04-16-2016, 01:11 AM
![[Image: dez.png]](http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/vitkyng/dez.png)
Dez Synn
Former Cafarel, Spacer, Bartender
Race: Zeltron
Homeworld: Zeltros
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 1.8 m. / 5 ft., 11 in. (average for most Zeltrons)
Weight: 63.5 kg. / 140 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Crimson Red (Darkening near the roots)
Skin Color: Medium Pink
Class/Level: Scoundrel 2/Soldier 3
Xps: 12,250
Force Points: 7 [7]
Dark Side Points: 0
Background: Event (Crippled)
Initiative: +9 , Senses: Perception +8*
Languages: Basic, Binary, Huttese
Defenses: Ref 18 (16 Flatfooted), Fort 17, Will 16 (+5 to Ref when fighting defensively)
Hp: 25 (52) 18+1+1, 4+1+1, 6+1+1, 6+1+1, 8+1+1 = 52
Threshold: 17 (unwavering due to pain tolerance from crippled background)
Second Wind: 12
Speed: 6 squares
Base Attack: +4
Melee: +6
+6 unarmed , 1d3+4, b)
Ranged: +6
+7 (+ 8 PB) Heavy Blaster Pistol, 3d8+4 (+5 PB) energy, stun, S)
+7(+8 PB) E-11 Blaster stock folded (pistol), 3d8+4 (+5 PB), energy, stun, A/S)
(+2 on autofire)
+6 (+7 PB) E-11 Blaster w stock extended) (rifle), 3d8+2 (+3 PB), energy / stun, A/S)
(+1 on autofire / +4 braced)
Special Qualities:
*Empath-A Zeltron adds their Cha bonus to Perception checks, to sense deception and influence
Pheromones- A Zeltron gains a +5 species bonus to Persuasion checks to change attitudes
Abilities: STR 14(+2), Dex 15(+2), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 13(+1), Cha 14(+2)
(racial mods: -2 Wis, +2 Cha) (+1 Dex, & Wis, 4th)
Talents: Scoundrel (Spacehound*, ), Soldier (Weapon Specialization Pistol, Indomitable)
Indomitable - 1/day move +5 steps on condition track
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Silver Tongue, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Pistol), Weapon Proficiency (Pistol), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Weapon Proficiency (Starship Weaponry)*, Weapon Proficiency (Rifles)
Silver Tongue – You can intimidate or change an attitude as a Standard action.
Trained Skills: (6) Acrobatics (Dex) +9, Endurance (Con) +8, Initiative (Dex) +9, Perception (Wis) +8, Persuasion (Cha) +9, Pilot (Dex) +9,
Other Class Skills: Climb (Str) +4, Deception (Cha) +4, Gather Information (Cha) +4, Jump (Str) +4, Knowledge (all/tactics) (Int) +4, Mechanics (Int) +4, Stealth (Dex) +4, Swim (Str) +4, Treat Injury (Wis) +3, Use Computer (Int) +4
Background Bonus: Cybernetic Prosthesis (Right Arm)
Carrying Capacity: 98.0 kg./216.5 lbs
Utility Belt (500 cr., 4 kg)
Com unit
Food capsules: 3 days
Energy cell
Glow rod
Liquid cable dispenser w/ grappling hook
Credit Chip (100 cr., contains - 4,825 cr.)
