powers, with a new power at levels, 3,6,9,12 and 15, or gain powers as a Burster Type R.C.C. (pick one).

R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy: American at 98%.
Mathematics: Basic ( + 20%)
Military: Etiquette (+20%)
Physical: Running, Body Building, Athletics and Forced March
Wilderness Survival (+ 25%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot Related: Weapon Systems: (+10%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
One W.P.'s of choice. (Ancient or Modern)
Hand to Hand: (Commando)

R.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of eight other skills. Plus two additional skills at levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: (May Choose One)
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Any
Mechanical: Any
Medical: Any (+10%)
Military: Any (+20%)
Pilot: (Tank and APC, Hovercraft) (+15%)
Pilot Related: (Any found in the Coalition Army)
Rogue: Any (+10%)
Science: Any 
Technical: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (Except Acrobatics)
W.P.: (Any)

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select five secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses ()-, All secondary skills start at the base skill level.  These skills are all subject to the conditions of the skills listed, (None, One, Any, Etc.)

[Image: uOjssAC.png?1]

DESCRIPTION: A Platinum Dragon is a product of both magic and science. This unknown process found an ancient link between humans and dragons that reached back into a prehistory.  Some scientist believe this proves Dragons were actually an evolutionary divergent from humans or that perhaps humans were an evolutionary divergent from them. Regardless there appears to be some connections as when these DNA strands were activated in some human subject it produced a full  fledge dragon. Only about 1% of human fetuses survived this process, so Platinum Dragon's are EXCEEDINGLY Rare. But they do exist.  Oddly enough the process seems to have been an experiment by the Coalition, so all known subjects are quite literally property of the state, (Trained Pets if you will).  Only three such subjects are known to have survived, one male and two females. Further tests and attempts to produce more have proven fruitless.

Attributes: The number of six-sided dice is as designated. 
I.Q. 3D6+6, M.E. 3D6+5, M.A. 3D6+12, P.S. 4D6+10, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 3D6+10, P.B. 3D6+16, Spd 2D6+10. (Flying 2d6 x10) Attributes are considered supernatural.
M.D.C.: 2D6 X10 +50 M.D.C. (+10 M.D.C. per level of experience. (Regenerate 1d10 M.D.C. per melee)
Hit Points: Are equal to P.E. +1d6x100+50 (+2d6 per Level).
Size: Grow into adulthood as would an average human.
Weight: Average 200 lbs. (90 kg) of muscle in human form
Horror Factor: 14; none if pretending to be a normal humanoid or creature.
P.P.E.: 2D6x10+10; +2d6+10 per Level of Experience.
Average Life Span: Immortal. After reaching ages of 20 to 25, Platinum Dragons stop aging all together.

Magical Knowledge: Dragons are born with full understanding of how magic works. Can Utilize Techno-wizard Devices without instruction, recognize and use other types of Magic Weapons. Can Read Magic and Use Scrolls. Gains +1 Spell Strength and can Learn 3 spells/level, Can cast 2 spells/melee round.
Recognize Magic Circles and Enchantments: 47% (5%/Level)
Sense Ley Line: 47%  (5%/Level)
Sense Ley Line Nexus: 47%  (5%/Level)
Sense Dragon's: Sense other Dragons at a range of 20 miles and recognize them in their line of sight instantly.
Chromatic Breath Weapon: May Choose between Fire (3d6 MD, 6ft wide area, 60ft range, 3 times /melee rnd), Ice (3d6 MD, 4ft wide area, 100ft range, 1 melee action), Lighting or Poison (Paralyzing Mist, 1d4+1 Minutes, 12ft wide area, 60ft range, 1 melee action, Successful save Negates for 24 hours). Once they become adults, they can utilize Plasma (5d6 MD, 6ft wide area, 80ft range, 3 times /melee rnd) and Light (4d6 MD, One Target, 200ft range, 1 melee rnd)
Nightvision: 200ft (61meters)
See Invisible: Can see Magically, Psionically, or Supernaturally Invisible subjects.
Fire and Cold Resistant: Half-Damage from such sources.
Impervious to Paralysis: Cannot be Paralyzed
Metamorphosis: Can transform and remain in their chosen shape with no time limit.
Teleport: 35% (+5% /level)
Master Psionics: Is considered a Master Psionic, and gains the following powers below. Psionic Save DC is 10.
- Choose 12 minor Psionic Powers, with a two new power at levels, 3,6,9,12, and 15, then 2 powers every 3 levels afterwards
- Choose 2 Super Psionic Powers, with a new power at levels, 3,6,9,12, and 15, then 1 power every 3 levels afterwards.
Master at Aerial Combat: +5 to Dodge and Parry while Air Borne, +4 to strike while Air Borne. This bonus applies to all forms of flying.
Platinum Dragon Bonuses: +1 Attack /melee rnd, +2 Initiative, +10% Perception Checks, +2 Strike, +3 Dodge and Parry, +4 to pull punch, +3 to Roll with Impact, +6 to save vs Horror, +3 vs Psionics and Mind Control, and +1 to All other Saving Throws

R.C.C. Skills:
Languages and Literacy, Speak and Write American 98%
Languages and Literacy, Speak and Write Elven/Draconic, (Genetic Memory) 96%/96%
Mathematics: Basic: 45% (+5%/level) Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication, Basic Geometry
Lore: Magic: The Study of Magic, (Genetic Memory)
Hand-to-Hand: Dragon (Genetic Memory)
Military: Etiquette: 35% (+5%/level) Navigating Military Structure, Rank and Life. Dealing with lower and higher Ranks. (GM - Trained by the Coalition.
Physical: Forced March: (+2 to P.E., +1d4 to Speed, +2d6 to M.D.C.)
Physical: Running: (+1 to P.E., +4d4 to Speed, +1d6 to M.D.C.)
Radio: Basic: 45% (+10%) (+5%/level) Operation of any Radio and Communications Equipment
W.P. Energy Pistol: Proficient with Energy Pistol's
W.P. Energy Rifle: Proficient with Energy Rifles

R.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of seven other skills. Plus one additional skill at levels three, seven, eleven and fifteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any
Domestic: (May Choose One)
Espionage: Any
Electrical: Any
Mechanical: None
Medical: Any (+10%)
Military: Any (+20%)
Pilot: (Any found in the Coalition Army) (+15%)
Pilot Related: (Any found in the Coalition Army)
Rogue: Any (+10%)
Science: None 
Technical: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (Except Acrobatics)
W.P.: (Any)

Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select Two secondary skills and One more special interest skill for a total of Three from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses ()-, All secondary skills start at the base skill level.  These skills are all subject to the conditions of the skills listed, (None, One, Any, Etc.)