(05-18-2017, 03:19 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome aboard. Glad to see the traps I set out worked.
The wookie template is the lone exception, but that one is fine.
If everyone here is still on board, I'll get a forum set up. I'll take up to six.
Okay thx for allowing my Wookie, If i may make a suggestion, to avoid extreme deadlines is that you may speend up to cp on Defense and/or strenght checks against damage, all in the spirit of the movies, as the heroes are very rarely severly damaged, when it happens its something like Lukes hand eg a mortal wound converted to a wound and a loss of a bodypart cant rember if it costeda forcepoint as well. Anyhow justa suggestion
Oh Must have been a sturdy trap to bring in a Wookie

Can't play Star Wars without a wookie. You gotta have big traps.
If it makes you feel any better, I've been playing off and on since I was 16. I'm 44 now. I'll let you do the math. I gauge my level of success by how much fun the players are having, not how many TPK's I can pull off. I set the adventure to fit the party, not punish the players for not reading my mind to know what they'll need to succeed. Have all your games been played like Game of Thrones in the Tomb of Horrors?

(05-18-2017, 09:24 AM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]Can't play Star Wars without a wookie. You gotta have big traps.
If it makes you feel any better, I've been playing off and on since I was 16. I'm 44 now. I'll let you do the math. I gauge my level of success by how much fun the players are having, not how many TPK's I can pull off. I set the adventure to fit the party, not punish the players for not reading my mind to know what they'll need to succeed. Have all your games been played like Game of Thrones in the Tomb of Horrors? 
Lol not all, but a lot of them actually remeind me of GOT, unless we had some kind of mitegatin mechanism aviable
oh yeah another question since i will play a character with a lot of military know, something that i myself lack for the most part. I Thought i could put dice in tactis or a similar skill skill to refelect the fact the my character knows a lot more than me, but will this skill be usable? or would it be a waste of vaulable skill points?
Suggested stats
Rahullu, wookie special forces wildresness fighter
Dex 3D+1
Bowcaster 3D+2 Heavy weapons 3D+2, Dodge 4D Blaster 4D Thrown weapons 3D+2
Know 2D+1 Survival 3D+1 tactics 3D+1
Mech 2D
Perc 3D+1 Search 4D Hide/sneak 4D Command 3D+2
Str 5D Brawling 6D
Tech 2D
Blaster rifle, powerpack, 6 throwing knifes, Ryyk blade, 500k, Medpack, komlink, Survival pack
Quote: Whhaart yrra gharroww (Im Sure!!! If we walk through the jungle they wont see us coming.)
Born on kashynk as the youngest of several siblings Rahullu was not your typical wookie, he had none of his spieces intresst in things mechanical, instead he wanderd the jungle and threes of Kashynk learning to fight and an survive something that often worried his mother Bracca, while his father Drowwon thought i would make him into a capable wookie and encouraged him. When he grew up he was one of the strongest wookies in his village, he would proably had no problem finding a mate. But he was taken as a slave in young years around 40 or so along with his brother Growwarha and sister Yllahnia. The sibling were taken by a Tadoshan rading party, but fought hard and killed sveral of their attackers, before being brought down by traqulizers. That caused Bracca to go into her rage and kill several of the tadoshans, so she was killed by a thermenal detonator. Rahullus father way away at the time and Rahullu has no idea if he is alive or dead. The siblings were separated and Rahullu was forced into heavy labour on a mining camp on a jungle planet. When the camp was attacked by rebels a months later he was freed he then considered himself to have a life debt to the rebels that saved him and joined them as a wilderness trooper. He is strong even for a wookie, something that sometimes causes trouble. Both for machines and the living.
Rahullu is a kind soul, but having lived as a slave he ha�s hidden that side. He mostly acts for the good of others but , he can be very nasty when he feels like it. Specially if pepole dont respect him. When he falls into the wookie rage he is like all wookies, not a very nice fellow. But unless someone threatens him, Rahullu usually give pepole a second try befire he rips their arms out. Rahullu respect most races and pepole unless they have slaves or are slavers. Such pepole will be ripped apart unless it would cause to much trouble for him.
Relations with others.
I'm in but a complete newbie when it comes to d6 Star wars.. so I will need a little help to build the above character.. I was thinking the ex-storm trooper (imperial ground assault vehicle pilot actually) so a Mercenary template would probably work but with decent pilot and mechanical skills.
(05-18-2017, 01:57 PM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: [ -> ]I'm in but a complete newbie when it comes to d6 Star wars.. so I will need a little help to build the above character.. I was thinking the ex-storm trooper (imperial ground assault vehicle pilot actually) so a Mercenary template would probably work but with decent pilot and mechanical skills.
I would make attributes something like this
Dex 3D+2, Know 2D, Mech 3D+2 Perc 3D Str 3D+2 tech 2D, decent fighter stats and the ability to drive or pilot. weak in repair and generall knowledge, but thats okay he had the equvivalent of the motorpool for repairs after all.
Dont remeber skills in first ed so good but dodge and blaster Heavy weapons, Brawling, drive, search would be recomended.
I still want to play but I've never made a character before. So count me as one of the 6 players.
(05-18-2017, 03:17 PM)noctum_carpe Wrote: [ -> ] (05-18-2017, 02:21 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [ -> ]I still want to play but I've never made a character before. So count me as one of the 6 players.
What you wanna play? I could give you a few pointers. 1 ed starwars is here.
Is playing some kind of droid not possible in this edition?
I am also still interested!
(Notcum_Carpe! I'm not sure if the species min/maxes were already in 1E, but I think the wookiee's PER max was 2D+1. Do either your or the GM know off-hand if 1E had the min/max in place or is that purely a 2E rule?)