So I feel I can devote enough time to keep a game going. What I really want to run is Cyberpunk 2020. Absolutely love that game. Probably won't find enough players willing to try. Probably too scary for them. Death comes too easy. But failing that, I do have the Iron Gods adventure path I recently bought on Humble. If I could find 4-6 players for that, I would run that easy. My goal is to post at least once in the evening on a daily basis. So who is up for what?
Cyberpunk 2020 isn't grabbing my interest at the moment, but I'm up for Pathfinder.
Hey MiB, glad you've been resurrected

I may be interested. I'll have to look up Cyberpunk 2020 though and or Iron Gods.
(02-18-2017, 09:22 PM)Man in Black Wrote: [ -> ]So I feel I can devote enough time to keep a game going. What I really want to run is Cyberpunk 2020. Absolutely love that game. Probably won't find enough players willing to try. Probably too scary for them. Death comes too easy. But failing that, I do have the Iron Gods adventure path I recently bought on Humble. If I could find 4-6 players for that, I would run that easy. My goal is to post at least once in the evening on a daily basis. So who is up for what?
I'd be interested in the Pathfinder game. IO could have a character ready in a hurry too :

(due to running a PF game at a local shop I have a bunch of pre-gen PF Society playable characters for drop in players)
Characters built on 20 points. No homebrew stuff. I have to be able to reference it in the SRD. I'm looking for concepts that fit the adventure and will work well in a group. The Iron Gods player guide is free. Please go through it to make sure your concept fits. A little strife in the party makes for entertaining roleplay. Antisocial behavior does not. I'm going to pick six good concepts. Any more than that I'll be happy to keep in reserve for the inevitable drops. Let me know if you have any questions.
I might be interested in a Pathfinder game too. Do you know what level you would want us to start at?
Well I thought the Cyberpunk shtick had promise, was actually getting into it. I was thinking of a Japanese Corporate type that actually practiced Martial Arts instead of using a chip, oh and using lots of minions... Oh well, sign me up for another Pathfinder adventure... Maybe Monks are good in Pathfinder, i'll have to look into that at some point.
I'll still get cyberpunk going in a couple of weeks. If I get more people, that is.