"But who's going to protect you from the thugs outside? You could be terribly hurt!" She thinks for a moment then quickly picks up a broom and a large pot lid and hands them to you. "There you go. Use these to protect you while I watch from inside the house. The broom is weapon and the pot lid your shield. Bring your daddy home!"
James' father walks with two black bags filled with garbage from the back of the house to the side where he sees two girls standing in the walkway between Lisa and his (James') house. Hearing some commotion out front he calls to the girls, "What's going on there? Who are you?" He then
suddenly notices [Really? Rolled 73 and 85] two slightly rippling figures beside the girls. James' father freezes in place and whispers, "And what are those!"
He takes the broom in his right hand and the pot lid in the left. "Ok, my mom is officially crazy." He thinks to himself.
James rushes outside to his dad. "C'mon dad lets go inside. It's not safe out here." He says as he brandishes his pot lid and broom stick.
Ooc- what can James see at this point next to his dad? Will he point out the invisible creatures? Can he see Lisa and her father in any danger? I'm unable to make rolls atm.
[OoC: When you run outside you need to make two yellow intuition checks. You have an Excellent Intuition so you need to roll a 71. For each successful roll you can see a rippling effect on something transparent standing beside two pretty teenage girls (a blonde and a brunette).]
The brunette suddenly has a strange rippling effect cover her entire body (but she is not transparent). It's like the mirage effect that reflects off hot pavement on a hot summer's day. There is no light but you can hear the rain sizzle and then turn to steam before it touches her body. It has the effect of slightly warping her features making her difficult to identify.
Your father yells back at James, "Don't come any closer. Go back into the house!"
You peek past your father but from your vantage point you can't see much other than the two teenage girls and maybe the two people with the Predator-like effect hiding who they are.
"Dad, we have to go back inside! Mom is waiting for us!" James implores his father, knowing that if these kids are like him then they could be very dangerous. "Dad! C'mon!" He steps in front of his dad wielding the broom to protect him. A mouse might be scared of it or a patch of dirt...
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" James asks the intruders. If he doesn't like the answer he may just use his "bad breath" as he calls it.
[OoC: You still need to do your Intuition checks to see if you notice the two camouflaged people. ]
"What are you doing," your father says to you frantically. "You could get yourself hurt! You need to get inside the house and phone the police!"
Once Johnny leaves, your mom starts grilling you for answers. Your father on the other hand is trying to calm your mother down and explain that Johnny is just a young man who was just as confused about what was going on as the rest of us. He also expresses concern for his safety.
Your mother is then interrupted by a knock upon the door. She looks puzzled and wonders what else could happen tonight. When she opens the door she sees a bald man in a wheel chair with a beautiful Asian woman by his side who is holding an umbrella over their heads.
"Good evening," the man in the Wheelchair says warmly. "My name is Professor Charles Xavier. Might I have a word with you? It concerns your son." Your mother looks worried at first but something about the man tells her he doesn't mean any harm so she invites him inside. His chair floats into the air and into your house with the beautiful Asian woman following closely behind.
"A word with me?" James is caught off guard by the strange sight of the floating bald man, er professor, and the stunning Asian woman. He fidgets with his foggy glasses and smoothies his coat to look presentable.
Ooc - Asian woman = Lady Death Strike?? I'm screwed...

The Asian woman has long purple hair (and no long fingernails.

"Actually a word with you and your parents," the professor replies to James with a reassuring smile.
"I understand you all might be a little confused. While quite a bit happened tonight, I would like to focus upon the actions of your son and to offer you all a tremendous opportunity."
"Yeah? This is usually the point where you tell us a bunch of lies to butter us up before hitting us with a huge price tag," your father replies.
The Professor smiles.
"Actually Mr. Carter, this won't cost you anything. I'm here to offer your son a spot in my private school. The Institute for Extraordinary Youngsters. I assure you, we are one of the top schools in the country and we specialize in helping your son with his unique gift."
"Unique gift," your mom asks. She then looks at you and asks, "James, do you know what he is talking about?
How does he know, James thinks. I can't tell my mom she'll freak out. Dad probably knows by now, Christ he saw me just a moment ago and the time I sneased... "Ummm I'm not sure I know what you are talking about mister.... Di-didn't you say something about.. tonight and what happened?" He tries to change the subject.
The Professor waits for a reply from James. Then after a few moments he says, "James' unique gift is with the violin, of course. We feel he would benefit from my academy. We have some of the finest teachers in the world."
~Hello James,~ You suddenly hear in your mind what sounds like the professor's voice. No one else seems to notice. ~Don't be frightened. I am a mutant like you. I'm here to see if you would like to join my school for young mutants with powers like you possess. You have a wonderful gift and I would like to help you learn how to use them.~
"Violin," your mother exclaims! "I didn't think he was that good. I mean as a mother I think everything James does is amazing."
"Right, honey," she says to you reassuringly.
"But to be good enough for a special school seem a little... umm... surprising," your mother says suspiciously.
Your father jumps in and asks, "And exactly how much is this going to cost?"
"Nothing at all," the professor replies. "The tuition as well as any other costs, including books and residence is all paid for by the Institute."