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Malcolm's (Malcontent) & Johnny B Dorm Room
[OoC: I just wanted to remind everyone that I'm usually limiting Maximum damage against other teens to Good 10.  Some exceptions are, a Special attack or a BBEG like Magneto needing to lay the smack down.  Also if you have Body resistance, Iron Skin, Energy Sheath or one of the other various resistances, you may be hit a bit harder than people without the protection.  I will be fair and not have every attack penetrate your protection or there would be no point in having resistances.  For example, the blob was hit hard by Samba's heat, so it used it's special attack (that it can't use every round) to wallop her back.  But she also took no damage from the fall out the window.  When Ballista blasted Static, I said he blew the wall out but Static wouldn't have taken more than 10 damage.  

I'm doing this so you teens aren't taken out too quickly.  There are special attacks like stunning that can't be avoided but I am thinking of a way to lower the duration so it doesn't take people out so long.  If Saleem were a player, it would have really sucked if he were out of combat for 10 turns.  So I will figure something out for those types of powers.  Maybe 1d6 minus the 10's digit of endurance (min 1 turn).  So if your Endurance is RM 30 and I roll a 5 then you would be stunned for 5-3=2 turns.]

[OoC: Also they have no rules for changing the type of damage you can do with a weapon.  For example, Wolverine never tries to hit targets with the side of his claws.  In D&D an improvised weapon gives a penalty of -4 (-20%) to hit and does less damage (1d4) which I think is too much.  So I think giving a penalty of -2cs is enough when trying to use a weapon in a way it wasn't originally intended.  

So when applying the above rules the -2cs to Gedeon's attack, she still hits, but just barely and unless Gedeon is saying she would like to do a special maneuver (Which should be limited to desperate or dramatic situations) her damage is limited to Good 10.  

I hope this all sounds fair.]


Gedeon runs over and smacks Trevor with the blunt of her blade.  He cries out with pain.  Then Interface tries to stun him but he misses.

While Malcolm effortlessly lifts Samba up to the window and inside the Dorm Room, Jack goes and checks on Saleem who just drools a bit.

11 Saleem [Stunned 9 rounds]
10 Donya
8 Antlion
8 Creature: 20 damage
6 Ballista: 10 damage
6 Gedeon
6 Interface
6 Malcolm
5 Static: 6+6+10 = 22damage
4 Spectrum: 12 damage and Stunned for 1 more round
3 Aurum: 10 damage + 2 healing=8 damage
3 Graffiti
2 Brittany: 16 damage+10 damage=26
1 Samba: 14 damage

[It's now Aurum, Graffiti, Britany, Samba, and Donya's turns.]
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RE: Jack (Static C.) & Malcolm's (Malcontent) Dorm Room - by GM Marvel - 08-19-2015, 03:43 PM

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