Don't touch the tail of the cow
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
This quote/video was from a hungarian child lyric / song:
The Turk and the cows
There was a Turk, Mehemet
He has never seen cows
Mehmet didn't even know
What cows are
Then once Mehemet
He sees lot of cows
I am Mehemet
We are the cows
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Counting Mehemet
How many kind are the cows
So Mehemet counts
Three kinds of cows
White, black and a variegated
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over
This quote/video was from a hungarian child lyric / song:
The Turk and the cows
There was a Turk, Mehemet
He has never seen cows
Mehmet didn't even know
What cows are
Then once Mehemet
He sees lot of cows
I am Mehemet
We are the cows
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Counting Mehemet
How many kind are the cows
So Mehemet counts
Three kinds of cows
White, black and a variegated
Don't touch the tail of the cow
Wondering Mehemet
Such are cows
Mehmet didn't even know
And the cows kicked him over