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Game rules/ House Rules
Hexblade Curses [Feats]

Curse of Distraction [Hex]

Your Hexblade's curse can distract your opponent, making spellcasting difficult for him.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, hexblade's curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, your victim must make a Concentration check in order to cast a spell. As a hexblade's curse the DC equals 15 + Spell level. As a greater curse, the DC is 20 plus spell level. As a Dire curse the DC is 25 + Spell level.

Curse of Failure [Hex]

Choose a saving throw. Your hexblade's curse reduces your victim's ability to succeed with those saves.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you may choose to impose a -4 penalty on the saves of the chosen saving throw attempted by your victim. As a greater curse the penalty increases to -6, and finally -8 as a Dire curse.

Curse of Ignorance [Hex]

Choose two skills. Your hexblade's curse can reduce your victim's ability to use those skills.
Prerequisite: Curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you may choose to impose a -5 penalty on all skill checks of the chosen skills made by your victem. -10 as a greater curse, -15 as a dire curse.

Curse of Paranoia [Hex]

Your hexblade's curse causes your victim to become paranoid, forcing him to watch his back for enemies that don't exist.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, the bonus your allies recieve due to flanking increases to +3 against your victim, +4 as a greater curse and +6 as a dire curse.

Curse of Sloth [Hex]

Your hexblade's curse can slow your victim.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can choose to cut your victim's movement by one-quarter (rounded down). This affects all forms of movement. As a greater curse, the penalty is 1/2, as a dire curse the penalty is 3/4 (Minimum 5 feet).

Curse of the Stricken [Hex]

Your hexblade's curse hampers your enemy's armor.
Prerequisite: Any other two hex feats, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can reduce the protective quality of your victim's armor. As a hexblade's curse the victim's armor bonus decreases by -2 (minimum +0). As a greater curse, the penalty incrases to -4, as a dire curse the penalty increases to -6.

Curse of the Softened Blade [Hex]

Your hexblade's curse hampers your enemy's weapons.
Prerequisites: Any other two hex feats, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can reduce the potency of one of your victim's weapons. As a hexblade's curse the cursed weapon deals -2 points of damage (Minimum 1), as a greater curse this penalty increases to -4, and as a dire curse this penalty increases to -6.

Empower Curse [Hex]

Your curses are more potent.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: Your hexblade's curse bestows penalties 1 point greater than normal. Thus, your hexblade's curse imposes -3 penalties instead of -2 penalties, your greater hexblade's curse imposes -5 penalties and your dire hexblade's curse imposes -7 penalties.

Extend Curse [Hex]

Your hexblade's curse lasts significantly longer.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: Your hexblade's curse ability lasts 24 hours.
Normal: Your hexblade's curse ability lasts for 1 hour.

Foe of the Unlucky [Hex]

You may use your manipulation of bad luck to hamper your foes.
Prerequisite: Curse ability
Benefit: You may spend a use of your hexblade's curse ability to force an enemy who just confirmed a critical hit to reroll his confirmation roll. He must take the result of the second roll. You may not use this ability more than once per round.
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Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 08-07-2015, 02:50 AM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 10-06-2015, 09:42 PM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 10-23-2015, 07:21 PM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 01-19-2016, 06:19 AM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 03-13-2017, 04:14 PM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 04-06-2019, 03:17 PM
RE: Game rules/ House Rules - by GM Marvel - 04-12-2021, 05:19 PM

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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.