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Megtaláltam a régi trait jegyzeteimet! Vsz nem teljes, nem végleges, és legfőképp irreleváns  Big Grin  de a rögzítés kedvéért:

Torn Chains of Love (A Szeretet Tépett Lánca)
  • +1/+2 Attack
  • Free weapon 
  • Trip bonus(?)
  • Alignment restriction
You have been painfully separated from your family at an early age but you inherited a spiked chain (short or long one, your choice). You embraced this artifact as the only token of your origin and spent your juvenile years honing its skills. Even though you haven't mastered it, you still handle it better than most.

  • You start playing with the weapon of your choice. If it's a masterwork weapon, it costs half the shop price.
  • You gain +1 trait bonus on attack with spiked chains (both short and long). If it's enchanted as a Holy weapon, the trait bonus on attack increases to +2. Note that this does not make you automatically proficient with the weapon so any nonproficiency penalties may still apply.
  • Choose one of the following:
    - You are considered to have Two-weapon fighting feat for purposes of using the long spiked chain as a double weapon (without reach), provided that you meet the prerequisites (Dex 15).
    - You receive a +2 trait bonus on trip attempts with spiked chains (both short and long).

  • If you unwittingly wound any good creature, or a non-evil creature of your own race (regardless of alignment) with this weapon, the trait bonus is negated (0) until you atone your misdeeds. If you deliberately committed the act, the bonus turns into a penalty (-1/-2) instead. The penitence is determined case by case. If you fail to be honest during your confession or atonement, you lose the trait forever.
Returned from Dust (Földből a Felszínre)
  • Stonecunning bonus
  • Spelunking bonus
  • Knowledge (dungeoneering)
  • Agoraphobia (if lost, penalty on Wisdom based skills)
You have grown up underground, or lived there enslaved what seemed to be a lifetime. Dealing with mines and crevices you don't feel the safety of stone aboveground.

  • You gain the dwarven racial feature "stonecunning" to automatically notice unusual stonework but without the +2 bonus. If you already have this racial feature then you gain a +1 trait bonus to the rolls instead (stacks with the racial bonus or with the Improved Stonecunning feat).
  • You can ignore part of spelunking consequences. As long as your ACP is -2 or better you can ignore the first -2 penalty on attacks and checks. As long as your ACP is -3 to -4 you can ignore the first -1 penalty on attacks and checks.
  • You gain +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (dungeoneering) and it is always a class skill for you.

  • You are afraid of vast open spaces, especially aboveground. While in open space (a meadow or a market square, for example) you suffer a -2 trait penalty to all Wisdom checks and Wisdom based skill checks. If lost in a city or wilderness this penalty increases to -4.
Hunted Game (Űzött Vad)
  • Detect Traps
  • Saves
  • Disable(?)
  • Kobold diplomacy / bluff
You have grown up in a tribal community of minors, probably kobolds. You have learned how to socialise with them but you are usually meek when facing others, so they usually treat this as a sign of you being inferior.

  • You gain +2 trait bonus to Perception checks to detect traps.
  • You gain +1 trait bonus to saves vs traps.
  • You gain +2 to disable device when dealing with traps and disable device is always a class skill for you.

  • You have the mindset and charm of an average kobold (+4 trait bonus to Diplomacy with kobolds but -4 trait penalty to Diplomacy with anyone else).
Phoenix (?Viharmadár?)
  • Save bonus vs 2 elements
  • Alchemy bonus
  • Compulsion to save others
Salvage Specialist (Újrahasznosítási Szakértő)
  • 10% shop prices
  • Appraise bonus
  • Detect magic Mending 1/day
  • Reluctant to use consumables
Pest Hunter (?Féreghajtó?)
  • +1 Perception and Sense Motive vs rodents
  • +1 Attack
  • +1 Knowledge
  • Pest odor (bath negates bonus)
Undead Bane (Hullavadász)
  • Negative energy resist
  • Channel energy bonus
  • Save bonus
  • Glowing eyes when encountering undead
Snorkling Champion (Riverside Hero, ?Falu Hőse?)
  • Swim
  • Hold breath
  • Survival bonus in aquatic environment
  • Not in medium / heavy armor except non-metallic medium armor
Dragon Scholar (Sárkányszakértő)
  • Know arcana related to dragons
  • Save bonus vs breath (dodge)
  • Automatic language: draconic
  • Diplomacy / bluff
Hüvelyk Matyi (Tom Thumb)
  • Dodge vs Huge+
  • Point Blank Shot vs Huge+
  • Charge bonus vs Huge+
  • Overprotective
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Aham, igazad lehet nem ez volt a végleges, legalábbis a Salvage Specialist esetében a detect magic cserélve lett valamire úgy emlékszem, de fogalmam sincs már mire.
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Talán 0. szintű mendingre vagy hasonló?
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igen, mendingre, fürdés közben nekem is eszembe jutott.
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