Blaster Pistol (1,550 cr., 1 kg, Increased Damage +2, Quick Draw)
E-11 Blaster Rifle (retractable stock) (4.5 Kg)
2 x Merr-Sonn 'Flash' 4 Heavy Blaster pistols (1.3 kg)
Merr-sonn Model 44 Blaster pistol (650cr, 1 kg) (stock blaster pistol)
Merr-sonn Model Q2 Hold-out Blaster pistol (300 cr, 0.5kg) (stock hold-out blaster pistol)
6 x Power Packs
Holster (Hip, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
Holster (Hip, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
Holster (Ankle, 25 cr., 0.5 kg)
2 xSurvival Knife (100 cr., 1.4 kg)
1 x Stun Grenade (0.5 kg)
1x frag grenade (0.5 kg)
Combat Jumpsuit (8 kg) - (Reflex +4, Max Dex +4)
Helmet Hands-Free Comlink (1.1 kg)
Total Weight: 24.2 kg
Personality: Aspirations to be a cross between Dutch (Killjoys) and Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Background: Dez was born on Zeltros and took up the esteemed profession as a young cafarel. Being that unlike the hatred and prejudice afforded most non-humans and near-humans, Zeltrons are desired and wanted by many a crime lord and Imperial aristocrat alike for intimate companionship, she soon became the object of desire for an Imperial arms dealer. After several engagements with the man, his true nature came to fore, as he kidnapped Dez and made her his slave. He would often take out his frustrations and anger out on her, but his expertise in brutality knew how to bruise and never leave a lasting mark on her flawless skin.
All that changed one night, while Dez played the escort to her ruthless master in a port of call known for its large elements of scum and villainy. The arms dealer lost heavily at the sabbac tables and was humiliated by the chidings of some of the local gamblers. Heavy with drink, he also was convinced that Dez was showing way too much attention to certain others in the casino. Once inside his cabin, he lost his composure and beat her soundly. His final attack upon her battered form was aimed at her head to kill her, but weakly throwing up a defensive arm to protect herself, the man instead slashed off her right arm with one of the many weapons he carried for sale and show.
With a few well-placed creds, his problem was rolled in bed linens and hauled away. Her body was dumped into a forlorn culvert and that was supposed to be the end of Dez Synn, but luck would not fail her this night. Her body was recovered only hours later, by spacers passing by and hearing her faint moans of pain.
They were stunned to soberness, by the sight of the bloodied Zeltron female missing an arm and, though they looked, her saviors could not locate the missing appendage; likely dragged away and eaten by whatever horror scavenged the underground waterways there. Dez was hurried to their ship and taken immediately to the ship’s masterful surgeon.
When she awoke, Dez found that her wounds had been tended and the stump cleaned and sutured. After months of recovery she repaid the kindness, by learning the life of a spacer and working as part of the crew. Her personality and efforts drew the attention of the ship’s captain and Dez became a favored sight amongst the confines of the ship.
Then, sometime later, when she had saved up enough credits Dez was granted leave to board a hospital ship to have the specialists there fit her with a cybernetic replacement for her missing arm. Which they did. She returned to her ship soon after and trained extensively to improve her skills and learn how to handle weapons. She vowed, never again to fall prey to a sadistic individual without a fight.
Several years passed and saw Dez on her last shore leave. Only hours after departure, the ship and those aboard were obliterated by an Imperial destroyer convinced it was a ship full of pirates. To escape possible incarceration, death or worse, Dez caught a freighter out of the system and landed eventually on The Rock. It took no time, with her looks and talents to find employment doing whatever it took to survive...companion, bartender, and mercenary-for-hire.
The Rock was supposed to be a pit stop on her way to the core worlds but an offer from Holon Veil, the self styled Mayor of the Rock, kept her one night too long. For 1,000 credits Dez had to spend the night with the Kel-Dor. He was a gentlemen, in his own mind, to be sure and nothing bad happened. Dez recognized the stench of black-market goods, drugs, and other unsavory activities on Holon, having been involved with many patrons just like him. The problem was, and Dez was sure Holon arranged it, her transport left without her. Rumor had it that it didn't go far though with pirates and Imperials on the loose. To add insult to injury Holon only paid her 100 credits, said the rest went to protection. No one was allowed to lay a hand on her or face Holon's goons. Dez found easy work at the cantina earning credits as an exotic dancer, bartender, and occasionally bouncer.
Flick, Long's Duros master, quickly became attached to Dez after she started working the cantina, giving her credits, offering her a place to stay and even letting her ride aboard his tug. He was a functioning alcoholic, told the worst sleazy jokes, but was also sweet in his own way. He was a regular at first, always paying for Dez's company, trying to give big tips to make her happy. Dez considered him more friend than patron even though she knew he wanted to get into her pants.